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This study delves into the lives and issues faced by women in the North Caucasus region, analyzing changes over the past decade. Conducted by a research group led by Irina Kosterina, the study involved 723 questionnaires and 80 interviews across four republics. The research explored sensitive topics such as sex and violence, addressing language barriers encountered during data collection. Findings revealed varying perspectives on life improvements, leisure activities, and societal challenges among women in different age groups. The analysis highlighted regional disparities in lifestyle preferences, social engagement, and health concerns. The study also examined women's mobility patterns and aspirations for change, shedding light on prevailing issues like unemployment, healthcare, and terrorism.
Livesand Problems of women in the North Caucasus Results of the study made in 2014
Research Group • Research Advisor – Irina Kosterina • Methodology Consultant – Olga Elkina • Regional Coordinators • Lidia Kurbanova and Inna Ayrapetyan (Chechnya) • Jeanette Akhilgova (Ingushetia) • ViktoriaPetrova (Dagestan) • IrinaKishukova (Kabardino-Balkaria)
Methodology • 723 questionnaires 80 interviewsin 4 republics • Sampling and recruitment: apartments, houses + "female spaces" (kindergartens, market, beauty salons, workplaces, bank, "at the wedding") • Filling in the questionnaires: by oneselves and with the help of the interviewers • Sensitive topics, difficult to discuss:sex, violence • Language difficulties
How has life changed in the republic during the last 10 years? • Dagestan: • 28% - nothing changed • 18% - cannot say Lost situation or stagnant situation, people do not know how to evaluate it or do not see major changes. Ingushetia: • 8% - Significantly improved • 48% - slightly improved • 9% - slightly worsened • 6% - has seriously deteriorated the most positive situation • Noticeable age difference in the assessment of the situation: • Youth: prone to assess the situation more positively • Older generation: more skeptical in their assessment
How has life changed in the republic over the last 10 years? graph
Free time • Watch television: • About 60% of womeninall the republics • Especially women in orlder age group: in Chechnya - 88%, in Dagestan – 90% • Very few women do sports or go to fitness clubs. • Women from 17 to 30 years • Prefer to interact in social networks: in Chechnya- 52 %, in rest of the republics- about 25% • More actively spend time outside of the home
Graph 3. Free time I don’t have free time Sleep, rest I go shopping, shopping centers I go to training courses I do handicrafts I read I visit relatives I take care of myself (beauty salon) Ingushetia I go to the mosque, a church, a house of worship KB Dagestan I talk on the telephone with relatives or friends Chechnya Watch TV Do sports I communicate on social networks Internet (excluding social networks) I go for walks in the city/ village I go to theater, museums, movies Meet friends 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 Free time. graph
Geographic mobility of women and its intensity • Has not gone abroad: • Chechnya- 88%; Dagestan- 75%; Kabardino-Balkaria - 85%; Ingushetia - 86% • Нas not been outside of North Caucasus: • Chechnya- 41%; Dagestan - 30%; Kabardino-Balkaria – 35%; Ingushetia- 42% • Has not been to other republics: • Chechnya- 18%; Dagestan- 40%; Kabardino-Balkaria - 22%; Ingushetia -15% High percentage of women however regularlyoroccassionallyvisitother parts of Russia, and also travelto other republics orwithintheirrepublic depends on age, level of education and family support more or less independent of: the place of residence (urban, rural)
What distinguishes the women of your republic from the women from other regions of Russia? • Most common answers: • Respect for tradition • High morals • Modesty • Religiousness • Less common: • Individualism • Leadership
What distinguishes the women of your republic from the women from other regions of Russia? table
What distinguishes the women of your republic from the women from other regions of Russia? table
Most acute problems in the republics • Issuesof material conditionsandpoorhealthcare in the first place in all four republics • High levels of unemployment: • Ingushetia- 66%; Chechnya -52%; Kabardino-Balkaria – 46%; Dagestan – 44% • Acts of terrorism • Dagestan- 46% • Corruption: (4th place) • Dagestan- 41%; Chechnya - 39% • High crime rate: • Kabardino-Balkaria – 25%; Dagestan – 10%; Chechnya – 5%; Ingushetia – 4% • Consequences of military operations : • Chechnya - 30%; Dagestan – 4% • Polygamy: • Chechnya- 18%; Dagestan - 6%; other republics3 %
Most acute problems in the republics • Chechnya: Under develoved public transportation Drugs • Dagestan: Low wages Terrorist attacks • Kabardino-Balkaria: Radical Islamism Alcohol abuse • Ingusthetia: High unemployment
State of Health • Serious health problems: in all regions, except KB, about 20% • Mild chronic diseases: Kabardino-Balkaria - 41 %; Chechnya - 24%; Dagestan - 21%; Ingushetia - 30% • No health problems: Kabardino-Balkaria-12%; Chechnyaand Ingushetia - over 10%; Dagestan - 4% difference within the republics depends significantly on respondents age -over the years the number of cases increases.
