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UNC Respiratory Protection Program for Environment, Health & Safety Department Emergency Responders Presented by UNC-CH Environment, Health & Safety. Class Objectives.
UNC Respiratory Protection Program for Environment, Health & Safety Department Emergency RespondersPresented byUNC-CH Environment, Health & Safety
Class Objectives • Be able to explain the Importance of the Respiratory Protection Program in relation to UNC-CH policy, OSHA and EPA-HAZWOPER standards. • Understand protection controls and EPA/OSHA levels of respiratory protection for hazardous material response and hazardous waste sites. • Be able to discuss the importance of the Selection Process for different Types of Respirators for Emergency Response • Be able to demonstrate the limitations and Safety Issues with the use of negative pressure air purifying respirators;
Class Objectives • Be able to select, demonstrate the limitations and use of Air Purifying Respirator Filters and Respirator Chemical Cartridges • Be able to demonstrate the inspection, donning and doffing procedures for air purifying respirators • Be able to demonstrate, using a negative pressure respirator, the required negative and positive user seal check procedures • Discuss the importance of Fit-Testing Procedures • Discuss Maintenance & Storage Requirements • Review and Post Test
Introduction The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) Respiratory Protection Program (RPP) describes written policy and procedures for the use of respirators to protect the health of employees in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Respiratory Protection Standard, 29 CFR 1910.134 (General Industry Respirator Standard). Under 29 CFR 1910.134, OSHA requires a formal written program for the selection and use of respirators. The two basic objectives are to protect the worker from respiratory hazards and to prevent injury to the wearer from the incorrect use or malfunction of the respirator. This program includes protocols for the selection, training, fitting use, storage, and maintenance of respirators. For additional guidance regarding UNC-CH Respiratory Protection Program policies and procedures, click on the EHS Workplace Safety Respiratory Section at: http://www.ehs.unc.edu/workplace_safety/rpp.shtml
Introduction Some employees are also enrolled in the RPP for other specific standards (e.g. 29 CFR Subpart Z-Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1910.1001- asbestos) or the potential to exceed limits in other specific standards. For UNC-CH EHS Emergency Responders, personal protective equipment use requirements are also designated in the OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Standard, 29 CFR 1910.120. Respirators should only be used as a "last line of defense" when engineering control systems are not feasible. Engineering control systems, such as adequate ventilation should be used to negate the need for respirators.
Use of Controls for Protection 1910.120(g)(1)(i) Engineering controls, work practices and PPE for substances regulated in subparts G and Z, states: Engineering controls and work practices shall be instituted to reduce and maintain employee exposure to or below the permissible exposure limits for substances regulated by 29 CFR part 1910, to the extent required by subpart Z, except to the extent that such controls and practices are not feasible. Engineering controls which may be feasible include the use of pressurized cabs or control booths on equipment, and/or the use of remotely operated material handling equipment. Work practices which may be feasible are removing all non-essential employees from potential exposure during opening of drums, wetting down dusty operations and locating employees upwind of possible hazards.
Use of Controls for Protection 1910.120(g)(1)(ii) states: Whenever engineering controls and work practices are not feasible or not required, any reasonable combination of engineering controls, work practices and PPE shall be used to reduce and maintain employee exposures to or below the permissible exposure limit or dose limits for substances regulated by 29 CFR part 1910, subpart Z.
Use of Controls for Protection 1910.120(g)(1)(i) Engineering controls, work practices and PPE for substances not regulated in subparts G and Z, states: An appropriate combination of engineering controls, work practices and personal protective equipment shall be used to reduce and maintain employee exposure to or below published exposure levels for hazardous substances and health hazards not regulated by 29 CFR part 1910, subparts G and Z. The employer may use the published literature and MSDS as a guide in making the employer’s determination as to what level of protection the employer believes is appropriate for hazardous substances and health hazards for which there is no permissible exposure limit or published exposure limit.
Review of Levels of PPE Selecting the proper PPE for a response involves identifying the potential hazards that may be faced, the work requirements, and task-specific conditions, as well as assessing the durability and performance of the PPE material. PPE ensembles are classified into 4 levels outlined by 29 CFR 1910.120, as Level A, B, C and D.
