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Interactive Learning: Six Pillars of Character Education Game

Engaging online game exploring trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship in character education. Test knowledge and understanding with challenging questions.

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Interactive Learning: Six Pillars of Character Education Game

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  1. Six Pillars of Character Education Jeopardy Game Six Pillars of Character Education WebQuest University of Phoenix Online -Team B Bridgette Flickinger, Venetia Lowe, Sonya McCoy, Katie Mitchell, and Keena Reeves June 9, 2006

  2. What pillar does each letter represent in this acronym?TRRFCC

  3. WHAT IS …….. (1000 pts) • Trustworthiness • Respect • Responsibility • Fairness • Caring • Citizenship

  4. I am the most complicated of the six pillars and concerned with qualities such as integrity, loyalty and reliability.

  5. What is . . . . (50 pts) Trustworthiness

  6. To be treated with dignity,considerate of people’s feelings,and tolerant of differences.

  7. What is … (50 pts)Respect

  8. Always do your best, Think before you act, Use self-control!

  9. WHAT IS . . . (200 pts.) RESPONSIBILITY

  10. I represent being just, impartial, listening, and being open to differing viewpoints.

  11. WHAT IS . . . (150 pts.) FAIRNESS

  12. Help others in need. Be kind. Express gratitude and forgiveness.

  13. What is…. (50 pts.) CARING

  14. Respect authority; obey rules and laws Volunteer your help and talent Preserve and protect the environment

  15. WHAT IS … (300 pts.) Citizenship

  16. Helps me to be the best person I can possibly be.

  17. WHAT IS . . . (500 pts.) Six Pillars of Character Education !

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