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Cor T1

*. Sag PD. Cor T1. *. 47F 5Y increasing stiffness and decreased ROM. Initial presentation. 4. Ankylosing Spondylitis Dagger sign Bilateral hip inflammatory arthritis. *. Ankylosing Spondylitis. Young white men When fuse posteriorly, may spare anterior Scalloping of Cx spine

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Cor T1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. *

  2. Sag PD Cor T1

  3. *

  4. 47F 5Y increasing stiffness and decreased ROM. Initial presentation 4

  5. Ankylosing Spondylitis Dagger sign Bilateral hip inflammatory arthritis *

  6. Ankylosing Spondylitis • Young white men • When fuse posteriorly, may spare anterior • Scalloping of Cx spine • Dagger + Bamboo = Tram tracks

  7. 19M increasing mass on hand, refused treatment 3

  8. Osteosarcoma *

  9. Osteosarcoma • Most common primary malignant bone tumor in young adults and children • Second to MM in older • Osteoid immature bone • Bimodal • Close to knee, away from elbow • Young-cylindrical, Old-flat

  10. 25M with wrist pain 3

  11. Osteopoikilosis *

  12. Osteopoikilosis • Juxtaarticular bone islands • ?AD, M>F, asymptomatic • Ovoid 2-10mm • Benign sclerosing bone dysplasia

  13. 95 M pain R hip 4

  14. Cor T1

  15. Cor STIR Pagets disease Pathological Fx Asterix enhancement *

  16. Pagets disease • O. deformans • 3% >40, northern latitudes, >M • Lytic, vascular fibrous connective tissue • Inactive, decreased turnover with sclerosis • Mixed, common, both together

  17. 40M painful knee 4

  18. Cor T1

  19. Sag PD B thalassemia intermedia *

  20. B thalassemia • Major-Homozygous-Cooley anaemia • lack of B • Italian and Greek • Skull, hair on end, widened diploic • Porosis, thin cortex, Erlenmyer flask • Arthropathy

  21. 23M knee pain 1

  22. Distal MCL injury *

  23. Distal MCL injury • Ossification points to joint • MHE points away from joint

  24. Sag T1 Sag PDFS

  25. Sag T1 Sag PDFS

  26. C5

  27. 50M heel pain 2

  28. Sag T1

  29. Sag PDFS *

  30. Involuting lipoma • Any age, equal sex • Calcaneus>Femur>Tibia>Fibula • Can have central dystrophic calcification

  31. 13F painful footNo trauma

  32. Sag T1

  33. Sag PDFS *

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