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The Selection Process. Incubus yokukhetha. The Selection Process. Inqubo yokukhetha. “Jacob Zuma stole the election!”. “UJacob Zuma uluntshontshile ukhetho!”. In almost any election someone on the losing side will make a claim similar to this.
The Selection Process Incubus yokukhetha
The Selection Process Inqubo yokukhetha “Jacob Zuma stole the election!” “UJacob Zuma uluntshontshile ukhetho!” In almost any election someone on the losing side will make a claim similar to this. Cishe kulolonke ukhetho labo abahluliwe bazosho okufana nalokhu. Kuzokwenziwa ukuze kunike isithombe sokuthi ukukhethwa kuka Jacob Zuma ukuba abe ngumengameli akukho emthethweni. It would be made in order to give the impression that Jacob Zuma’s presidency is not legitimate.
The Selection Process Inqubo yokukhetha No man fit for the role of an elder would want to have such a cloud to hang over his service to a congregation. The selection of elders should not be an election by majority vote. No process should be more free from “politics” than the selection of a congregation’s elders! The selection of elders should not be simply a popularity contest. Akukho ndoda engathanda ukuba ithole isikhundla sokuba ilunga ebandleni kube kukhona ifu elilengela emsebenzini wayo. Ukukhethwa kwamalunga akumele kuye ngokukhetha kweningi labavotile. Akukho nqubo okumele ikhululeke “kwezepolitiki” njengokukhethwa kwamalunga ebandleni! Lokho kukhethwa kwamalunga akumele kube ukuqophisana ngokwaziwa.
The Selection Process Inqubo yokukhetha We have no specific example or instructions regarding the specific process by which a congregation should select its elders or deacons. The marriage relationship, because it is a human relationship is governed by passages not directly addressing marriage There are certainly scriptural principles not given in the context of selecting elders, which should govern whatever selection process is used. Asinaso isibonelo esiqondile noma umyalo maqondana nenqubo engalandelwa lapho ibandla likhetha amalunga namadiyakoni. Ubudlelwano bomshado, ngenxa yokuthi ubudlelwane babantu bulawulwa imibhalo engakhulumi nqo ngemishado Ikhona imigomo yemibhalo nokho enganikeziwe ukuba ilawule ukukhetha amalunga, okumele nokho ilawule noma ngabe iyiphi inqubo yokukhetha esetshenziswayo.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The congregation should choose their own overseers. Act 6:1 Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. 2 And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, "It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. 3 Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. Ibandla kumele likhethe ababonisi balo. Izenzo 6:1 Kwathi ngaleyomihla abafundi sebanda, kwavela ukukhonona kubaJuda abakhuluma isiGreki ngamaHeberu ngokuthi abafelokazi bakubo bayancishwa ekwabelweni kwemihla ngemihla. 2 Abayishumi nambili base bebiza ibandla labafundi, bathi; Akukuhle ukuba thina sishiye izwi likaNkulunkulu, sikhonze ematafuleni. 3 Funani ke phakathi kwenu bazalwane amadoda ayisikhombisa anodumo oluhle, agcwele uMoya nokuhlakanipha, esingawamisela lowomsebenzi.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The congregation should choose their own overseers. Act 6:4 But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word." 5 And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. 6 These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them. Ibandla kumele likhethe ababonisi balo. Izenzo 6:4 Kepha thina sizakuqinisela ekukhulekeni nasenkonzweni yezwi. 5 Lelizwi laba lihle kulo lonke ibandla; base bekhetha uStefanu, umuntu owayegcwele ukukholwa noMoya oNgcwele, uFiliphu, noProkhoro, noNikanori, noThimoni, noPharmena, noNikolawu, iproselite lase Antiyokiya, 6 babamisa phambi kwabaphostoli; bakhuleka, babeka izandla phezu kwabo.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The congregation should choose their own overseers. Although you do not currently have elders, I don’t believe existing elders or preachers should be allowed to manipulate the process to essentially “pick” additional elders. Ibandla kumele likhethe ababonisi balo. Nakuba okwamanje ningenawo amalunga, angikholelwa ekutheni amalunga akhona noma abashumayeli kufanele bavunyelwe balawule ngokwabo inqubo ngokubona isidingo selunga elengezelwayo “bazikhethele”.