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Click this site http://sleekuanyew.tumblr.com/post/135591778488/wutherup-mgtow-the-demographic-winter for more information on Men Going Their Own Way. That's exactly what Men Going Their Own Way is everything about. Each male needs to walk his own path. Yet we ARE supportive of each other in that. I assume that you need to be clear in your very own mind what it is that YOU want. The degree to which we involve females is something that each people selects for ourselves, and it is needed to accept the consequences of our selections.<br>Follow us http://mengoingtheirownway.pressfolios.com/
MGTOW Men going their own way - applies to all men who don't subscribe to the "traditional lifestyle" i.e. go to school, graduate college, find a girl, settle down, get married, have kids, etc/etc...singular is mghow - man going his own way.
Men Going Their Own Way This term is often used in conjunction with men's rights terminology, as men's rights activists, aka [mra]s, often view the traditional lifestyle as setting them up for failure - w/ 1/2 marriages ending in divorce, approximately 3/4 of those divorces being initiated by the female, and 4/5 of those divorces resulting in child custody for the female and child support being provided by the male... a male who gets married today has a very high chance of being divorced by his wife and never seeing his kids while being forced to support them financially.
MGTOW A sort of motto that punctuates [MRA] statements...it should be of note that the phrase mgtow is not so much an anti-female acronym as it is geared more towards a general political, economic, and cultural system that fails both males and females.
Men Going Their Own Way The one piece of MGTOW advice I've followed the closest is "live for yourself." Go your own way for your own reasons, for your own prosperity, and for your own happiness. What this translates to practically (for me) is that having a relationship should be peripheral and complementary to a life where you're already satisfied.
MGTOW For more information visit our website: http://sleekuanyew.tumblr.com/post/135591778488/wutherup-mgtow-the-demographic-winter