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Presentation Transcript

  1. PowerPoint Template Neil Patel ACS

  2. Keep it Simple, Silly

  3. 1. Keep it Simple, Silly • Use black & white slides • Use easy to read font • Use large fonts

  4. Keep it Simple, Silly------------------------------------------------- • Use Lists

  5. 2. Use Lists Lists make it easy for the audience to follow along and take notes.

  6. Keep it Simple, Silly------------------------------------------------- • Use Lists------------------------------------------------- • Don’t Abuse Visuals

  7. 3. Don’t Abuse Visuals Use visuals only when they are needed because they can distract your audience.

  8. Keep it Simple, Silly------------------------------------------------- • Use Lists------------------------------------------------- • Don’t Abuse Visuals------------------------------------------------- • Less Is More

  9. 4. Less Is More Try to limit the amount of text on each slide or else the audience will just read your slides. (just like you are doing now)

  10. Keep it Simple, Silly------------------------------------------------- • Use Lists------------------------------------------------- • Don’t Abuse Visuals------------------------------------------------- • Less Is More------------------------------------------------- • Be Professional

  11. 5. Be Professional • When using videos embed them. • When embedding images, use stock photography.

  12. Keep it Simple, Silly------------------------------------------------- • Use Lists------------------------------------------------- • Don’t Abuse Visuals------------------------------------------------- • Less Is More------------------------------------------------- • Be Professional------------------------------------------------- • Build Your Brand

  13. 6. Build Your Brand Add your company logo on every slide and wrap up your PowerPoint with your contact information.

  14. Slides Have questions? Contact me. Neil Patel (562) 292-3834 neil@acsseo.com www.acsseo.com

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