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Understand and navigate organizational complexity using enterprise architecture frameworks and models. Learn about emergent behavior, architectural artifacts, and the importance of enterprise architecture in complex adaptive systems. Explore the Zachman Framework and case studies to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.
Managing Organizational Complexity: Enterprise Architecture and Architecture Frameworks with An Overview of their Products, Artifacts and Models Beryl Bellman, PhD FEAC Institute Academic Program Director California State University Professor bellman@feacinstitute.org
What we will Cover • Complexity in Organizations and Emergent Behavior • Organizations as complex adaptive systems • A framework for agent models – The Zachman Framework as a Periodic Table of Elements • Enterprise Architecture and other major frameworks • Architecture models, products and artifacts • Emergent behavior and EA viewpoints • A case study showing the use of architectural models
The Need for Enterprise Architecture The effective organization is “garrulous, clumsy, superstitious, hypocritical, monstrous, octopoid, wandering and grouchy" Karl Weick On Re-Punctuating the Problemin New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness; Jossey Bass 1977
Making Sense of Organizations • This is because organizations organically emerge out of the communication patterns that develop in the course of doing business and in response to the host of environmental variables in dynamically changing business landscapes. • Enterprises are instances of complex adaptive systems having many interacting subcomponents whose interactions yield complex behaviors • Enterprise Architecture is a way of understanding and managing such complexity
Dealing with Organizational Messes rather than Problems • In a real sense, problems do not exist. They are distractions from real situations. The real situations from which they are abstracted are messes. • A mess is a system of interrelated problems. We should be concerned with messes, not problems. • The solution to a mess is not equal to the sum of the solution to its parts. The solution to its parts should be derived from the solution of the whole; not vice versa. • Science has provided powerful methods, techniques and tools for solving problems, but it has provided little that can help in solving messes. The lack of mess-solving capability is the most important challenge facing us.” • Russ Ackoff, University of Pennsylvania
An Order to the Mess • Hidden Order (John Holland) • Complexity and Chaos • Strange Attractors • Complex Adaptive Systems • Emergence of new organizational forms
EA and Agent Based Models In this discussion we consider how architects develop models that integrate into enterprise architecture allowing queries to determine impacts on some proposed or actual technological or business process change in the complex organizational environments.
Conceptual model of architecture description: systems and architectures ISO/IEC WD4 42010
Zachman Framework What (data) How (function) Where (network) Who (people) When (time) Why (motive) Scope (planner) List of things important to the business List of business processes List of operational locations List of relevant organizations List of relevant events & cycles List of business goals & strategies Business Model (owner) e.g. Semantic Model e.g.Business Process Model e.g. Business Logistics Model e.g.Workflow Model e.g. Master Schedule e.g. Business Plan System Model (designer) e.g. Logical Data Model e.g. Application Architecture e.g. Distributed System Architecture e.g.Human Interface Aarchitecture e.g. Business Events & Cycles e.g. Business Rule Model Technology Model (builder) e.g. Physical Data Model e.g. System Design e.g. Technology Architecture e.g. Presentation Architecture e.g. Control Structure e.g. Rule Design Detailed Representations (subcontractor) e.g. Data Definition e.g. Program Specification e.g. Network Architecture e.g.Security Architecture e.g. System Events & Triggers e.g. Rule Specification Functioning Enterprise Instantiations
What is enterprise architecture versus a segment or a solution architecture in terms of Scope, Detail, Impact, and Audience? Source: OMB (FINAL_FEA_Practice_Guidance_2006121406.pdf)
TOGAF and EA • There are four types of architecture that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall enterprise architecture • A Business (or Business Process) Architecture - this defines the business strategy, governance, organization, and key business processes. • A Data Architecture - this describes the structure of an organization's logical and physical data assets and data management resources. • An Applications Architecture - this kind of architecture provides a blueprint for the individual application systems to be deployed, their interactions, and their relationships to the core business processes of the organization. • A Technology Architecture - this describes the logical software and hardware capabilities that are required to support the deployment of business, data, and application services. This includes IT infrastructure, middleware, networks, communications, processing, standards, etc.
Correspondence with the The Federal EA Framework (FEAF) The Federal EA Framework, Version 1.1, September 1999
Business Architecture Data Architecture Program Management Strategic Planning Organization Structure Technical Architecture Application Architecture Enterprise Architectures in Perspective using Zachman FEAC Institute – Where Do These Architectures Fit?
