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HIFI ILT Readiness Review Aug 15-16, 2006 Instrument Stability. Jacob Kooi, Caltech Volker Ossenkopf, SRON/Koln Michael Olberg, Chalmers Rudolf Schieder, Koln David Teyssier, ESAC. J. Radiometry (David Teyssier). Total Power Stability (100-200 spectra, ¾ WBS, 1s readout rate)
HIFI ILT Readiness ReviewAug 15-16, 2006Instrument Stability Jacob Kooi, Caltech Volker Ossenkopf, SRON/Koln Michael Olberg, Chalmers Rudolf Schieder, Koln David Teyssier, ESAC
J. Radiometry (David Teyssier) • Total Power Stability (100-200 spectra, ¾ WBS, 1s readout rate) B1-5: every 4 GHz B6-7: 52 freq/LO-band L1. IF Stability (LO-off, mixer biased at 8mV) • IF2 on, IF 1 off • IF2 on, IF 1 on and temperature stabilizing • IF2 on, IF 1 on temperature stabilized L2. System Stability (2 LO freq/band) • TP System Gain Stability • Load-Chop Differential System Stability • Internal Load Differential System Stability • Frequency Switching Differential Stability L3. Parametric Stability (2 stable, 2 unstable LO freq/band) • LO Standing Wave stability scan • Stability as a function of Vbias • Stability as a function of Ibias (change Plo) • Stability as a function of B-field • Stability as a function of Diplexer position Overview HIFI-ILT Stability Tests
Overview HIFI-ILT Interactive Analyses • Standard HK (During Test Session) • Quick Look Analyses (QLA) During Test Session (night time) • -At start new measurement show WBS Comb, attenuation setting, illumination. • -Basic HK values such as bias, B-field, frequency (n. a. here), temperature etc. • -For each measurement (obsid) show T.P. vs time for the 4 WBS sub-bands • (for each sub-band take mean of all channels). 2 polarizations 2 plots, 8 curves. • -For each measurement (obsid) show TP vs time for HRS zero lag channel. • 2 polarizations 1 or 2 plots. • Keep track of possible bad scans (TP variation >= 5%). • -Record obsid of each stability measurement (table). This can be used in QIA • Quick IA (QIA). Day after Test Session to provide feedback to operators • -From the obsid stability table (QLA), batch-generate: • -A table with flagged total power vs time variations >= 5%. (can be a variable). • -Batch calculate for each passed obsid: • -Total power Allan variance for each (H+V) WBS & HRS channel • -Spectroscopic Allan variance for each (H+V) WBS & HRS channel (zero order baseline subtraction). • -Display in a 3x3 matrix for each obsid (WBS and HRS in separate pages): • -Time series of the average WBS level (H + V, 2 curves). • -Time series of room, cryostat, and spectrometers temperatures • -Averages bandpass vs. IF frequency (H + V, 2 curves). • -Normalized total power Allan variance for each sub-band and full spectrometer (V + H) • -Normalized spectroscopic Allan variance for each sub-band and full spectrometer (V + H) • -Difference spectrum of two subsequent 200s bins (H + V). This shows platforming. • -Color plot of normalized total power Allan variance for each spectrometer channel • - Calculate and Display for each spectrometer (WBS and HRS) • -Ta where radiometer noise equals drift noise (each sub band + total spectrometer) • -Ta’ for which the total noise exceeds twice the radiometer noise. • -Ta’’ for which the total noise exceeds 50% of the radiometer noise. (Compare with the theoretical variances.) • -Equivalent noise fluxuation bandwidth for each radiometer sub-band. • -Slope of the drift term (Beta) • -Display HK data such as bias, frequency, spectrometer settings • -Ability to write certain, or all graphs, to file.
