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National Training Event University of Warwick, 15-17 th April 2009

Welcome to the PMG National Training Event 2009 “Pay Now, Save Later”. National Training Event University of Warwick, 15-17 th April 2009. Excitement. I’m Nigel Shapcott currently the Chair of PMG

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National Training Event University of Warwick, 15-17 th April 2009

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the PMG National Training Event 2009 “Pay Now, Save Later” National Training Event University of Warwick, 15-17th April 2009

  2. Excitement I’m Nigel Shapcott currently the Chair of PMG I cannot remember a time in my 30+ year career that I have been so excited about new developments, technologies and solutions Dig into this training event, network, explore and take back new ideas for improving your services

  3. Announcements Don’t forget to take the cling film off the soap in your room or it will take a long time to lather, as I discovered. Please turn your mobile phones off/silent now. Delegate Packs- copy of programme, exhibitors (two locations Mead and Butterworth), and compendium of abstracts Toilets- in Arts Centre past café, disabled entry Butterworth Hall on left side.

  4. Safety Fire procedure: no fire drill is scheduled Alarm- make your way out of theatre or exhibition by the nearest fire exit- all clearly marked

  5. Assistance PMG Committee members are there to help and are identified by a weary appearance and blue lanyards. If you have any problems or require any help throughout the conference please see one of the committee.

  6. Breaks and Lunch Held in both the Mead Gallery and Butterworth Hall exhibition areas. Please ensure you visit both areas. We have many delegates to feed so spread out. Any delegates with special dietary requirements please ask one of the University staff in the Mead Gallery who will assist them

  7. Poster Presentations On the ground floor of the arts centre next to the stairs and the lift. Please see your programme for times they will be manned by their presenters.

  8. Special Interest Groups (SIGS) This is a new opportunity for participation in PMG As of 6th April 298 people had signed up Structure is developing, meeting here at 8.30-9.30 am tomorrow All are welcome- whether or not you have signed up

  9. Training Day (yesterday) The Education and Training committee would like to thank all presenters from yesterday’s workshops They delivered a wealth of knowledge to an enthusiastic group 210+ signed up for the Training Day Provided a great opportunity to share developments and practice!

  10. New Ideas This is where my colleagues on the executive committee clutch their chest and collapse (they already work very hard) Annual prize for the “best” contribution to the field of posture and mobility Opportunity for sponsorship

  11. Opening Address Pleasure to introduce The Baroness Masham of Ilton The Baroness is a champion for many causes related to disability Founder Spinal Injuries Association 1974 Longest serving Life Peer 1970 First person to raise issue of MRSA in the House of Lords 1987

  12. The Baroness Masham of Ilton Incredibly active on a wide range of health, disabiilty and other issues Lords Select Committees Science and Technology (Resistance to Microbial Agents) 1997-98 All Party Groups- currently holding office in 17 groups From AIDS to Accident Prevention to Spinal Cord Injury Please welcome The Baroness Masham of Ilton

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