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. I Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Umgomo omuhle kakhulu Mat 7:12 “Ngakho-ke konke nokungakanani enifuna ukuba abantu bakwenze kini kwenzeni nani kanjalo kubo; ngokuba lokhu kungumthetho nabaprofethi. I Petr 3:8 Okokugcina, manibe nhliziyonye nonke, nihawukelane, nithandane ngokwabazalwane, nibe nobubele.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The process should be “open” enough to eliminate possible charges of partiality - James 2:1-9 1 My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, "You sit here in a good place," while you say to the poor man, "You stand over there," or, "Sit down at my feet," Inqubo le kufanele ibe “ngevulelekile” ngokwanele ukuze ikhiphe wonke amacala okukhetha abathile - Jakobe 2:1-9 1 Bazalwane bami, ukukholwa kwenu yiNkosi yethu yenkazimulo uJesu Kristu makungabi nokukhetha abantu. 2 Ngokuba uma kungena esinagogeni lenu umuntu onendandatho yegolide nezingubo ezicwebezelayo, kungene nompofu onezingubo ezimbi, 3 nimbheke ogqokile izingubo ezicwebezelayo nithi: Hlala lapha wena kulendawo enhle, besenithi kompofu: Yima lapho wena, noma Hlala phansi kwesenabelo sezinyawo zami?
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The process should be “open” enough to eliminate possible charges of partiality - James 2:1-9 4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?5 Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and the ones who drag you into court? Inqubo le kufanele ibe “ngevulelekile” ngokwanele ukuze ikhiphe wonke amacala okukhetha abathile - Jakobe 2:1-9 4 anikhethi yini nibe ngabahluleli abenezizindlo ezimbi na? 5 Yizwani, bazalwane bami abathandekayo. UNkulunkulu akakhethanga yini abampofu ezweni babe ngabacebileyo ekukholweni nezindlalifa zombuso awuthembisa bona abamthandayo na? 6 Kepha nina namdumaza ompofu, abacebileyo abanicindezeli yini, abanihuduleli emacaleni na?
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The process should be “open” enough to eliminate possible charges of partiality - James 2:1-9 7 Are they not the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you were called? 8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well. 9 But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. Inqubo le kufanele ibe “ngevulelekile” ngokwanele ukuze ikhiphe wonke amacala okukhetha abathile -Jakobe 2:1-9 7 Abahlambalazi igama elihle enibizwa ngalo na”? 8 Kepha uma nigcina umthetho wobubkhosi ngokombhalo wokuthi: Wothanda umakhelwane wakho njengalokhu uzithanda wena nenza kahle; 9 kodwa uma nikhetha abantu nenza isono, nilahlwa ngumthetho njengabaweqayo.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The process should be “open” enough to eliminate possible charges of partiality Romans 12:17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. Inqubo le kufanele ibe “ngevulelekile” ngokwanele ukuze ikhiphe wonke amacala okukhetha abathile KwabaseRoma 12:17 Ningaphindiseli okubi ngokubi; nakani okuhle phambi kwabantu bonke.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The process should be “open” enough to eliminate possible charges of partiality The selection process should be “open” in the sense that the congregation can see that everything is done in an honest way and not in a manipulative fashion. Inqubo le kufanele ibe “ngevulelekile” ngokwanele ukuze ikhiphe wonke amacala okukhetha abathile Inqubo kufanele “ivuleleke” ngendlela yokuthi ibandla lingabona ukuthi konke kwenziwa ngendlela yokwethembeka kungeyona eyokwenzelela.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo The process should discourage gossip and slander. Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 1 Timothy 3:11 Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. Inqubo leyo kufanele The process should discourage gossip and slander. Efesu 4:31 Konke okubabayo, nentukuthelo, nolaka, nomsindo, nokuhlambalaza makususwe kini kanye nakho konke okubi. 1 Thim 3:11 Ngokunjalo nabesifazane mababenesizotha, abangahlebi, abazithibayo, abathembekayo ezintweni zonke.