Review of Levels of PPE Level A: The hazardous substance has been identified and requires the highest level of protection for the skin, eye, and respiratory system based on either the measured (or potential for) high concentration of atmospheric vapors, gasses, or particulates; or the site operations and work functions involve a high potential for splash, immersion, or exposure to unexpected vapors, gasses, or particulates of materials that are harmful to skin or capable of being absorbed through the skin. Substances with a high degree of hazard to the skin are known or suspected to be present, and skin contact is possible; PPE consists of totally encapsulated chemical protective suit and positive pressure full-facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus, chemical protective gloves, and boots . All 5 senses are impaired when in this level of protection.
Review of Levels of PPE Level A: Another Illustration: *Courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Website;
Review of Levels of PPE Level B: Protection should be used when the type and atmospheric concentration of substances have been identified and require a high level of respiratory protection, but less skin protection. The atmosphere contains less than 19.5% oxygen or the presence of incompletely identified vapors or gasses is indicated by a direct-reading instrument, but vapors and gasses are not suspected of containing high levels of chemicals harmful to the skin or capable of being absorbed through the skin.
Review of Levels of PPE Level B: The highest level of respiratory protection consisting of either a positive pressure, full-face piece self contained breathing apparatus or positive pressure supplied air respirator with escape SCBA.
Review of Levels of PPE Level C: Protection should be used when all types of air contaminants have been identified, concentrations measured, and an air-purifying respirator is available that can remove the contaminants; and all criteria for the use of air-purifying respirators are met. PPE includes a full-face or half face air-purifying respirator (NIOSH approved). Hooded chemical-resistant clothing such as tyvek, inner and outer gloves, and steel shank chemical resistant boots.
Review of Levels of PPE Level D: Should be used when the atmosphere contains no known hazard; and work functions preclude splashes, immersion, or the potential for unexpected inhalation of or contact with hazardous levels of any chemicals. “Modified D”: No inhalation hazard present. However, potential skin contact with chemicals may occur. *Courtesy of the EPA website; Exxon Valdez Spill Recovery: Note: no respiratory protection is used, but chemical protective clothing is used.
Review of Levels of PPE *Courtesy of the EPA website; This Superfund site, called the Valley of the Drums, was one of the earliest and most serious hazardous waste sites because it involved a vast quantity of illegally disposed material. Discovery of this site helped motivate Congress to develop the Superfund law. (Courtesy EPA). Can you find the workers in this picture?
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Types There are two primary types of respirators: Air-purifying and Atmosphere supplying. 1) Air-Purifying Respirator (APR): Both Negative & Positive Pressure Types. Removes contaminants by mechanical removal of particulates using filters and chemical cartridges used for the removal of gasses & vapors by adsorption (surface binding). They can’t be worn in oxygen-deficient or IDLH atmospheres. The air concentration must be within the maximum use concentration of the respirator. 2) Atmosphere Supplying: Provides fresh breathing air (“Grade D” quality) from an external source. Examples of types of supplied air are Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), and Airline respirators, .
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Types An Air-Purifying Respirator (APR) is a respirator with an air- purifying filter, cartridge, or canister that removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying element. An APR can be either a negative pressure or positive pressure type. Air
Selection of Respirators-Types A Positive Pressure Respiratoris a respirator in which the pressure inside the respirator inlet covering exceeds the ambient air pressure outside the respirator. A Powered-Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) is an example of a positive pressure respirator. It uses a blower motor (generally battery powered) to force the Ambient air through air-purifying elements to the inlet covering.
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Use Factors To select an Air Purifying Respirator you must know: • The Identity of the contaminant. Generally the contaminants can be found on the material safety data sheet or product label. However, specific chemical reactions can create additional hazards. • The Concentration of the contaminant The airborne concentration of the contaminant must not exceed the maximum use limit of the respirator (with cartridges and filters). • The Exposure Limit for the contaminant. This value is typically found on the product material safety data sheet, NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards, or IH can provide this information.
