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October 20 th 2011 – Lyon, France Robin Haycock - Head of Transport - The Climate Group

Sustainable Mobility. European Conference of Regions on Climate Change. October 20 th 2011 – Lyon, France Robin Haycock - Head of Transport - The Climate Group. Emerging drivers of change must be addressed. 1900 7.91. 1950 5.15. 2005 2.02. 1987 2.60. 2030 1.69. 2050 1.44.

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October 20 th 2011 – Lyon, France Robin Haycock - Head of Transport - The Climate Group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sustainable Mobility European Conference of Regions on Climate Change October 20th 2011 – Lyon, France Robin Haycock - Head of Transport - The Climate Group

  2. Emerging drivers of change must be addressed 1900 7.91 1950 5.15 2005 2.02 1987 2.60 2030 1.69 2050 1.44 • population growth and usable land, coupled with the end of cheap oil and commodities

  3. Joined up thinking in a world where localism is sold • The world is moving to cities but we solve mobility before people get there • Don’t travel ! • Land use planning • Transport planning in cities • Zero emission vehicles

  4. Leadership is key ‘What is the end that I seek, and what is the most practical way to get there?’

  5. Is it social science or is it technology? • The new freedom is mobility without fossil fuels or ownership of assets

  6. Take a brand, add others and focus on mobility Disruptive technology is an opportunity for new players but also for the current incumbents.

  7. What can States and Regions do? Regional transport policy that does not stop at a city boundary…

  8. Conclusions Joined up thinking Leadership Social science and a compelling offer • Rubens slides here So I put it to the audience that States and Regions can drive this agenda and make a real difference

  9. Robin Haycock On Transport – rhaycock@theclimategroup.org HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco is Honorary Chairman of the EV20 initiative. We are grateful for the early support for the EV20 initiative from the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the HSBC Climate Partnership

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