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Recently Google announced that they were switching to mobile first index which implies that they are going to use your mobile site to determine your site positioning. So from a SEO Marketing perspective too, speeding up your site will also benefit you in terms of site stickiness and reduced bounce off rate. Since image optimization is an easy fix and saves you 20% to 40% of the page load time, it is definitely worth the effort and time.
Everything about this era, from the food we eat to the relationships we nurture, has boiled down to one thing, speed. Fast connections is what most of us seek especially when it comes to browsing a website. Not just regular users or people, even the giants like Google look for speed of the website.
Certain aspects such as images are often a major issue for the site with slow page load. Image SEO has now become the most significant aspect of this issue. Ideally page should not be larger than 1 megabyte but many a times sites have more than 10 MB per page. How can one expect a file to be heavy and still garner traffic?
However since now most of the companies rely on CMS (content management system) for resizing and compression .What happens here is that image optimization is now happening after the images are uploaded. These result in very large and oversized file weights for images, slowing down page speed and lowering the site positioning.
Knowing how to properly size, compress and save an image is a crucial process and very detrimental when it comes to bringing the traffic and ranking of any page. So if you are going to upload your images, you must keep a few factors in mind:
Resizing images– The ideal thing to do with any image on a site is to save it in the largest physical size needed, but not larger. What are needed these days are the multiple optimized images or photo optimization in various sizes, for the desktop, tablet and mobile.
File types– Apart from resizing, compressing and uploading an image, you also need to choose the right file type. Using the wrong file type can lead to increase in the weight of the file. Also the line art appears ambiguous and confusing. So anytime you have to a photo, opt for the JPG and for the rest like logos, line art, artworks etc. you must use a PNG.
Use of GIF or WebP– Before you use the WebP or GIF you must create the work grounds for unsupported browsers. WebP can save images at a much lighter file weight and with very good quality too.
Recently Google announced that they were switching to mobile first index which implies that they are going to use your mobile site to determine your site positioning. So from a SEO Marketing perspective too, speeding up your site will also benefit you in terms of site stickiness and reduced bounce off rate. Since image optimization is an easy fix and saves you 20% to 40% of the page load time, it is definitely worth the effort and time.