Figure 5. Health status 100% 4,4% 10,2% 10,4% 11,5% 90% 12,8% 15,9% 80% 31,7% 21,8% No health problems 70% 25,7% 24,4% 60% Health problems 21,3% are rare 23,3% 50% No serious illnesses,but sometimes problems 40% 24,4% 30,5% 20,6% 30% 41,2% Mild chronic diseases 20% 22,2% 20,0% 10% 18,9% Serious chronic diseases 8,8% 0% Chechnya Dagestan KB Ingushetia State of health. graph
In your republic women live ... • Hard, difficult lives: • 78% - Chechnya; 60% - Dagestan; Kabardino-Balkaria - 44%; Ingushetia- 48% • Easy lives: • Chechnya- 8%; Dagestan andKabardino-Balkaria - 11 %; Ingushetia- 9%
100% 43,9% 80% 48,1% 58,9% Harder lives than in other regions of Russia 77,7% 60% 10,8% 8,6% Easier lives than in other regions of Russia 40% 10,6% 45,3% 43,2% 7,6% 20% 30,6% Similar lives to other regions of Russia 14,7% 0% Chechnya Dagestan KB Ingushetia In your republic women live ... Graph Figure 6. In your republic women live
What problems do women of your republic face the most? • Chechnya: • low wages - 30%; the need to combine work and household duties - 45%; health problems - 46%; lack of equality - 51%; restrictions on freedom of women - 42%; being controlled by men - 45%; strict religious standards - 33%; domestic violence - 21%; the lack of protection in cases of violence and injustice – 35% • Dagestan: • low wages - 55%; the need to combine work and household duties - 35%; health problems - 39%; lack of equality - 42%; restrictions on freedom of women - 38%; being controlled by men - 41%; strict religious standards - 19%; the lack of protection in cases of violence and injustice - 19%; domestic violence - 10%
What problems do women of your republic face the most? • Kabardino-Balkaria: • low wages - 72%; the need to combine work and household duties - 47%; health problems - 43%; lack of equality - 41%; restrictions on freedom of women - 7%; being controlled by men - 36%; strict religious standards - 17%; domestic violence - 3%; the lack of protection in cases of violence and injustice - 24% • Ingushetia: • low wages - 46%; the need to combine work and household duties - 39%; health problems - 55%; lack of equality - 26%; restrictions on freedom of women - 36%; being controlled by men - 31%; strict religious standards - 15%; domestic violence - 8%; the lack of protection in cases of violence and injustice - 13%
Graph 7.1. Problems for women in your republic No problems The need to wear covering clothing Pressure of local traditions Under valued position Low salaries Good education not available Domestic violence Ingushetia ‘ ”Double Burden” KB Lack of protection in violent situations Dagestan Excessive amount of household chores Chechnya Women’s opinions regarded as meaningless Health problems The need to follow religious norms Women have less rights Being controlled by men Limited liberty ,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0% 80,0% What problems do you see most often faced by women of your republic?
