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Implementing Robotics into the Classroom. What is Robotics?.
What is Robotics? Robotics is the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application.[1] Robotics requires a working knowledge of electronics, mechanics and software, and is usually accompanied by a large working knowledge of many subjects.[2] Although the appearance and capabilities of robots vary vastly, all robots share the features of a mechanical, movable structure under some form of autonomous control. The structure of a robot is usually mostly mechanical and can be called a kinematic chain (its functionality being similar to the skeleton of the human body). The chain is formed of links (its bones), actuators (its muscles) and joints which can allow one or more degrees of freedom. Most contemporary robots use open serial chains in which each link connects the one before to the one after it. These robots are called serial robots and often resemble the human arm. Some robots, such as the Stewart platform, use closed parallel kinematic chains. Other structures, such as those that mimic the mechanical structure of humans, various animals and insects, are comparatively rare. Information gathered from site: http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/robotics/robotics1.htm
Different Types of Robots Robots on Earth: Typical industrial robots do jobs that are difficult, dangerous or dull. They lift heavy objects, paint, handle chemicals, and perform assembly work. They perform the same job hour after hour, day after day with precision. They don't get tired and they don't make errors associated with fatigue and so are ideally suited to performing repetitive tasks. The major categories of industrial robots by mechanical structure are: • Cartesian robot / Gantry robot: Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations, handling machine tools and arc welding. It's a robot whose arm has three prismatic joints, whose axes are coincident with a Cartesian coordinator. • Cylindrical robot: Used for assembly operations, handling at machine tools, spot welding, and handling at die-casting machines. It's a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate system. • Spherical / Polar robot: Used for handling at machine tools, spot welding, die-casting, fettling machines, gas welding and arc welding. It's a robot whose axes form a polar coordinate system.
SCARA robot: Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations and handling machine tools. It's a robot which has two parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a plane. • Articulated robot: Used for assembly operations, die-casting, fettling machines, gas welding, arc welding and spray painting. It's a robot whose arm has at least three rotary joints. • Parallel robot: One use is a mobile platform handling cockpit flight simulators. It's a robot whose arms have concurrent prismatic or rotary joints. Information gathered from site: http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/types.html
Real World Uses of Robots On Earth: Underwater Explorer: explore a sunken fishing fleet Uribe: the Urban Robot ; used in homes Dante: The Volcano Explorer: explores parts of volcanoes that man cannot HazBot: a mobile robot for hazardous materials The “Brain Surgeon”: a robot to help in surgery Long Arm: for contamination cleanup HeloMate: an assistant for the elderly and infirm “Point Men”: robots to assist soldiers Demeter: a robotic harvester Pioneer: the Chornobyl reconnaissance robot
In Space: Mars Pathfinder: finding paths around Mars The Remote Manipulator System: the Space Shuttle robotic arm Deep Space 1: the autonomous spacecraft Cassini: the mission to Saturn / exploring Galileo: a journey to Jupiter / exploring Mars Global Surveyor: mapping the surface of Mars Stardust: a mission to collect and return comet dust to Earth Ulysses: solar exploration of the Sun's poles Voyager Interstellar Mission: it keeps going and going and going..... Information gathered from site: http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/applications.html
Everyday Uses of Robots Industry: http://store.irobot.com : This website gives MANY different examples of robots and how they are used in everyday industries. It also talks about the fact that these robots can do jobs that humans cannot, do the job faster, and complete the job more accurately. This could site would be useful in the classroom. It could be used to teach students the importance of technology and understanding how robots are used. When students enter the workforce they are going to be working with many of these robots and it is important for them to understand how and why they are necessary. It is also a way to explain to students that robots can actually create more jobs because there needs to be people who can program, do maintenance, and understand how the robot works. This is also useful because it can teach students that they can find easier ways to complete certain tasks (even if it doesn't include using robots).
Public Safety and Military: www.foster-miller.com: This site explains how and why robots are used in the military and keeping people safe (police officers, firemen, etc.). The website discusses and gives examples of how these robots are designed specifically for public safety and fire and rescue organizations. The military uses many of these robots for bomb retrieval, rescue missions, and finding dangerous material and terrain. This would be a great way to show students who are interested in the military that there are many avenues to think about. Some students think that soldiers just have guns and knives and fight all the time. This would be a great way to show them that technology plays a major role in the military. It would also be a great way to introduce the students to the importance of robots by having them build one to try some of the things that military robots can do. Students need to know how important technology is to the their future and survival and this would be a great way to do that!