1. Radiometery -Obtain TP stability alongside each Radiometry LO frequency setting. • 2. IF Stability -Verify amplitude stability of the IF system including that of the spectrometers. -Determine the influence of the environment (i.e. temperature). -Search for, and measure plat-forming effects spectrometers. -Characterize IF system stability with IF1 switched OFF (IF2 On), and IF1 warming up. • 3. System Stability -Verify 2 scientifically interesting LO frequencies per mixer band -Verify the internal Hot/Cold calibration load differential amplitude stability. -Determine the observing efficiency loss due to instability. -Search for plat forming effects, baseline offsets -Search for weak spurious line signals. • 4. Parametric Stability -Verify receiver stability at 2 stable, and two potentially unstable scientific interesting LO frequencies. -Determine the influence of the environment (i.e. temperature) on instrument stability. -Determine the observing efficiency loss due to instability. (Compute RMS noise level) -Understand the effect of the LO standing wave on the HIFI total power stability. Determine the free spectral range of the mixer-LO cavity. Verify that tuning to the peak of the standing wave is possible/practical. Note: There are two mixers, only one of the mixers can be tuned to the peak of the standing wave -Understand the effect of mixer bias voltage on the HIFI instrument total power stability. -Understand the effect of mixer bias current on the HIFI instrument total power stability. -Understand the effect of B-field on the HIFI instrument total power stability. -Understand the effect of diplexer position on the HIFI instrument total power stability. Objectives
Requirements • Temperature sensors on FPU, LOU, Cryostats, and ambient temperature. • HIFI has passes functional test (FPU, FCU, ICU, LOU, WBS(2), HRS(2), HK….) • Test Control software ready • Compressed IA (CIA) software ready. • HCSS/Database Pipeline up and stable. • Readout time/data transfer rate for all channels WBS(2) and HRS(2) = 4 second verified. • Readout time/data transfer rate for ¾ WBS(2) = 1 second verified (Needed for B6, B7). • Install reflector inside external black body
Total Power: Ta >20s (1.5 MHz BW) Total Power: Ta >2s (1.5 MHz BW) Gas Laser, 2.5 THz B=100 MHz HEB, Solid State LO IF Stability Example T.P. HEB Example T.P. SIS Example Total Power SIS (B1-5) vs. HEB (B6,7) Stability Ta’ = Ta (B/B’)0.5 Acquisition Time ~ 100 Ta’ Spectroscopic SIS stability: Ta >40 sec (1.5 MHz BW)
Total Power Stability HEB Ta >2s (1.5 MHz BW) 50 MHz BW Spectroscopic Stability HEB Ta >15 sec (1.5 MHz BW) 1462 GHz, LO in air 50cm Example from HEB Test Campaign (2004) 50 MHz BW 1462 GHz, LO in air 50cm
IF Stability Test Procedure B1-B7 Configure instrument, stabilize if necessary. Mixer is unpumped (LO-off) for mixer_band = 1, 7 do begin { select WBS and HRS in low resolution mode IF 1 Off, IF2 On adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source (zero-comb, RD20) for i = 0, 450 do { (30 minutes with IF 1 off, IF 2 on) acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {4sec} } IF 1 On, IF2 On, Junction biased at 8 mV (SIS and HEB) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source (zero-comb, RD20) for i = 0, 450 do { (30 minutes warm up with IF 1 on, IF 2 on) acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {4sec} } perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source (zero-comb, RD20) for i = 0, 900 do { (IF stability measurement, repeat 1 hour) acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {4sec} } perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source (zero-comb, RD20) for Vbias = 5, 10 step 1 { (mV, IF 1 On, IF2 On) acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {12sec} } } end CUS script names: Testmode_stability_noIF1 Testmode_stability_IF_system (both for warm up and stability measurement) Note1: This test will take 2h per band Note2: Dead time between spectrometer is assumed negligible. Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Total Power SystemStability Test Procedure (B1-B5)Configure instrument, nom bias, B-field, diplexer .., stabilize for mixer band = 1, 5 do begin { select WBS and HRS in low resolution mode (4 second readout)) select Internal Cold BB for freq = flo1, flo2 (2 LO frequencies near the edge of the band) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 600 do { (40 min) acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {4sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } }}end SIS HEB Test Procedure (B6-B7) Configure instrument, nom bias, B-field, diplexer .., stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select both ¾ WBS low resolution mode (1 second spectrometer readout) select Internal Cold BB for freq = flo1, flo2 { (2 LO frequencies near the edge of the band) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 1200 do { (20 min) acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } end CUS script name: Testmode_stability_intcold Note1: Total integration time B1-B5: 2x40 minutes, and B6-B7: 2x20 minutes. Note2: Consider taking measurement during LO warm-up (1h). Note3: Readout ¾ WBS (3 sub-bands) to achieve 1 second readout time. Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Load-Chop DifferentialSystemStability Test Procedure (B1-B5)Configure instrument, nom bias, B-field, diplexer .., stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select both WBS, HRS low resolution mode (4 second readout) select focal plane chopper, slow chop mode for freq = flo1, flo2 (2 LO frequencies near the edge of the band) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 450 do { (1 hour) for i2 = 0, 1 do { (loop 2x) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {2sec} select chopper external Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {2sec} } } }}end SIS HEB Test Procedure (B6-B7) Configure instrument, nominal bias, B-field, diplexer etc, stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select both ¾ WBS, (no HRS) select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode for freq = flo1, flo2 { (2 LO frequencies near the edge of the band) adjust IF level Perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 900 do { (1 hour) for i2 = 0, 1 do { (loop 2x) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} select chopper external Cold BB acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } } } } end CUS script name: Testmode_stability_loadchop Note1: Total integration time 60 minutes/band Note2: Symmetric chop: Pc, Pc’, Pc’, Pc… Note3: Fast chop required for B6-B7 Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Frequency Switching DifferentialSystemStability Test Procedure (B1-B5)Configure instrument, nom bias, B-field, diplexer .., stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select both WBS, HRS low resolution mode (4 second readout) select focal plane chopper, slow chop mode for freq = flo1, flo2 (2 LO frequencies near the edge of the band) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 450 do { (1 hour) for i2 = 0, 1 do { (loop 2x) select delta_flo1 acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {2sec} select delta_flo2 acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {2sec} } } }}end SIS HEB Test Procedure (B6-B7) Configure instrument, nominal bias, B-field, diplexer etc, stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select both ¾ WBS, (no HRS) select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode for freq = flo1, flo2 { (2 LO frequencies near the edge of the band) adjust IF level Perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 900 do { (1 hour) for i2 = 0, 1 do { (loop 2x) select delta_flo1 acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} select delta_flo2 acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } } } } end CUS script name: Testmode_stability_freqswitch Note1: Total integration time 60 minutes/band Note2: Symmetric chop: delta_flo1, delta_flo2, delta_flo2, delta_flo1… Note3: Fast chop required for B6-B7 Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Parametric Stability: LO Standing Wave Test Procedure (B1-B5)Configure instrument, nominal bias, B-field, diplexer…, stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select both HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and 2 unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB adjust IF levelfor delta_flo = 0, 500, step 10 MHz { acquire HRS zero lag spectrum {5sec}}Plot 500 MHz TP scan (QLA), find standing wave pattern, (Sine function with possibly multiple frequency components), then for 5 selected frequencies at the peak, valley, steepest part…. of the LO standing wave do: (this may have to happen manually with user input!) select chopper internal Cold BB perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for delta_flo = 0, 200, step flo1-flo5 { (scan 200 MHz in 5 LO frequency steps) for i = 0, 180 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire WBS spectrum {2sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end SIS HEB Test Procedure (B6-B7)Configure instrument, nominal bias, B-field, diplexer…, stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select both HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and 2 unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB adjust IF levelfor delta_flo = 0, 500, step 10 MHz { acquire HRS zero lag spectrum {5sec}}Plot 500 MHz TP scan (QLA), find standing wave pattern, (Sine function with possibly multiple frequency components), then for 5 selected frequencies at the peak, valley, steepest part…. of the LO standing wave do: (this may have to happen manually with user input!) select chopper internal Cold BB perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for delta_flo = 0, 200, step flo1-flo5 { (scan 200 MHz in 5 LO frequency steps) for i = 0, 360 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end Total integration time 2 hours/band