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Use Factors To select an Air Purifying Respirator you must know: • IDLH for the contaminant. The airborne concentration of the chemical substance must not be exceeded the IDLH value. The NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards provides this information. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg. Also on product MSDS. • The Odor Threshold for the contaminant. A warning property exists when a chemical vapor has a distinct odor or taste, or when it causes respiratory tract or eye irritation. • The type of Chemical Cartridge to use for the contaminant. The chemical substance must be able to be filtered, absorbed, or neutralized by the APR. • The Oxygen Level: atmospheric level of oxygen must be above 19.5%
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Use Factors The following conditions exclude or may exclude use of an Air Purifying Respirator: • Oxygen Deficiency • IDLH concentrations of specific substances • Entry into an unventilated or confined area where the exposure conditions have not been characterized. • Presence or potential presence of unidentified contaminants. • Contaminant concentrations are unknown or exceed designated maximum use concentrations (explained on following slides). • Identified gasses or vapors have inadequate warning properties. • High relative humidity (may reduce the protection offered by the sorbent).
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Supplied Air Atmosphere-Supplying Respiratoris a respirator that supplies the user with breathing air from a source independent of the ambient atmosphere. Types include supplied-air respirators (SARs) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) units.
Selection of Respiratory Protection-Supplied Air Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is an atmosphere supplying respirator for which the breathing air source is designed to be carried by the user. This type of respirator is considered to provide the highest level of respiratory protection. Pressure-demand types of SCBAs are used for fire fighting, rescue, emergency response, and other situations. They are acceptable for oxygen-deficient conditions, and against a wide variety of contaminants, and for entry into IDLH atmospheres. Disadvantage is that the work time is limited to amount of air in the external tank and the extra weight of the tank.
Selection of Respiratory Protection-IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) is an atmosphere that posses an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible, adverse, debilitating health effects, or would impair an individuals ability to escape. For example, Oxygen-deficient atmospheres, less than 19.5 % oxygen by volume at sea level are considered (IDLH). Examples where IDLH situations may occur include entry into unventilated silos, boilers, tanks, sewers, etc. Other examples of IDLH situations include: -When a specific chemical exceeds its established IDLH concentration. IDLH values are published by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg. -Chemical concentrations that are in excess of their published IDLH value and in excess of their Lower Explosive Limit are considered IDLH. -Firefighting and Emergency Response to an unknown contaminated atmosphere are considered IDLH.
Selection of Respiratory Protection-IDLH Is the below picture an example of a potential IDLH environment? What other hazards are present?
Selection of Respiratory Protection-APFs • Assigned protection factors (APFs): APFs are very important part of the selection process. • The assigned protection factor is the expected workplace level of respiratory protection that would be provided by a properly functioning respirator or a class of respirator to properly fitted and trained users. APFs are a measure of the overall effectiveness of a respirator used in conjunction with a good respirator program. • Many groups have developed lists of APFs. In the United States, the two main lists of APFs are from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and NIOSH; however, respirator manufacturers also recommend assigned protection factors.
Selection of Respiratory Protection-APFs • Assigned protection factors (APFs): In these studies measurements (air samples) are taken simultaneously outside and inside the respirator as the worker does his or her normal job. An APF of 10 means that the respirator will reduce the contaminant's concentration actually breathed in by 10 times compared with the actual airborne concentration. Examples of Assigned Protection Factors (NIOSH Guidance): 1. Half face piece APR: both filtering face piece and elastomeric dual cartridge: 10 2. Full face piece APR: 50 or 100 ( PF 100, e.g. North 7600 8A series) 3. Powered Air Purifying Respirator (full face): 1,000 4. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus: 10,000
Selection of Respiratory Protection-MUC • Maximum Use Concentration (MUC): A respirator may not be used at a concentration greater than the contaminant’s occupational exposure limit times the assigned protection factor for the type of respirator used. • This is called the Maximum Use Concentration of the respirator. It is determined by multiplying the PEL or Occupational Exposure Limit by the APF. MUC = PEL (OEL) of contaminant X APF of the respirator However, other factors must be considered. For example the MUC will be limited by the following: * IDLH value *Chemical cartridge rating *Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres
Selection of Respiratory Protection-MUC Maximum Use Concentration (MUC): MUC = PEL (OEL) of contaminant X APF of the respirator For example, Toluene’s PEL is 200 PPM. A ½ face APR has an APF of 10. What is the MUC? Could a ½ face APR be used safely for this environment if the air concentration was 2,000 PPM?. Do any other factors apply?
