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What is a verb?. A verb is a word which describes the action in a sentence (the doing word). Examples I play football. We eat spaghetti. What is a verb tense?. Verb tenses describe WHEN the action is happening. PRESENT (it happens) PAST (it happened) FUTURE (it will happen).
What is a verb? A verb is a word which describes the action in a sentence (the doing word) Examples I play football. We eat spaghetti.
What is a verb tense? • Verb tenses describe WHEN the action is happening. • PRESENT (it happens) • PAST (it happened) • FUTURE (it will happen)
What is the present tense? We use it to describe actions which are happening now or which are true at the moment or in general. Hablo español I speak Spanish
Congulation of verbs Learning the patterns of language allows to create your own phrases Subject pronouns yo I tú You (singular) él / ella He/she nosotros / nosotras We You (plural) vosotros / vosotras ellos / ellas They
Congulation of verbs Learning the patterns of language allows to create your own phrases Subject pronouns yo ???? tú ???? él / ella ???? nosotros / nosotras ???? ???? vosotros / vosotras ellos / ellas ????
vosotros / vosotras nosotros / nosotras yo él / ella ellos / ellas tú
Tú, tú, tú, tú Yo, yo, yo, yo ¿Quién? … ¡Ni tú ni yo!
Subject Pronouns Yo Nosotros/as Tú Vosotros/as Él Ella Ellos Ellas
What is a verb tense? • Verb tenses describe WHEN the action is happening. • PRESENT (it happens) • PAST (it happened) • FUTURE (it will happen)
There are 3 types of verb in Spanish -AR -AR e.g. hablar -ER -ER e.g. comer -IR -IR e.g. vivir
When the verb has the –AR, -ER, -IR ending it is called the INFINITIVE. The infinitive means TO …… Hablar= to speak Comer = to eat Vivir= to live
When the verb has the –AR, -ER, -IR ending it is called the INFINITIVE. When you remove the –AR, -ER, -IR it becomes THE STEM. Hablar= habl_ Comer = com_ Vivir= viv_
When you remove the –AR, -ER, -IR it becomes THE STEM. What do you add to make it “I live” Vivir= viv_ Vivir= vivo
The present tense hablar - to speak habl o I speak, I am speaking habl as You speak, you are speaking habl a He / she speaks, he / she is speaking habl amos We speak, we are speaking habl áis You speak, you are speaking habl an They speak, they are speaking
habl o habl as habl a habl amos habl áis habl an
How do we form the Present Tense? There are 3 categories or GROUPS of verbs. You recognise them according to the ending of the infinitive: – ar – er – ir hablar comer vivir to speak to eat to live
hablar to speak Yo I Tú You Él / Ella He / She / It Nosotros We Vosotros You Lot Ellos / Ellas They o habl as habl habl a habl amos áis habl habl an
vivir hablar comer to eat to live to speak hablo hablas habla hablamos habláis hablan com com com com com com viv viv viv viv viv viv Yo I Tú You Él / Ella He / She / It Nosotros We Vosotros You Lot Ellos / Ellas They
vivir hablar comer to eat to live to speak hablo hablas habla hablamos habláis hablan como comes come comemos coméis comen vivo vives vive vivimos vivís viven Yo I Tú You Él / Ella He / She / It Nosotros We Vosotros You Lot Ellos / Ellas They
To conjugate a verb. hablo hablas habla hablamos habláis hablan Conjugation.