Media and Literature: www.experiencefestival.com: On this website, kids can learn how to create stories and movies using robot animation. There is also a way for students to view movies and read stories that have already been created for them. This site would be a great way to incorporate robots into other subjects areas. This will get students reading and writing in a creative way. There was also a section for clip art that students could pull from if they were doing a presentation or project. This is also a great way to intertwine science, reading, writing, and even engineering in a lesson. Students would love to create stories that included robots!
Home and Leisure: www.homemakers.com: This website gives great examples of how robots can be used to do simple cleaning tasks around the house. Probably the most used robot is the one that vacuums/cleans the floor. This robot has sensors that can be set so that the owner can leave the house and have their floors cleaned while they are gone. I really thought that these robots were cool and feel that students would be impressed with how far the technology has come. I thought that this would be a great way to let students know that they could attain jobs in the area of robotics. There is obviously a great demand for tools that cut down on human effort and time. I also thought that this would be a great way to tie in computer programming, math, and science. It is important for students to know that robots are the future and they need to know how to use and understand them.
Connections to the Classroom Academic Expectations: 1.2 – Students make sense of the variety of materials they read. 1.3 – Students make sense of the various things they observe. 1.5-1.9 – Students use mathematical ideas and procedures to communicate, reason, and solve problems. 1.13 – Students make sense of and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.16 – Students use computers and other kinds of technology to collect, organize, and communicate information and ideas. 2.1 – Students understand scientific ways of thinking and working and use those methods to solve real-life problems. 2.2 – Students identify, analyze, and use patterns such as cycles and trends to understand past and present events and predict possible future events. 2.3 – Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 2.4 – Students use the concept of scale and scientific models to explain the organization and functioning of living and nonliving things and predict other characteristics that might be observed .
2.8 – Students understand various mathematical procedures and use them appropriately. 2.9 – Students understand space and dimensionality concepts and use them accurately. 2.10 – Students understand measurement concepts and use measurements appropriately and accurately. 2.30 – Students evaluate consumer products and services and make effective consumer decisions. 2.36 – Students use strategies for choosing and preparing for a career. 5.1 – Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situation. 5.2 – Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 – Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 – Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 – Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. Information gathered from site: http://www.kde.state.ky.us
Curriculum Connections MA-04-1.1.3 Students will compare (<, >, =) and order whole numbers, commonly used fractions and decimals, and explain the relationships (equivalence, order) between and among them. DOK 2 MA-04-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify appropriate representations using mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems MA-04-2.1.1 Students will apply standard units to measure length (to the nearest quarter-inch or the nearest centimeter) and to determine: perimeter; area (figures that can be divided into rectangular shapes); time (nearest five minutes) and
MA-04-3.1.1 Students will describe and provide examples of basic geometric elements and terms [points, segments, lines (perpendicular, parallel, intersecting), rays, angles (acute, right, obtuse), sides, edges, faces, bases, vertices] and will apply these elements to solve real-world and mathematical problems. DOK 2 MA-04-4.1.1 Students will analyze and make inferences from data displays (drawings, tables/charts, tally tables, pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs, line plots, Venn diagrams). MA-04-5.1.2 Students will describe functions (input-output) through pictures, tables, and words; and will analyze functions from a table based on real-world and mathematical problems. DOK 2 AH-04-1.4.1 Students will identify or describe elements of art and principles of design in works of art. DOK 2 Principles of design: Organization of visual compositions: Emphasis (focal point), Pattern, Balance (symmetry), Contrast (e.g., black/white, rough/smooth)
PL-04-1.1.11 Students will identify self-management and coping strategies (goal setting, decision making and time management). DOK 1 SC-04-1.2.1 Students will interpret or represent data related to an object’s straight-line motion in order to make inferences and predictions of changes in position and/or time. An object’s motion can be described by measuring its change in position over time such as rolling different objects (e.g., spheres, toy cars) down a ramp. Collecting and representing data related to an object’s motion provides the opportunity to make comparisons and draw conclusions. DOK 3 SC-04-1.2.2 Students will infer causes and effects of pushes and pulls (forces) on objects based on representations or interpretations of straight-line movement/motion in charts, graphs and qualitative comparisons. The position and motion of objects can be changed by pushing or pulling. The amount of change is related to the force (defined as the strength of the push or pull) and the mass of the object(s) used. The force with which a ball is hit illustrates this principle. Cause and effect relationships, along with predicted consequences related to the strength of pushes and pulls (force) on an object’s position and motion should be explored and qualitatively compared. DOK 3
