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Hair Transplant in Chandigarh @SNOHOSPITAL

Baldness really bothers the beauty conscious people, as they lose their self-confidence.Get the fue hair transplant surgery in chanidgarh at SNO HOSPITAL.

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Hair Transplant in Chandigarh @SNOHOSPITAL

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  1. The Background of Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh The Background of Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh Hair loss occurs in more than 60% of men and in approximately 10% of women. Although a lack of scalp hair can potentially increase the risk of actinic damage and skin cancer, male and female pattern baldness are conditions that are, with few exceptions, treated electively. Balding is a major concern for many, and surgery to treat hair loss (ie, hair transplantation) is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed on men today. Yet, the market for hair transplantation is dwarfed by the immense market for products that treat hair loss without surgery. As in North India, Fue hair transplant in Chandigarh Fue hair transplant in Chandigarh has been seen the most common thing now. The products, which include shampoos, hair-care cosmetics, scalp massagers, laser combs, and many more, have no proven efficacy except for their ability to temporarily increase the volume of existing hair, resulting in a denser appearance than before. Exceptions are the two medications the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved: minoxidil (Rogaine, available over the counter in the United States) and finasteride (Propecia, available by prescription only for men), which have limited but definite benefit. There are many companies that are specialised in providing Fur hair transplant.Nearly all hair-transplant

  2. specialists agree on the superiority of follicular-unit micrografting over traditional micrografting and minigrafting. Hair restoration Hair restoration The future of hair restoration is exciting, primarily because of medical advances. Improved effectiveness of control of hair loss coupled with minimization of adverse effects result from the use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors that are specific for the hair follicle or from the use of medications that work by alternate pathways. In addition, gene therapy may have future application in hair loss treatment. The genes that because alopecia can be located and potentially replaced with genetic sequences not associated with hair loss. The process of hair cloning The process of hair cloning Hair cloning may offer the surgeon a virtually unlimited supply of donor hairs. By cloning multiple copies of just a few donor hairs, patients with even extensive hair loss can expect complete scalp coverage, all with minimal donor-site morbidity. Most likely, follicle stem cells will be multiplied then injected into areas of thinning to initiate the regrowth of hairs. Candidates for hair cloning include those with advanced hair loss and those with scarring or poor supplies of potential donor hairs because of burn injury or previous poorly performed hair transplantations. Mechanism of hair transplan Mechanism of hair transplant t Mechanization of the hair-transplantation process is perhaps the only way to improve the process of follicular-unit transplantation. Instruments capable of rapidly and accurately dissecting the grafts and traumatically placing the grafts will speed the process and reduce

  3. reliance upon assistants. However, hair transplantation will remain an aesthetic procedure that requires a skilled surgeon to create natural-appearing results. As per the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, hair loss affects 21 million women in the United States, with varying impact on their psychological, social, and emotional well-being. Hair loss in men can be socially acceptable, and, in fact, deemed attractive or alluring. Conversely, society generally has less acceptance of thinning of hair or baldness in women. Women with hair loss often find it more difficult to share their feelings about hair loss with loved ones or friends or even their physicians. Although follicular-unit micrografting is technically more demanding and time-consuming than other procedures, it yields superior results in terms of creating a natural appearance because hairs are transplanted as they grow naturally in the scalp. The procedure also enables dense graft placement when desired because individual grafts are small and thereby permitted small recipient sites and closer spacing. In addition, follicular-unit grafting reduces accidental transection of hair follicles during the graft-dissection process because dissection is performed under microscope visualization; therefore, wastage of valuable donor hairs can be reduced. Fue Hair Transplant in Ludhiana Fue Hair Transplant in Ludhiana has become very common these days.

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