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The Proposed Fermilab Role. Discussions with the QUIET Collaboration on the Fermilab role evolved over 2 years. Our Goals are: To have a healthy intellectual partnership between Fermilab and the QUIET collaboration. To have a proper role for a National Lab.
The Proposed Fermilab Role • Discussions with the QUIET Collaboration on the Fermilab role • evolved over 2 years. • Our Goals are: • To have a healthy intellectual partnership between Fermilab and • the QUIET collaboration. • To have a proper role for a National Lab. • To use lab resources carefully and efficiently, building upon and • enhancing the existing facilities for future projects.
Discussions with the QUIET Collaboration Our Goal: to learn the science and the experimental techniques and develop role for the lab Built Modest Calibration Tools for QUIET Phase I 3 trips to CIT/JPL 1 trip to Chile to take Phase I shifts Hosted a QUIET Collaboration Meeting at Fermilab in June 09 Access to Phase I Data
Commissioning Detector using Rotating Sparse Wire Grid Polarizer
Our Proposed Involvement in QUIET Phase II Assembly of ~1500 W-band Polarization Analyzer Modules A 2-year production run Technical Challenges Precision Placement of 106 components Components as small as 200 m x 200 m Very delicate HEMT components A critical need for QUIET Phase II. The collaboration invited us to take on this role. Precision control of silver epoxy die bonding Over 200 wirebonds per module Harsh Cryogenic and Vacuum Environment
Meeting the Production Goals Utilize Coordinate Measurement Machines to Perform Automated Assembly Upgrade Machines with powerful Labview and Vision System Software Strong interests from ATLAS and CMS in using automated assembly tools at Fermilab for the LHC silicon detector upgrades A natural synergy between QUIET and Fermilab/HEP Work to be performed at the Fermilab Sidet Facility
Micro Assembly Tools New Tools for Die Bonding Automated Wirebonding Machines at Sidet Facility Will perform R&D of bonding mechanical strength in vacuum and cryogenic environment: R&D to Guarantee High Assembly Yield Reduces Need for Extensive Cryogenic Production Testing.
Quality Assurance is Critical Inspection Thermal Cycling of Modules Warm Module Operations Testing Cold Module Operations Testing Management and Documentation Environment, Safety, and Health These are included in our cost and labor estimates VNA test stations at JPL used for production testing and debugging of modules We will replicate these test stations at Fermilab.
Summary We’d like to propose a Fermilab/DOE partnership with QUIET-II Project Construction Tasks Delivery of 1500 W-band modules in 2 year production run Integration and commissioning of 1 Receiver at Fermilab Calibration tools and window engineering analysis Request to Fermilab/DOE: Project Cost = $ 1.4M (base) + $0.4M (contingency) Operations Cost = $ 200K Technical and Engineering Labor Included Scientific Labor not Included Production tooling material costs (NSF would provide funds for detector material costs) Contribution to Chile site operations cost (~50 K$/year/institution) Funds for Travel to Chile for Shifts and Installation
Summary Preliminary (<100 hours) History of Intellectual Leadership and Core for a Strong Scientific Team. Dodelson and Stebbins were among the first to understand the importance of primordial CMB polarization. Expertise in RF, detector fabrication, and cryogenics. The QUIET Collaboration is inviting us to take on a very important role. Enthusiastic technical and engineering staff A great follow-up project to DECAM, and would finish before starting the LHC silicon upgrades. We believe this project is a GREAT fit for Fermilab. QUIET Phase I Map of Galaxy Power in Q-band D. Butler, J. Korienek, C. Lindenmeyer, W. Newby, J. Wilson. Not pictured: J. Montes, R. Rucinski, K. Schultz
Time line of QUIET R&D at Fermilab • DeJongh and Nguyen visited JPL in Dec 08, entered discussions • with Winstein and JPL staff on QUIET. • Rotatable Wire Grid delivered to collaboration in Feb 09 • Received W-band module fabrication notes from JPL in April 09 • Nguyen to take shifts in Atacama, Chile in May 09 • Hosted a QUIET Collaboration and • Phase II meeting at Fermilab in June 09 • B. Winstein’s presentation to PASAG in July 09 • Fritz Dejongh visited JPL and SLAC in July 09 to discuss production • module testing • Joint PPD/FCPA review of QUIET in August 09 • QUIET Collaboration submits Phase II proposal to NSF in mid August • Supportive Endorsement of QUIET and CMB by PASAG 2009 • Presentation to the laboratory PAC • Recognition as a DOE project Completed Our hope