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Recent Standardization Activities on Cloud Computing

Discover the recent standardization efforts in cloud computing, including developments in ITU-T and ISO activities. Explore challenges and proposed resolutions for a harmonized global approach to cloud computing standards.

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Recent Standardization Activities on Cloud Computing

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  1. Recent Standardization Activities on Cloud Computing Kishik Park, Kangchan Lee, Seungyun Lee TTA(ETRI)

  2. Highlight of Current Activities • Standardization initiatives on Cloud Computing • There are lots of efforts to develop the standards on Cloud Computing in many SDOs and Consortia. • In particular, it is expected to develop the Cloud Computing standards in the De-jure SDOs (ITU-T, ISO) from the next year since the market requirements have been extremely increased. Most significant Issues to be standardized

  3. Highlight of Current Activities • ITU-T FG Cloud • ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing was established according to ITU-T TSAG agreement at its meeting in Geneva, 8-11 February 2010. • Currently, ITU-T FG Cloud has been developing several deliverables which are scheduled to be finalized at the end of 2011. • It is expected that the relevant Study Group in ITU-T will start to develop the standards from the next year. ITU-T FG Cloud Deliverables

  4. Highlight of Current Activities • ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 38 • ISO/IEC JTC 1 have formed a new Subcommittee 38 (SC 38) at 2009 Plenary under which includes working groups for Web Services and SOA as well as a Study Group on Cloud Computing (SGCC). • Recently, at the SC 38 Plenary meeting in Seoul, agreed to establish the new Working Group with new work item proposals (NWIPs) • NWIP #1. Definition & Terminology • NWIP #2. Reference Architecture

  5. Highlight of Current Activities • Joint Meeting of ITU-T FG Cloud & JTC 1 SC 38 (26 Sep. 2011, Seoul) • Exchange of information concerning Cloud Computing standards activities and future plans. • Identification of what Cloud topics have the potential ones for joint standards between ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 38. • Discussion of specific topics on Cloud Computing for future possible joint standards collaboration

  6. Strategic Direction • Observations • As rapid deployments of Cloud Computing, it urgently needs additional relevant standards which have not already covered elsewhere in existing standards. • Cloud Computing should neither require a large corpus of new standards nor should it require replacement of a significant portion of existing standardization work.

  7. Strategic Direction • Global Harmonization of Cloud Computing Standardization Activities • In order to avoid overlapped efforts for Cloud standards activities among the SDOs and Consortia • In order not to give unnecessary confusion to industries for their adoption • To encourage relevant SDOs for their efficient standards activity

  8. Challenges • Fragmented Standards • A Number of organizations are involved in the development of standards on Cloud Computing • Lack of basic framework of standards (e.g., Terms & Definition, Common Architecture) • Some current/possible overlaps of standardization activities among the SDOs and Consortia

  9. Next Steps / Actions • Establishment of Global Collaborations for Cloud Computing Standardization activities • To promote necessary information exchange and discussions on Cloud Computing standards among the SDOs. • To develop the harmonized standards roadmap on Cloud Computing in more collaborative ways. • To encourage the joint standards activities.

  10. Proposed Resolution • It is proposed to add the followings into the resolution GSC15/32 (Cloud Computing) • (for Considering) • g) Cloud Computing as a high interest subject needs to be more actively standardized through Global Standards Collaboration • (for Resolves) • 2) In particular, it needs strengthening global collaboration for Cloud Computing Standards setting through GSC members.

  11. Supplementary Slides

  12. ITU-T FG Cloud Deliverables

  13. JTC1

  14. Most significant Issues to be standardized Lock-inProblem Interoperability Security & Privacy

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