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5 Mistakes Hindering the Conversion Rate of Your Magento Eyewear Store

Magento helps businesses build high-performing e-commerce stores. But some mistakes can cause a massive loss. Check out here to know more.

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5 Mistakes Hindering the Conversion Rate of Your Magento Eyewear Store

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  1. 5 Mistakes Hindering the Conversion Rate of Your Magento Eyewear Store A low conversion rate is a nightmare for every e-commerce site owner. After all, the ultimate purpose of building a website is to convert more visitors into customers. It does matter if your Magento store receives millions of visitors. They are of no use if they do not convert to buyers. It is nothing but the crowd. Do you have a Magento eyewear store or want to build one? In any case, you should avoid some mistakes that affect your conversions. Indeed, Magento is a great platform for creating beautiful and high-performing e-commerce stores. It allows you to access thousands of free and premium extensions that add functionality to your eyewear store. For example, Prescription Lens Configuration Magento2 Extension helps you set up your store effortlessly. On the other hand, customers can enter their prescription lens details in a few steps. Besides this, Magento has countless free templates. That means you can get a customised design for your ecommerce store. The best thing about this e-commerce platform is it is open-source. So, you do not have to make a hole in your pocket to build your eyewear store. That said, you may face difficulties converting your Magento store visitors. Do not fret. Below, we have listed common mistakes you need to avoid. 1. Failing to use effective calls-to-action (CTAs) Let us say you have a user-friendly and well-designed e-commerce site that sells products. Also, you offer valuable content. But if it fails to provide a clear call-to-action, all your efforts will become zero. Maybe your visitors are almost on the verge of conversion. But without a concise call-to-action, they will never get there. Firstly, they will not know what to do next. For this reason, you should not miss out on CTAs. Moreover, the CTAs you use should be specific, compelling, and prominent so that your visitors act immediately. A CTA without the necessary information will land visitors nowhere. Here are things to consider when creating call-to-actions. ○ Consider the colour, size, words, and placement when designing a CTA. ○ consistent with this. Using different types of CTAs on your website will push away your users. So, try to be ○ Finally, do not use CTAs unnecessarily.

  2. 2. Not having a social proof Your site visitors may also run away because of a lack of trust and credibility. Yes, they will hesitate even if they like your eyewear products. But this may happen with established brands like Nike because everyone knows about it. Since you are relatively new in the eyewear industry, you must have social proof to build trust. All brands use social proof to convert their visitors into loyal customers. The difference with big brands is that their customers leave reviews automatically on social media, websites, etc. If you want your online eyewear store to grow, have social proof. 3. Neglecting mobile audience Over the years, m-commerce has gained a lot of momentum. All thanks to the growing dependency on mobile devices for shopping, fetching information, navigation, etc. In 2021, m-commerce sales generated $359.32 billion. And it is likely to reach $728.28 billion by 2025. For instance, your e-commerce store is not compatible with mobile devices. In this case, you cannot have conversions. Today, most customers prefer mobile phones for shopping because they are easy to use. So, your online store should be responsive to mobile and offer a smooth user experience. You cannot grow your eyewear business if you fail to attract mobile audiences.

  3. 4. Complicated checkout process A lot of customers or visitors abandon websites at carts. Why? The most common reason is the complicated and time-consuming checkout process. It is understandable. No one likes to waste their time fiddling with the checkout process. They will not use their precious time and energy to make things easy. Hence, they leave your e-commerce site and go to the next option. To make your checkout seamless and efficient, minimise distractions like filling in personal details. Also, check your process regularly to find out any technical issues. The idea is to ensure a hassle-free shopping experience. Nowadays, many e-commerce sites offer guest checkout. It enables customers to complete the purchase fast.

  4. 5. Using poor-quality images If the product images you use are of low quality, you will have a tough time converting your visitors. Images are the representation of your products. And if they are not clear, your visitors may not feel like purchasing them. They cannot see the features, look, and design clearly. Remember, the better your images, the higher the conversion rate. Therefore, say no to small, grainy, and low-quality images. The conclusion The success of your e-commerce eyewear store depends on various factors. Even a small mistake can lead to the loss of potential customers. The best way to draw more visitors and convert them into customers is by considering these things. Everything is crucial for an e-commerce store, from product images to the checkout process and CTAs. Besides this, third-party add-ons like Magento Eye Prescription extension can improve your customers' experience. It will further encourage them to make a purchase. If you are searching for a reliable company that deals in Magento e-commerce services, contact SoftProdigy. We also offer premium plugins and extensions like Magento 2 Contact lens Prescription.

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