Monogamous / polygamous marriages • Monogamous relationships • Chechnya- 84 % • Dagestan - 94% • Kabardino-Balkaria – 91% !!! 36% (in the age group 17-30 years) – in polygamous relationships Polygamy - externally imposedphenomenon, may spread into the country under the influence of Islamic values and traditions • Ingushetia– 95%
Chechnya • the highest percentage of polygamy - 16% • even higher in the middle age group (31-45 years) - 28% are in a marriage where husband has other wives • correlation with education - the highest percentage of polygamous relationships for women with primary and lower secondary education - 33.3% • 23% - in a happy marriage, and satisfied with her husband, • 20% - not satisfied with her husband • 57% rate their family life as conflicting • 27% - forced into marriage by parents (in the 61+ age group - more than 40%) • 65% of forced marriages end in divorce
Dagestan • 61% - married on their own • 47% - are satisfied with relationship with her husband • 37% - assesses their family life as conflicting • 16% - not satisfied with her husband
Kabardino-Balkaria • 25% - satisfied with the relationship with her husband • 18% - are not fully satisfied with relationship with her husband • 42% - married forcefully by parents (46% in the age group of 46-60 years and 62% in the 61+ group)
Ingushetia • 45% - relationships with husband are fully and partially satisfied • 10% - unhappy in family life • 62% - married on their own (in the youngest age group - 94%, in the oldest - 55%) clearlydemonstrates the growing level of autonomy of women in the republic, as in the younger age groupno women are married by force, and at the age of 31-45 years only 20%.
Reasons for divorce: Four groups
Does not want to get married • Does not seek to get married (including widows):: • Chechnya and Ingushetia - 40%; Dagestan - about 20% • In the youngest age group, there are girls who do not want to get married (Chechnya - 6% of the Kabardino-Balkaria - 7%; Dagestan - 3% of Ingushetia - 13%) • In the older age groups figures reach 100% (Chechnya - women aged 46-60 - 100%; women from 61 the year - 80%)
Children • About 72% of all respondents have children • The older age group • Chechnya- 96%; Dagestan- 75% • At a young age (17-30 years): • Chechnya -29%; Dagestan – 44%
Contraception • Most women do not use any type of contraception when planning pregnancy • Mostpopular- Intrauterinedevice andabortion indicates a very low level of sexual education and possibly of strong cultural and religious prejudices against modern contraceptives
The distribution of household duties • the majority of women in all the republics are inclined towards egalitarian relationships and the balance of family and work • Kabardino-Balkaria: majority think "the traditional division of roles” are right Women the homemakers, men the breadwinners
Do you feel happy? • Almost always: • Dagestan - 31%; Chechnya – 24% • Sometimes: • Chechnya - 50%; Dagestan - 40%; Kabardino-Balkaria - 36%; Ingushetia - 37% • Rarely: • Ingushetia -18%; Chechnya - 17%; Dagestan - 15%; Kabardino-Balkaria - 13% • Never: • Ingushetia – 6%; Kabardino-Balkaria - > 1% • Difficult to say: • Kabardino-Balkaria – 25% shows contradictory feelings, the difficulty of assessing their emotional state
Graph 7.2 Evaluation of one’s own life No problems The need to wear covering clothing Pressure of local traditions Under valued position Low salaries Good education not available Domestic violence Ingushetia “Double Burden” KB Dagestan Lack of protection in violent situations Chechnya Excessive amount of household chores Women’s opinions regarded as meaningless Health problems The need to follow religious norms Women have less rights Being controlled by men Limited liberty ,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0% Evaluation of one’s own life
Factors affecting the happiness of women • Education: • Chechnya:almost always happy when she has a specialized secondary education (26%) and higher education (28%); with primary and secondary education 14% • Living Environment: • no difference between the self-awareness of rural and urban women in Chechnya and Ingushetia • Women living in cities are happier in Dagestan - 7% and Kabardino-Balkaria- 11% • Age and Marital Status: • Happier- young women, unmarried women who do not have children • Less happy –women above the age of 60, divorced and widowed
With whom do you share your experiences and discuss your issues? • With sister: • Chechnya - 55%; Dagesta - 41%; Ingushetia - 46%; Kabardino-Balkaria - 35% • With mother: • Chechnya - 35%; • With femalefriends: • Dagestan - 40%; Ingushetia - 30%; Kabardino-Balkaria - 37% • With no one: • Kabardino-Balkaria– 26% • family ties and relationships are the strongest and most important for the women of Chechnya woman Kabardino-Balkaria value individualism and personal relationships outside the family difference in the responses by age and marital status: in Chechnya, 60% of young women discuss problems with her mother; women over 60: 63% - with his sister, 65% - with other women relatives, 25% - with brother