Selection of Respiratory Protection-MUC Maximum Use Concentration (MUC): MUC = PEL (OEL) of contaminant X APF of the respirator Answer: The MUC for the ½ face APR is 2,000 PPM. However, other important factors must be considered besides the MUC calculation. The chemical cartridges would probably experience breakthrough at 1,000 ppm. In addition, the NIOSH IDLH value for Toluene is 500 ppm. *Therefore at this concentration, a ½ face APR can not be used due to an IDLH environment and due to over saturation of the chemical cartridges. Only a positive pressure SCBA or positive pressure supplied air line respirator with an escape cylinder could be used.!!!!
Selection of Respiratory Protection-MUC Maximum Use Concentration (MUC): MUC = PEL (OEL) of contaminant X APF of the respirator For example, there is a large spill of Acetic Anhydride. After initial investigation in Level B protection, air monitoring determined an air concentration of 100 ppm. What would be an appropriate respirator to use for response to clean up the spill? -The PEL = 5 PPM -IDLH value= 200 PPM -Assume a cartridge rating of 0.1% by volume = 1,000 PPM Answer: A half face APR could not be used. MUC = PF 10 X 5 = 50 A full face APR could be used! MUC= PF 50 X 5 = 250
Safety Issues/Problems with Use of Respirators The use of Personal Protective Equipment (including a respirator) can itself create significant worker hazards such as: -Heat stress, - Physical and psychological stress, - Impaired vision, impaired mobility, and impaired communication. In general, greater levels of PPE can cause the associated risk to increase. The next couple of slides addresses specific problems with use of a respirator.
Safety Issues/Problems with Use of Respirators Facial Hair- facial hair that lies along the sealing area of the respirator such as beards, sideburns, or even a few days of growth of stubble, shall not be permitted because wit will prevent a good seal and may cause leakage of the respirator, which could cause contaminants to enter your breathing zone. The use of a: =
Safety Issues/Problems with Use of Respirators Prescription Eye Glasses: Responders can not wear prescription glasses with a full- face air purifying respirator or SCBA face piece. Eye glasses with temple bars or straps that pass between the sealing surface of a full face piece and can cause the mask to not fit tightly on the face. This will produce a break in the face to face piece seal and can cause leakage and cause contaminants to enter your breathing zone. Special inserts with corrective lenses can be placed inside a full-facepiece respirator and are available from all manufactures of full-facepiece respirators. Eye glasses or goggles may interfere with half-face respirators. When interference occurs, a full-facepiece with special corrective lenses should be provided and worn.
Safety Issues/Problems with Use of Respirators Impaired Vision: Peripheral vision is impaired when using most types of full face respirators. Dependent on the type of respirator, you can only see a limited field of view. In addition, certain weather conditions such as high humidity and cold weather can fog the interior lens of the respirator which can further impair vision. Impaired Situational Awareness: With the respirator donned, you must be cognizant of the surrounding work environment such as distance away from hazardous equipment, moving objects, potential slip, trips, and fall hazards, moving vehicles, etc. Impaired Communication: Is much more difficult. Especially if using radios or talking to a buddy in PPE with background noise.
Safety Issues/Problems with Use of Respirators Heat Stress: In the summer months, this is a major concern. Ensure everyone is aware of the signs and symptoms of heat related injuries (e.g. heat rash, heat exhaustion, & heat stroke). In addition, a person working in high temperatures is under increased levels of stress. Wearing a respirator causes additional stress. A respirator that provides low breathing resistance is recommended under these conditions (e.g. supplied air respirator or powered-air purifying respirators). Such a respirator used in low or high temperature atmospheres may be equipped with a vortex tube to cool the air inspired. Also recommend drinking plenty of water before and during the response action. Also heat stress is a major concern with the various levels of PPE used during a response. Cooling packs are recommended to help cool responders. They come in different styles by safety manufacturers.
Safety Issues/Problems with Use of Respirators Fatigue: has both a physical and psychological effect. During major response events, 1st Responders and support staff could be faced with a work schedule where routine meals or breaks are suddenly interrupted. Work conditions suddenly change from an office or training environment to real conditions. Recommendations consist of adequate work/rest cycles; Use of the buddy system to identify signs of fatigue; and enforcement of operational periods and fatigue recommendations in the field.