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo Those who are examined should be willing to receive objections by other members, if warranted Colossians 3:12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, Labo abahlolwayo kumele bakuvumele ukuphikiswa ngamanye amalunga, uma kunobufakazi Kol 3:12 Ngakhoke njengabakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu, abangcwele nabathandekayo, yembathani ububele benhliziyo, nesisa, nokuzithoba, nobumnene, nokubhekakade,
Relevant Principles Imigomo ehambisanayo Those who are examined should be willing to receive objections by other members, if warranted No man is forced to undergo examination by the congregation. If he agrees to do so, he should practice humility toward those who come to him with objections. If he reacts to objections raised by others in a hostile way, he would not be qualified (1 Timothy 3:3). “not violent but gentle“ Labo abahlolwayo kumele bakuvumele ukuphikiswa ngamanye amalunga, uma kunobufakazi Akukho ndoda ephoqekile ukuba ingene ekuhlolweni yibandla Uma ivuma ukukwenza lokho, kumele ikwazi ukuba nobuntu kulabo abafika nezathulo Uma ikhombisa ukumelana nezethulo ezilethwa ngabanye eziphikisana nayo, iyobe ayifanele ukuba ilunga.(1 Thim 3:3). “ongesiso isilwi, kepha omnene”
A Suggested Procedure Inqubo ephakanyiswayo The congregation should be allowed to submit the names of men deemed to be qualified. A period of one or two weeks should be sufficient for this task. • A form with the qualifications of elders listed on it could be provided with space to list the name(s) of qualified men • The form should also contain other options, such as “no men qualified” or “I do not wish to participate in the selection process.” • The form should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the member’s name on the outside. The form itself would not need to be signed. Ibandla kumele livunyelwe lilethe amagama amadoda anezimpawu ezifanele. Isikhathi esingaba iviki kuya kwamabili sanele ukuba kwenziwe lokho. • Iphepha elinezimpawu zamalunga zibhaliwe kulona zinganikwa kukhona izikhala lapho kungabhalwa khona amagama amadoda anezimpawu ezifanele • Iphepha lelo kufanele libenezinto ezifana nokuthi “ayikho indoda efanele” noma “angifuni ukuthatha iqhaza kulokhukukhetha okuqhubekayo.” • Iphepha lelo kufanele libuyiswe livaliwe lisemvilophini linegama lomuntu ngaphandle. Iphepha lona lingasayinwanga..
A Suggested Procedure Inqubo ephakanyiswayo Tabulation and analysis • The forms and envelopes should be separated in a manner allowing anonymity to the members. • The number of times each man’s name was submitted should be tallied and compared with the total number of members who participated. • Those men who received broad support from the congregation should be polled to determine if they are willing to serve. • Of these men, the ones willing to serve should be presented to the congregation for a period of two weeks for examination. Ukuhlela nokucwaninga • Amaphepha nezimvilophi kufanele kwahlukaniswe ngaleyondlela kuvunyelwe ukungaziwa kwamalunga. • Ngesibalo sokuvela kwegama lendoda lilethiwe kufanele lihlanganiswe liqhathaniswe nesibalo sabantu ababambe iqhaza. • Lawo madoda athole ukwesekwa okukhlu yibandla kumele avezwe obala bese eyabuzwa ukuthi akulungele yini ukukhonza ngaleyondlela. • Kulawo madoda, labo abazimisele ngokukhonza kumele abekwe ebandleni cishe isikhathi esingaba amasonto amabili ukuhlolwa.
A Suggested Procedure Inqubo ephakanyiswayo Examination by the congregation • Those who have objections to the men being considered should voice those objections to the man/men concerned. • Objections should be specific and based on scripture. • The nature and seriousness of the objection should be determined. • Follow the relevant principles already discussed. Ukuhlolwa yibandla • Labo abafisa ukuphikisa lawo madoda abhekiwe kumele bakhulume lezozikhalazo ngaleyondoda/madoda abhekiwe. • Lezozikhalazo kufanele ziqonde futhi zincike embhalweni. • Ubunjalo nokubaluleka kwezikhalazo lezo kufanele kubhekwe kahle. • Landela imigomo efanele esesikhulume ngayo ngaphambili.
