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Tech Tool Trends 2014

Tech Tool Trends 2014. Cynthia Dudenhoffer MLA 2014. Just Google the term to find the site! They are all free, web based and require no downloads. Many also have a smartphone version. Many of them are cooler if you use an RSS reader, blog, tweet, have a smartphone, etc.

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Tech Tool Trends 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tech Tool Trends 2014 Cynthia Dudenhoffer MLA 2014

  2. Just Google the term to find the site! They are all free, web based and require no downloads. Many also have a smartphone version. Many of them are cooler if you use an RSS reader, blog, tweet, have a smartphone, etc. Many are cooler if you choose to buy the “pro” version

  3. A - Animoto B - Buncee C - Crowdgrader D – Dictation.io E - Edpuzzle

  4. E - Edpuzzle F – Flippety.net G – Google NGram H - Heganoo

  5. J - Jux L- LaLo.li M - Mozaiq.org N – NowComment

  6. O – Odyssey.js P - Posterini Q - Qixshr R - ResearchReady S – Smilebox and Strut.io

  7. T - Talkminer U - UrTurn V - Visme W - Widbook Z - ZeeMaps

  8. What did we learn? Tools must be prettier, slicker, multi-platform to exist We love manipulating other people’s stuff We love oversharing with the world! Educators like to share! Its not enough to do one thing!

  9. Thanks! Cynthia Dudenhoffer Director of Information Resources Central Methodist University cmdudenh@centralmethodist.edu cyn@librariancyn.com Twitter & FB: librarian_cyn

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