Contrasting Perspectives • Picking up the poker – Wittgenstein versus Popper • Does philosophy center on the resolution of puzzles posed by language or are there genuine problems to be resolved? • When we speak of solutions – do they pertain to puzzles or problems? Dave Edmonds & John Eidinow
Contrasting Perspectives • “All art — symphonies, architecture, novels — it’s all puzzles. The fitting together of notes, the fitting together of words have by their very nature a puzzle aspect. It’s the creation of form out of chaos. And I believe in form.” (Stephen Sondheim )
Bob Napier, HP EVP & CIO “One of the things I’m passionate about ... is having an Enterprise Architecture and making sure that everything we do fits the puzzle." Puzzles and Enterprise Architecture
Resolving Puzzles • Modeling human communications from each of the three DoDAF perspectives and/or FEAF levels • Accounting for human communications from the top Zachman rows • Linking to infrastructures used to support them at every layer of relevant depth • Resolving conflicts as putting together pieces of a complex puzzle
Views and Viewpoints • A viewpoint is a way of looking at a system; a view is what you see (IEEE) • A viewpoint is the definition of the perspective from which a view is taken. It is a specification of the conventions for constructing and using a view. • A view is what you see; a view is where you are looking from – the vantage point or perspective that determines what you see (TOGAF 9)
Systems Technical Operational DODAF VIEWS Overview and Summary 1996-2001 All Views Information Integrated Dictionary System Interface Description Systems Communications Description Systems to System Matrix Systems Functionality Technical Architecture Description Profile Operational Activity to System Function Traceability Matrix Standards Technology Forecast System Information Exchange Matrix System Performance Parameters Matrix System Evolution Description System Technology Forecast Systems Rules Model Systems State Transition Description High-level Operational Activity Model Systems Event/Trace Concept Graphic Operational Rules Model Description Operational Node Physical Data Model Connectivity Description Operational State Encompassed in the Global Information Grid Transition Description Operational Information Exchange Matrix Operational Event/Trace Description Command Relationships Chart Logical Data Model • Formerly known as the C4ISR EA Framework, C4ISR stands for “Command, Control, • Computers, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance”. FEAC Institute – DoD Architecture Framework (DODAF)
Operational Operational The View Operational View View describes and interrelates the operational elements, tasks and activities, and information flows required to accomplish mission operations. Systems Systems The View View Systems View describes and interrelates the existing or postulated technologies, systems, and other resources intended to support the operational requirements. Technical Standards The Technical Standards View describes the profile of rules, View standards, and conventions governing systems implementation. FEAC Institute– The DODAF Architecture Views
Architecture Products Architecture Product “Core” Products
Architecture Products “Core” Products
Architecture Products “Core” Products
DoDAF 2.0 extensive set of Views Capability View Articulate the capability requirement, delivery timing, and deployed capability Operational View Articulate operational scenarios, processes, activities & requirements System Engineering View Articulate activities to design and implement solution based on operational and capability requirements Standards View Articulate applicable Operational, Business, Technical, and Industry policy, standards, guidance, constraints, and forecasts Data and Information View Articulate the data relationships and alignment structures in the architecture content All View Overarching aspects of architecture context that relate to all views Project View Describes the relationships between operational and capability requirements and the various projects being implemented; Details dependencies between capability management and the Defense Acquisition System process. Services View Articulate the performers, activities, services, and their exchanges providing for, or supporting, DoD functions Systems View Articulate the legacy systems, their composition, interconnectivity, and context providing for, or supporting, DoD functions 30 From presentation by John V. Tieso
Organizations and Nodes • Organizations can be considered as a set of interconnected nodes • Each node receives a defined input either coming from another internal node or the external environment • Each node processes inputs and emits outputs to other nodes See Miller and Page, Complex Adaptive Systems, pp 202
Understanding Networks • Connectedness in organizations characterizes social networks within them. • The study of social networks has led to a field known as communication network theory, which analyzes relationships according to nodes • The study of networks in organizations or organizational network analysis offers an approach to understand complexity within the internal workings of an organization.
Valdis Krebs pointed out how "organization charts prescribe that work and information flow in a hierarchy, but network mapping reveals [they] actually flow through a vast web of informal channels." • These informal channels points to significant differences between the formal organizational structural view and what is actually occurring in the daily life of the enterprise. • These differences have important impacts on how work gets done and allows analysis of emergent bottlenecks, inefficiencies and gaps in business processes. • These are represented in EA for determining how the information, data and technical architectures relate to the business. From McIntire School of Commerce
Some Surprises in Analyzing Networks • In some organizations a few individuals may be in a highly interactive role connecting different sub-groups together. In a close examination of what is occurring sometimes we find these individuals function more as bottlenecks than enablers. • Once their functions within the organization are shared with other positions, information and work flow is made more efficient. • However, in some instances such boundary spanning positions are relevant, allowing close management of projects. What is important in network analysis is to uncover whether the structure is intentional and functional, or if they are emergent structures that impede the work and communication flows within the enterprise.
