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Best Front End Frameworks to Build High-Quality Websites or Apps

In this PPT, we shed light on the most popular front end frameworks that allow you to choose the one which meets your business requirements. To know more visit at https://www.zenesys.com/blog/5-best-front-end-frameworks

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Best Front End Frameworks to Build High-Quality Websites or Apps

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  1. Best Front End Frameworks to Build High-Quality Websites or Apps

  2. React, also known as React.js, is a renowned front end JavaScript library for creating intuitive user interfaces and associated components. In 2011, React was created by Jordan Walke, a developer at Facebook. It gained popularity in 2013 when it became an open-source framework. The big Giants such as Walmart, Tesla, PayPal, and Netflix, their front end development teams use React, which ensures the reliability and robustness of this tool. It is recognized as one of the top front end frameworks because of its excellent functionality, code maintainability, and virtual DOM (Document of Model).  1. React

  3. 2. Angular Angular is one of the powerful user interface frameworks created by Google in 2010 to narrow the gap between technological advancement and traditional concepts.It is a typescript-based development platform with a diverse collection of well-integrated libraries and allows the development of scalable applications, making it an excellent Web UI framework. 

  4. 3. Vue.js • It is the kind of Web UI framework that combines React and Angular. It was made in 2014 by Evan You and has provided two-way reactive data mining without any need for additional libraries. It is a simple framework that overcomes the angular framework's challenges, and its APIs help solves large-scale tasks.  • Advantages • •    Virtual DOM • It is a default feature of an abstraction of traditional DOM, which provides significant optimization of app performance.  • •    Easy to learn • If someone knows JavaScript, HTML and CSS can quickly learn the framework syntax of Vue.js.  • •    Third-party integration • It is one of the top front end frameworks which can easily integrate with other libraries.  • •    High performance • It is a fast and scalable tool due to its small size and simplicity. 

  5. This web UI framework is an oldster frontend framework. It was released in 2006, and its relevance, easy usability, and simplicity make it stand out from other competitors. Over 41 million websites use it, and its cross-platform library makes client-side HTML scripting easier. • Advantages • •    Simplicity • The tool is easy to use, and the framework can be learned easily.  • •    Browser Compatibility • Due to its compatibility, you can use this framework with the choice of your browser.  • •    Mobile enablement • Due to its recent improvements, it can be well suited for responsive web solutions.  • •    Vast community • Since this web UI framework has been used for many years, it has formed a reliable community.  4. jQuery

  6. It is an open-source JavaScript web UI framework that helps ambitious developers to develop scalable cross-platform applications. It is a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) and architectural pattern-based framework that can help develop single-page web apps.  • Advantages • •    Two-way data binding • It helps in automating updating the values in associated components and templates.  • •    Reusability • It is one of the user interface frameworks in which the app created by it is reusable.  • •    Command-line interface • It allows to efficiently create new entities and incorporate them into the development process by leveraging utility with code generators.  5. Ember.js


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