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19 th SA Local Government Roads & Works Conference 2011

19 th SA Local Government Roads & Works Conference 2011. Roles & Responsibilities of Senior Staff and Elected Members. Presented by: Michael Kelledy, Partner Natasha Jones, Partner. Role of Elected Members and CEO/Senior Staff.

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19 th SA Local Government Roads & Works Conference 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 19th SA Local Government Roads & Works Conference 2011 Roles & Responsibilities of Senior Staff and Elected Members Presented by: Michael Kelledy, Partner Natasha Jones, Partner

  2. Role of Elected Members and CEO/Senior Staff see it in the context of the objectives and functions of local government two general functions: • governance • service delivery

  3. Governance policy formulation strategic planning regulation community development budgeting advocacy

  4. Service delivery consideration of local needs resource and efficiency measures accessibility and equity ‘business like’ approach

  5. Local Government Act 1999 The Local Government Act 1999 recognises the separation of responsibilities: Section 58 – roles of principal member Section 59 – roles of members Section 99 – role of CEO

  6. Local Government Act 1999 the Act is a mechanism for the separation of distinct but complementary roles of Elected Members and CEO/Senior Staff final responsibility and accountability rests with the elected body the elected body has responsibility to make the choices that create the future for the community it serves

  7. The Framework Role is to plan strategic direction, set the organisation’s goals, lead the organisation, make the policies, and evaluate and support the Chief Executive Officer Governing Body A separation of powers, but implemented in partnership Accountability & Support Role is to implement strategic plans, policies and lawful decisions made by the governing body, develop staff policies, and organise, support and evaluate the staff Chief Executive Officer Accountability & Support Role is to perform duties under the instructions and direction of the Chief Executive Officer and to provide support to the governing body Senior Staff

  8. The Framework Q What is the ‘binding agent’ that causes the recipe of governing body/CEO/Senior Staff to work? A Good Corporate Governance

  9. What is achieved by Good Corporate Governance? “Companies whose standards of corporate governance are high are more likely to gain the confidence of investors and support for the development of their business” A Council which operates at this level is more likely to have the confidence of the community and support for the fulfilment of its strategic direction

  10. Principles of good governance Accountability Values Leadership Transparency Community engagement

  11. Foundation of Good Governance Honest communication and Respectful co-operation

  12. Local Government Act & Other Legislation Council Corporate Entity Elected Members Governing Body CEO/Senior Staff/Other Staff Administration

  13. Typical responsibilities of the governing body: governing the organisation by establishing broad policies and objectives selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of the CEO ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources accounting to the stakeholders for the organisation’s performance acting honestly and bona fide (in good faith)

  14. Exercise of powers By the governing body: • in formal meeting By the CEO/Senior Staff: • under legislation • under delegation • by authorisation

  15. The Keys! understanding roles and responsibilities recognising the ‘relationship’ (EQ) honest communication, respectful co-operation leadership from Elected Members and CEO/Senior Staff

  16. Leadership the capacity to translate vision into reality without execution is hallucination

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