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FRYSC Advisory Councils Partners in Progress. The Reason . Councils are referenced in KRS 156.497--FRYSC legislation. Advisory Councils.
The Reason • Councils are referenced in KRS 156.497--FRYSC legislation Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Advisory Councils • FRYSC Advisory Councils provide input and recommendations on the planning, development, implementation and coordination of center services, programs and activities. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Councils are responsible for certain duties according to the biannual Master Agreement between the school district and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Advisory Council Bylaws • Advisory Councils operate under a set of bylaws that were approved with the original application, or amended bylaws that have been approved by the Advisory Council, district designee and Regional Program Manager • Bylaws should be reviewed a minimum of every two years. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Advisory Council Assurances Page • Center Name: School District: • I assure that the local advisory council was actively involved in the planning and development of this Continuation Program Plan and, upon funding, shall assume and perform the following roles and responsibilities: • As stated in the Master Agreement, the Advisory Council has had a shared role in the hiring of the center coordinator by recommending the applicant to the Superintendent either directly or through the School Based Decision Making Council if one is in place; • Oversight of center purchase requests through approval of annual budget and amendments to the center operating budget over 10% of a code; • Written documentation of Advisory Council approval for purchases over $500 and/or contracts over $1,000; • Review of out-of-state travel requests for center staff; • Oversight of center expenditures on at least a quarterly basis; • Strive for a collaborative relationship with the principal(s) and the School Based Decision Making Council(s), if in place; • Oversight of the center's action components and any revisions with regard to achievement of goals and measurable objectives, based upon current needs as assessed; • Brainstorming and planning for new and innovative services, activities and programs for the center, based upon current needs as assessed; • Assistance in public relations and public awareness for the center through advocacy; • Assistance in outreach to other community representatives for services and support through the center; • All advisory council meetings and special called meetings shall be advertised and conducted in accordance with KRS 061.805-850; and, • The advisory council will meet at a minimum every other month year-round. • ________________________ ______________ • Advisory Council Chairperson Date Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Personnel issues… • The council is to have a shared role in the hiring of the center coordinator. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Administrative issues... • Meetings should be scheduled by the council with appropriate public notice. • (Examples: Email your local paper and radio station, post in school paper, post at schools) Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Meeting Minutes . . . • Agendas and detailed, accurate minutes should be kept on file at the center for public inspection. Minutes should include date, members present, overview of activities, discussion, action, decisions, etc. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Collaboration issues... • The council should actively collaborate with the SBDM, PTA/O, School Board and school administrators for the benefit of the students served by the center. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Programmatic issues... • The council is to have input and make recommendations regarding the planning, development, and coordination of services and programs for the center. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Continuation Program Plan • The council is to have a shared role in the planning and development of the center’s continuation program plan based on FRYSC Needs Assessments, school and county data. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Needs Assessment Data • Centers are required to disseminate Needs Assessments to parents and school staff every two years, at a minimum, in conjunction with developing the two year Continuation Plan. YSCs are also required to survey students to obtain input on their needs. • Data should be used in determining the types of programs and services that centers will implement. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Needs Assessments • At a minimum, the FRYSC Needs Assessments should contain questions that pertain to the Core Components for Centers. While there are no standardized Needs Assessments, there are several good examples on the FRYSC website. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Local Supporting Data • In addition to FRYSC Needs Assessment data, school and county data such as attendance rates, dropout rates, teen pregnancy rates, literacy rates, etc, should also be used in the Continuation Plan. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Implementation and Results • The format for Continuation Plans changed for 2008-2010. We now use the term “Outcomes” rather than Objective and the plan now has a section on Implementation and Results rather than Impact. • It is important that Advisory Councils carefully review the Impact/Results section of the plan to see what the center has achieved and provide recommendations on improving. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Quarterly Budget Review • The Advisory Council should review the budget and expenditures on a quarterly basis at a minimum. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Budget Amendments • Budget amendments that exceed 10% of a line item or $100 must be discussed in an Advisory Council meeting and noted in the minutes. A Budget Amendment form must be submitted for approval and a Request Form must be signed by the Coordinator, Advisory Council Chair, the District Contact and the Regional Program Manager. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Public Relations . . . • The council is to assist with public relations and community awareness of the center and its programs. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Evaluation issues... • The council should work with center staff to evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of programs and activities. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
The Advisory Council . . . • has no supervisory authority over center staff. • cannot meet in closed session. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Role of Chairperson • It is recommended that a parent serve as Chairperson • The coordinator shall confer with the Chairperson to prepare the meeting agenda • Chair is responsible for signatures for certain documents, but items that need to be signed should be discussed first in an Advisory Council meeting. • (AC Assurances, Continuation Plan Checklist, Request for Approval to make budget changes, Action Plan changes, purchases over $500 and contracts over $1,000) Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Membership Requirements • A minimum of one-third parents/guardians (Anyone who has legal custody of a student) • A maximum of one-third school staff (anyone employed by the local BOE in any capacity) • Community representatives (business, state agencies, non-profit agencies, etc.) • YSCs and FRYSCs must include at least two students and they are counted as voting members. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Advisory Councils must be comprised of members who represent the socio-economic, gender, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the community. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Voting . . . • Staff of the center or positions paid by FRYSC funds MAY NOT serve as voting members or officers. • Principals and District Contacts are strongly recommended to serve as ad-hoc or ex-officio (non-voting) members. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Meeting Requirements: • Meetings must be held AT LEAST every other month. • Meetings must be scheduled and advertised in accordance with KRS 61.800-850 – Open Meetings of Public Agencies. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Relationship with SBDM Centers should provide periodic oral or written reports of center activities to the SBDM. Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Best Practices Create notebooks for each member with: • AC membership information • Bylaws • Budget and narrative • Action Components • Meeting schedule for the year. • Add sections for future agendas, meeting minutes, and notes. • FRYSC Fact Sheet from FRYSC website Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Best Practices • Provide orientation for new members • Set meeting dates in advance • Work with Chair to create agenda and send out with letter in advance of each meeting • Send a reminder email or phone call • Share FRYSC calendar of events • Welcome letter for new members • “Missed you at the meeting” notices Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Advisory Councils are truly... Partners in Progress