A Suggested Procedure Inqubo ephakanyiswayo Appointment • Providing at least two men remain after all objections have been addressed, those who remain will be appointed as elders during an assembly of the congregation. Ukubekwa • Ukuvela okungenani kwamadoda amabili emveni kokuba izikhalazo sezibhekiwe, labo abasele bayobe sebemiswa njengamaluna lapho ibandla lihlangene.
Appointing Elders Ukumiswa kwamalunga Acts 14:23 And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed. Titus 1:5 This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you– Acts 6:3 Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. Acts 6:6 These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them. Izenzo 14:23 Sebebakhethele amalunga amabandla ngamabandla, bakhuleka bezila ukudla, babanikela eNkosini asebekholwa yiyo. Thithu 1:5 Ngakushiya eKrethe ngenxa yalokhu ukuba uhlele okusaseleyo, umise amalunga emizini yonke, njengokuba ngakuyala, Izenzo 6:3 Funani-ke phakathi kwenu bazalwane amadoda ayisikhombisa anodumo oluhle, agcwele uMoya nokuhlakanipha esingawamisela lowomsebenzi. Izenzo 6:6 babamisa phambi kwabaphostoli bakhuleka, babeka izandla phezu kwabo.
Appointing Elders Ukumiswa kwamaLunga The meaning of “appoint” in these passages… • Acts 14:23 - ceirotone a. extending the hand, or to vote by stretching out the hand b. to create or appoint by vote: one to have charge of some office or duty, • Titus 1:5 - kaqi,sthmi a. to set one over a thing (in charge of it), b. to appoint one to administer an office • Acts 6:3 – same word as in Titus 1:5 Incazelo yegama “ukumisa” kulemibhalo… • Izenzo 14:23 - ceirotone a. ukuvula izandla noma ukuvota ngokunweba izandla. b. ukwenza, noma ukumisa ngokuvota: omunye ukuba athathe isikhudla noma umsebenzi, • KuThithu 1:5 - kaqi,sthmi a. ukubeka omunye phezu kwento (ayiphathe), b. ukumisa omunye ukuba abhekelele i-ofisi • Izenzo 6:3 – igama elifanayo nakuThithu 1:5
Appointing Elders Ukumiswa kwamalunga Conclusion? • Based primarily on Titus 1:5, some have concluded that evangelists are to select the elders of a congregation. • Remember these pertinent facts: Titus 1:5 and Acts 6:3 use the same word. In Acts 6, it is clear that the selection process (vs. 3a) is not the same as the appointment by the apostles (vs. 3b). • The appointment of elders is the placing of qualified men in the role of overseers Isiphetho? • kuncike kakhulu kuThithu 1:5, abanye bafinyelele esiphethweni sokuthi abavangeli yibo okumele baqoke amalunga ebandla. • Khumbula lamaqiniso abhekene nalendaba: Thithu 1:5 ne Zenzo 6:3 asebenzisa igama elifanayo. Ezenzweni 6, kucacile ukuthi ukukhetha (vs. 3a) akufani nokumisa okwenziwa abaphostoli (vs. 3b). • ukumiswa kwamalunga ukubeka amadoda anezimpawu ezifanele esikhundleni sombonisi
Conclusion Isiphetho Whatever method of selecting and appointing elders is used, it needs to be agreed upon by the congregation, be free from manipulation and be transparent. It especially needs to be scriptural. The goal of the congregation needs to be to please God Noma ngabe ndlelani ethe yalandelwa ekukhetheni nasekumisweni kwamalunga, idinga ukuba kube indlela ibandla elivumelene ngayo, ibe ngekhululekile ikuba isetshenziswe kabi ibe ile ezocaca ibonwe yiwo wonke umuntu. Ikakhulu kufanele ibe ngokombhalo. Imigomo yebandla kumele imthokozise uNkulunkulu.