SC-04-1.2.3 Students will: explain that sound is a result of vibrations, a type of motion; describe pitch ( high, low) as a difference in sounds that are produced and relate that to the rate of vibration. Vibration is a type of motion that can be observed, described, measured and compared. Sound is produced by vibrating objects. The pitch of the sound can be varied by changing the rate of vibration. The relationship between rates of vibration and produced sounds can be described and graphed. DOK 3 SC-04-2.3.2 Students will describe and explain consequences of changes to the surface of the Earth, including some common fast changes (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes), and some common slow changes (e.g., erosion, weathering). The surface of the Earth changes. Some changes are due to slow processes such as erosion or weathering. Some changes are due to rapid processes such as landslides, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Analyzing the changes to identify cause and effect relationships helps to define and understand the consequences. DOK 3
SC-04-4.6.3 Students will evaluate a variety of models/representations of electrical circuits (open, closed, series, and/or parallel) to: make predictions related to changes in the system; compare the properties of conducting and non-conducting materials. Electricity in circuits can produce light, heat and sound. Electrical circuits require a complete conducting path through which an electrical current can pass. Analysis of a variety of circuit models creates an opportunity to make predictions about circuits, as well as to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of open and closed circuits and basic conducting and non-conducting materials. DOK 3 SC-04-4.6.4 Students will: analyze models/representations of light in order to generalize about the behavior of light; represent the path of light as it interacts with a variety of surfaces (reflecting, refracting, absorbing). Light can be observed as traveling in a straight line until it strikes an object. Light can be reflected by a shiny object (e.g., mirror, spoon), refracted by a lens (e.g., magnifying glass, eyeglasses), or absorbed by an object (e.g., dark surface). DOK 3
SS-05-3.4.2 Students will describe how new knowledge, technology/tools and specialization increase/increased productivity in the U.S. (Colonization, Industrialization, Twentieth Century to Present). DOK 3 SS-05-4.3.2 Students will describe how advances in technology (e.g., dams, reservoirs, roads, irrigation) allow people to settle in places previously inaccessible in the United States. DOK 2 SS-05-4.4.2 Students will describe how the physical environment (e.g., mountains as barriers for protection, rivers as barriers of transportation) both promoted and restricted human activities during the early settlement of the U.S. (Colonization, Expansion). DOK 2 Information gathered from site: http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instructional+Resources/Curriculum+Documents+and+Resources/Core+Content+for+Assessment/Core+Content+for+Assessment+4.1/
Where can I find Robots? http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?global=usa&ID=1263
Cost of Robots The cost of the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education NXT base set: $279.95 http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?ID=1263&c=0&t=0&l=0 Also, the cost of the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT software is $79.95 http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?pt=8&searchtype=0&sport=3&c=0&t=1&l=0&ID=1670 MINDSTORMS® Education Robotics Engineering I – Getting Started Package for $3,869.65. This includes 12 base sets and the software with Site License. http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?ID=1278
How can I get Funds? First I would suggest going to the technology teacher and principal at your school to see if there were any technology funds available for use. I would also suggest asking someone at your school to help you write a grant. I would also ask the parents if they knew anyone (personal or business) that would be willing to donate any money for the robots (you may be surprised). I would also hold a chili dinner, car wash, and sell suckers on Valentines Day. I would suggest do anything to make sure that the students at your school could have the opportunity to participate in something so awesome.
Build Your Robot and Complete a Task • Goal: Create a robot that will move forward to a specific place and stop. • Scenario: On the moon, the astronauts will need to have be able to move heavy objects precisely and reliably over the rocky moon surface. • Task: Your robot must take some cargo from one place to another. You will start in a specific place and will need to end in a specific place. You will have to make this trip two times in order to get the full score. • Rules: • Robot must start completely in the start area • Robot must go as straight as possible • Robot must finish completely in the finish area and must completely stop • Robot must complete the task 2 times in a row I will demonstrate the programming and task for those that are having difficulty with the robot I have in front of me!
Reference List http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/types.html http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/applications.html http://store.irobot.com http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/robotics/robotics1.htm http://www.kde.state.ky.us http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instructional+Resources/Curriculum+Documents+and+Resources/Core+Content+for+Assessment/Core+Content+for+Assessment+4.1 http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?global=usa&ID=1263
http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?ID=1263&c=0&t=0&l=0http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?ID=1263&c=0&t=0&l=0 http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?ID=1278 http://www.legoeducation.com/store/detail.aspx?pt=8&searchtype=0&sport=3&c=0&t=1&l=0&ID=1670 Peach, A. (2009). CSC 522 – Implementing STEM in the Classroom through Robotics: Syllabus and other materials . Georgetown College, 2009. www.foster-miller.com www.experiencefestival.com www.homemakers.com