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Dual Degrees in the Business of Healthcare Management

Dual Degrees in the Business of Healthcare Management. MD/MBA Dual Degree Program

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Dual Degrees in the Business of Healthcare Management

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  1. Dual Degrees in the Business of Healthcare Management MD/MBA Dual Degree Program …is a collaboration between the UT Medical School at Houston and the UHCL School of Business. Physicians with MBA degrees are well prepared, and highly sought, for leadership roles in the ever-changing business of delivering effective, efficient and affordable healthcare. MD/MPH in Healthcare Management …is a collaboration between the UT Medical School at Houston and the UT School of Public Health. An MPH in Healthcare Management integrates health policy with healthcare management, providing physicians the unique aptitude for assessing policy, understanding management, and achieving organizational success.

  2. MD/MBA Dual Degree Program In Medicine and Business UT Medical School at Houston UH-Clear Lake School of Business Objective: To prepare students to compete and succeed in a changing health care environment. Curriculum for MD/MBA: The Prototype Course Schedule for the MD/MBA provides a recommended course sequence for students to successfully earn a MD/ MBA in 5 years. Shared credit hours, summer coursework, and online class availability allows students the necessary flexibility to couple their medical school education with highly sought business acumen.

  3. Master of Business Administration Overview (54 credit hours/ 18 courses)

  4. MD/MBA Dual Degree Program In Medicine and Business ` The MBA offers flexibility in course scheduling. An academic advisor can assist you to determine the optimal course sequencing. Prototype Course Schedule for MD/ MBA Students *Foundation courses taken at an equivalent University may be eligible for transfer credit.

  5. Commonalities & Differences:MBA vs. MPH in Healthcare Management Courses Unique to the MBA Courses Unique to the MPH * The MBA degree requires 2 finance and 2 economics courses;

  6. MD/Mph Dual Degree Program In Medicine and healthcare Managment UT Medical School at Houston UT School of Public Health Objective: To prepare students to integrate policy, public health and medical practice. Curriculum for MD/MBA: The Prototype Course Schedule for the MD/MPH in Healthcare Management provides a recommended course sequence for students to successfully earn a MD/ MPH in Healthcare Management in 5 years. Shared credit hours, summer coursework, and online class availability allows students the necessary flexibility to integrated their medical school education with a policy, management and public health background.

  7. Master of Business Administration Overview (45 credit hours/ 16 courses)

  8. MD/Mph in healthcare management A Dual Degree Program ` Prototype Course Schedule for MD/ MPH Healthcare Management Students

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