The Emergence of Enterprise • An enterprise arises from local interaction of often independent units that exist within a common environment • Each unit or entity interacts with its immediate environment according to a set of low order rules • The combined effects of these lower order interactions within an environment gives rise to higher order organizational phenomenon such as organizational culture • Culture emerges from localized interactions • As culture is grounded at the local level, culture is highly resistant to change • Changing culture entails re-specifying local level rules rather than simply imposing change from the top • EA necessitates an enterprise-wide ethnography taking into account multiple perspectives • Creating an enterprise architecture proffers a mechanism to initiate positive change
Growing Societies from the Bottom Up • We have briefly discussed how agent modeling can be described as sets of rules • These sets comprise different types of strategic interaction games, as exemplified in the classic example of the prisoner’s dilemma. • However in game theory focus has been on one game at a time. Using evolving automata cognitive behavior is modeled across multiple games. • This points to a games-theoretic model of enterprises as simultaneously playing out a series of games as constituting ensembles that impacts the strategy for any particular game. • EA is an approach for locating the underlying rule schema that underlie socially contextualized behaviors as systems • In this way we can run computational models that allow the traceability we suggested earlier between business process proposals and cultural assumptions that are entailed.
Computational Modeling of Social Life • This recommends a new type of explanation for social and cultural phenomena • As Epstein and Axtell argue we should reinterpret the question of explanation by asking “can we grow it?” • They maintain that modeling “allows us to ‘grow’ social structures … demonstrating that certain sets of microspecifications are sufficient to generate the macrophenomena of interest.” • With this in mind social scientists “are presented with ‘already emerged’ collective phenomena and …seek microrules that can generate them • This is one way of conceptualizing the promise of enterprise architecture
Complexity in Organizations • “One of the strengths of this type of simulation modeling is that it enables researchers to subject trial explanations for sociocultural phenomena to a rigorous test. • What is new about the adaptive agent approach is their ability to capture nonlinear effects that would otherwise be out of reach. • A more important development is the revelation, foreshadowed by theoretical work on complex adaptive systems, that social institutions can emerge from the bottom up as a result of feedback processes linking social actors to their environments”. J. Stephen Lansing, Complex Adaptive Systems, Annual Review of Anthropology, 2003
New Capability Enterprise Architecture for Eagle Eye Golf Club FEAC Certification Program Winter 09
Products Operational Activity Mode – Activity Decomposition Models (OV-5) Operational Event Trace Description (OV-6c) Systems Interface Description (SV-1) Systems Communications Description (SV-2) Operational Activities to Systems Traceability Matrix (SV-5b) Technical Standards Profile (TV-1) Integrated Dictionary (AV-2) - Excerpt Conclusion • Overview and Summary (AV-1) - Excerpt • High Level Operational Graphic (OV-1) • Operational Activity Model – Activity Tree Node (OV-5) • Operational Node Connectivity (OV-2) • Organizational Relationships Chart (OV-4) • Operational Information Exchange (OV-3) - Excerpt • Operational Activity Model – Context Diagram (OV-5) New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Overview and Summary (AV-1)Excerpt • The Professional Golf Association (PGA) has offered Mr. Chipitin, owner/operator of Eagle Eye Golf Course, an opportunity to host a celebrity charity golf event in April 2012. • Purpose: To create a To-Be enterprise architecture that provides information on the activities, organizations, and systems necessary to support a new capability (e.g. host a celebrity charity golf event). • In doing so, the architecture also identifies new as well as existing primitives (e.g. op nodes, system nodes, etc.) that remain functional as they are today or that may need to be modified in support of the To-Be scenario. • This enterprise architecture is the first in a series of tasks that need to be performed as part of the overall decision making process for accepting or rejecting the PGA’s proposal to host the celebrity charity golf event at EEGC in April of 2012. • Viewpoint: Owner/Operator EEGC • Timeframes: To-Be • Timeframe for making decision to host or not is 6 months • Timeframe for event is April 2012 New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
High Level Operational Graphic (OV-1) New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Operational Activity Model (OV-5)Activity Tree Node New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Operational Node Connectivity (OV-2)Excerpt - EEGC Central New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Operational Node Connectivity (OV-2)Excerpt - Course and Landscape Management New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Operational Node Connectivity (OV-2)Excerpt - Marketing & Media Relations New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Organizational Relationships Chart (OV-4) New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS
Operational Information Exchange (OV-3) - Excerpt New Capability Enterprise Architecture for EEGC by Team ACIS