Selection of Filters and Chemical Cartridges Filters are an integral component used with negative and positive pressure air purifying respirators to remove solid or liquid aerosols such as dusts, mists, fibers, and metal fumes. This type of element "filters" particulate matter by physically trapping it in the fibrous filter material. In addition, the wool-felt filters contain an electrostatic charge that increases filter efficiency by electrostatically attracting the particles to the fibers. Although mechanical filters become more efficient as they are used, they should be changed when breathing resistance becomes excessive.
Selection of Filters and Chemical Cartridges Particulate filters have different classifications of filter efficiency based on the testing procedures for protection against oil mist. P100 filter designation is the primary type of HEPA used for protection against dusts, mists, fumes, smokes (any particulates). It has been tested for a 99.97% filter efficiency when tested against 0.3 um docytl phthalate (DOP- “oil mist”) particles. P100 filters are color coded purple/magenta.
Selection of Filters and Chemical Cartridges There are 9 classes of respirator particulate filters: 3 Series Types N = Not oil resistant R = Resistant to oil P = oil Proof 3 Efficiency Percentages 95 % efficient 99 % efficient 100 % efficient Filter Classifications can be any combination of the listed Series and Efficiency (e.g.. N-95, N-pp, N-100, R-95, R-99, R-100, P-95, P-99, P100)
Selection of Filters and Chemical Cartridges Canister or Cartridge is a container with a filter, sorbent, or catalyst, or combination of these items, which removes specific contaminants from the air passed through the container. They differ from aerosol filters in that they use sorbents, generally carbon to remove harmful gasses and vapors.
Selection of Filters and Chemical Cartridges To make it easier for the user to identify respirator cartridges and filters, they have designated colors. The color is based on the type of air contaminant (s) which the user will be wearing the respirator for protection against. Examples of filter and cartridge colors and associated contaminant type include: • Acid gasses – White • Organic vapors- Black • Ammonia gas- Green • Acid gasses and organic vapors- Yellow • P100 & HEPA filters- Purple/magenta • Mercury Vapor- Orange
Selection ofFilters and Chemical Cartridges The service life of the chemical cartridge varies based on variables including: -Chemical weight (carbon and molecular weight) of the vapor, -The cartridge media -The concentration of vapor in the atmosphere, -The relative humidity of the atmosphere, -The breathing rate of the respirator wearer.
Selection ofFilters and Chemical Cartridges It is important to implement a Chemical Cartridge Change Out Schedule. The change schedule described in the plan for canister and cartridges must be based on objective information or data (e.g. industrial hygiene air monitoring data) that will ensure that canisters or cartridges are changed before their end of service life. This will help prevent “break-through” of the chemical cartridge and will prevent the wearer from being exposed to air contaminants as a result of overuse of a saturated chemical cartridge. If uncertain about the length of use, recommend disposing of the chemical cartridges after the response action or the work shift and obtain new ones.
Selection ofFilters and Chemical Cartridges When using a respirator for protection for gasses and vapors, if you detect a chemical taste, smell, or irritation, you should exit to a clean area and replace the cartridges and inspect the respirator immediately. Additional assistance in determining chemical cartridge change schedules can be found under the Workplace Safety/Respiratory ProtectionSection of our website at:http://www.ehs.unc.edu/workplace If uncertain about the length of use, recommend disposing of the chemical cartridges after the response action or the work shift and obtain new ones.
Selection of Filters and Chemical Cartridges What type of filter or cartridge is the below?
Types of RespiratorsReview of the Characteristics of Specific Types of Respirators
Medical Evaluation Using a respirator may place a physiological burden, which varies with type of respirator worn, the job and workplace conditions in which the respirator is used, and the medical status of the employee. Potential negative physical demands of wearing a respirator include: • Extra strain on the heart • Increased body temperature • Heat Stress • Dehydration • Other ill health effects Each employee assigned to wear a respirator in carrying out his/her job responsibilities is to receive a medical evaluation to determine his/her ability to wear a respirator. The medical evaluation must be performed to determine the employee’s ability to use a respirator, before fit testing and use.
Inspection Procedures All respirators used in routine situations are to be inspected before and after each use and during cleaning. Before donning and using the respirator check for any malfunctions such as: • Broken/loose connectors • Receptacles • Cracked distorted facepieces • Deformed valves • Unclean respirators • Check that you have the correct filter/cartridge and that the service life has not been exceeded. • If something is damaged or worn, get a replacement part before using it.