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Mr. Rugolo. WELCOME TO BUSINESS LAW. What is this class about?. This is an exciting, interactive class that will give you an understanding of how law relates to business We will look at real life situations that you may confront in your daily lives
What is this class about? • This is an exciting, interactive class that will give you an understanding of how law relates to business • We will look at real life situations that you may confront in your daily lives • This is a class that emphasizes participation and a willingness to speak out when called upon
What kind of topics are covered? • Ethics • Constitutional law • Criminal law • Tort law • Contracts • Law of Sales (UCC) • Warranties • Agencies
How will you learn in this class? You will learn about the law in this class through various means such as: • Case Studies • Debates and discussions • Interactive note-making • Presentations • Online research I do not like to use only one method of learning.
What do you need for this class? • Pen (bring extra…the “golden rule” is strictly enforced in my class!) • Five subject notebook with tear out pages OR a 3-ring binder loaded with paper • Textbooks will be kept in the class unless signed out • Workbooks will be given out for you to keep (do not lose them!)
What should my notebook sections be labeled? • DO NOW • LEGAL TERMS • NOTES • CLASSWORK • REFLECTION Business Law
What are my expectations? I expect that you will: • Walk out of the class every day knowing more than you did when you walked in • Come to class on time and ready to learn • Respect the room and everyone in it • Be polite…use proper etiquette • Have fun, and tell others about what you have learned • Learn how to win arguments by listening
How are you graded? • Tests, quizzes, projects and presentations all combine for a total of 85% of your quarterly grade • Textbook and workbook assignments will be graded on a basis • A + is equal to a 100 grade • A is equal to an 85 grade • A - is equal to a 65 grade • The remaining 15% will be assigned for participation
What constitutes participation? • Taking part in class discussions • Writing down and keeping track of your notes • Being present for all activities, and making them up when absent • Cutting class will result in a -10 for each occurance • Each activity you do not make up is -10 • Everyone starts with a 100 grade
My policy towards cutting • DON’T CUT…I will catch you. Trust me on that one.
MY #1 RULE DO NOT TALK WHEN I AM TALKING Respecting this rule will make things run much smoother in here !
My policy on lateness • Three lates = after school detention with me • If you have to explain to me why you are late, save it for the end of class • The most important thing to me is if you are late, don’t make things worse by talking, just get to work = )
Can I take this class for college credit? • The answer is YES! • You can earn THREE college credits from Farmingdale University upon completion of the class • You must pay for the credits in advance • You must have a final exam grade of 75 or better to qualify…if not, you lose your $$$ • Payment is usually due at the beginning of October • You cannot buy credits after the deadline • Credits can transfer to all state schools, but if you are going private, start calling them now!
Your Turn: Do you have any questions for me?
What are your expectations? • Take a five minutes to make a list of your expectations of this class • Put your name on it, and hand up to the first person in your row • Make sure to give these to me as you leave
Finally… Thanks for signing up for this class… …I will try to make every day as interesting and enjoyable as possible…I promise!