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SS7CG6a Describe the ways government systems distribute power: unitary, confederation, and federal. Concept: Governance. Unitary Confederation Federal. Vocabulary Words To Know. UNITARY. characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority.
SS7CG6aDescribe the ways government systems distribute power: unitary, confederation, and federal. Concept: Governance
Unitary Confederation Federal Vocabulary Words To Know
UNITARY • characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority.
CONFEDERATION • voluntary associations of independent states that, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish some joint machinery of consultation or deliberation.
FEDERAL • characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities.
SSCG6a Below are distribution of power examples China United Nations India and Japan Group of independent states that have a common interest or purpose that SHARES the power. Form of government where power is DIVIDED between one central group and several regional groups. Form of government where one central group holds ALL the power. FEDERAL UNITARY CONFEDERATION DISTRIBUTION OF POWER
SS7CG6bExplain how governments determine citizen participation: autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic. Concept: Governance
Autocratic Oligarchic Democratic Vocabulary Words To Know
AUTOCRATIC • government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government. (like a dictatorship or even a monarchy)
OLIGARCHIC • government by the few, sometimes a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The citizen has a very limited role.
DEMOCRATIC • a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people an exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
SSCG6b Below are citizen participation examples AUTOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC OLIGARCHIC Government where one person has unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role or rights. Government where a small group of people who have all the power and the citizen has a very limited role. Government where the citizens have all the power either directly or indirectly through free elections. NORTH KOREA CHINA INDIA and JAPAN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION
SS7CG6cDescribe the two predominant forms of democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential. Concept: Governance
Parliamentary Presidential Vocabulary Words To Know
PARLIAMENTARY • a democracy having a parliament, a system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet composed of members of the legislature who are individually and collectively responsible to the legislature. May have a Prime Minister elected by the legislature.
PRESIDENTIAL • a system of government in which the president is constitutionally independent of the legislature.
SSCG6c Below are democratic government examples PARLIAMENTARY A cabinet (group of people) or Prime Minister elected by the legislature and not the citizens. Legislative branch that makes the laws have a large share of the power. PRESIDENTIAL The President is elected by the citizens and is part of the executive branch, not the legislative branch. INDIA and JAPAN SOUTH KOREA DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS
SS7CG7aCompare and contrast the federal republic of The Republic of India, the communist state of The People’s Republic China, and the constitutional monarchy of Japan, distinguishing the form of leadership and the role of the citizen in terms of voting rights and personal freedoms. Concepts: Governance
Constitutional Monarchy form of government that is guided by a constitution (written set of laws); the head of state is a king or queen that has limited powers; the real power typically lies with a prime minister that is elected by the citizens
Diet legislative/law-making body or parliament in Japan; it is bicameral consisting of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors
Communism an economic and political system in which property is owned collectively and labor is organized in a way that is supposed to benefit all people; the government controls all resources (natural, capital, and human)
INDIA Which country is a federal republic with a parliamentary system with three branches of government; has a president who is chief of state and a prime minister who is head of the government; has a bicameral legislature; citizens 18 and older can vote in the world’s largest democracy.
CHINA Which country has an authoritarian communist government with three branches; a president (head of state), vice president, State Council, a premier (head of government); a unicameral legislature (National People’s Congress); a large communist political party that supervises 8 minor parties; men and women 18 and older can vote but have little influence; citizens are censored from speaking out or favoring democratic ideals.
JAPAN Which country has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government with three branches; a prime minister (head of government) and ministers of state who are civilians and appointed by the prime minister; there is an emperor, but he lacks any power and is more of ceremonial figure and symbol of the state; a bicameral legislature called the Diet who select the prime minister; people can vote by the age of 20 and elect their representatives by popular vote?