Parametric Stability: Mixer Bias Voltage Test Procedure B1-B5Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Vsis= Vnom-0.2, Vnom-0.1, Vnom, Vnom+0.1, Vnom+0.2 { adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 180 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire WBS spectrum {2sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end SIS Test Procedure B6-B7Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Vheb= Vnom-0.2, Vnom-0.1, Vnom, Vnom+0.2, Vnom+0.4 { adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 360 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end HEB CUS script name: Testmode_Parameter_Scan_Investigation Note1: Total integration time 2 hours/band Note2: Symmetric chop on Y-factor scan Note3: Fast chop required Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Parametric Stability: Mixer Bias Current Test Procedure B1-B5Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Isis= Inom-25%, Inom, Inom+25% { (uA, Adjust JPL P.A. Vd) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 180 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire WBS spectrum {2sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end SIS Test Procedure B6-B7Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Iheb= Inom-25%, Inom, Inom+25% { (uA, Adjust JPL P.A. Vd) adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 360 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end HEB CUS script name: Testmode_Parameter_Scan_Investigation Note1: Total integration time 1.5 hours/band Note2: Symmetric chop on Y-factor scan Note3: Fast chop required Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Parametric Stability: B-field Test Procedure B1-B5Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Bfield= Bnom-10%, Bnom-5%, Bnom, Bnom+10%, Bnom+25% { adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 180 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire WBS spectrum {2sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end SIS HEB Not Required CUS script name: Testmode_Parameter_Scan_Investigation Note1: Total integration time 2 hours/band Note2: Symmetric chop on Y-factor scan Note3: Fast chop required Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Parametric Stability: Diplexer Setting Test Procedure B3-B4Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 1, 5 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Vdipl= Vdipl-25%, Vdipl, Vdipl+25% { adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 180 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire WBS spectrum {2sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end SIS Test Procedure B6-B7Configure instrument, nominal bias current, B-field, diplexer, ..stabilize for mixer_band = 6, 7 do begin { select WBS/HRS low resolution mode for 4 different LO frequencies { (2 stable, and two unstable) select chopper internal Cold BB for Vdipl= Vdipl-25%, Vdipl, Vdipl+25% { adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 360 do { (6 minutes worth of TP data) acquire ¾ WBS spectrum {1sec} } select focal plane chopper, fast chop mode. adjust IF level perform WBS cal using the internal calibration source for i = 0, 10 do { (Measure Y-factor, 20 seconds) select chopper internal Cold BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} select chopper internal Hot BB acquire WBS/HRS spectrum {1sec} } } } }end HEB CUS script name: Testmode_Parameter_Scan_Investigation Note1: Total integration time 1.5 hours/band Note2: Symmetric chop on Y-factor scan Note3: Fast chop required Housekeeping data should be acquired and stored throughout this and other test procedures.
Example QIA(Volker Ossenkopf) Total Power Stability, 4 WBS Sub-bands + Full WBS Total Power Stability, All Channels IF Passband Platforming Spectroscopic Stability, 4 WBS Sub-bands + Full WBS
L2. System Stability: 56 hours • TP System Stability (2h/band for each test including LO stabilization) • Load-Chop Differential System Stability (2h/band (LO is assumed stabilized) • Internal Load Differential System Stability (2h/band (LO is assumed stabilized) • Frequency Switching Differential Stability (2h/band (LO is assumed stabilized) L3. Parametric Stability: 63 hours • LO Standing Wave Stability (2h/band) • Stability as a function of Vbias (2h/band) • Stability as a function of Ibias (1.5h/band) • Stability as a function of B-field (2h/band) • Stability as a function of diplexer position (1.5h/band) Time Estimate L1. IF Stability (LO Off): 14 hours 2 hours/band including IF2 warm-up Total Time: 133 hours (~16 nights at 8h/band)
Conclusion • Stability procedures finalized • CUS Scripts mostly written (David Teyssier) • QIA ~80% done (Volker Ossenkopf) Needed: • Dry run of the CUS scripts (September) • in particular the ¾ WBS 1 second readout rate (Needed for B6-B7). • Dry run of the QIA with HCSS/Database (September) Wiki Page Procedures: http://www.sron.rug.nl/~wikiman/wikis/HifiIlt