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Permanent ccTLD Secretariat. 24 August 2001 Seung-Yeon Yoo Administrative Staff Permanent ccTLD Secretariat. Establishment of the Permanent ccTLD Secretariat. Permanent ccTLD Secretariat. Interim ccTLD Secretariat - July 2000 – 3 rd May 2001 (about 10 months)
Permanent ccTLD Secretariat 24 August 2001 Seung-Yeon Yoo Administrative Staff Permanent ccTLD Secretariat
Permanent ccTLD Secretariat • Interim ccTLD Secretariat - July 2000 – 3rd May 2001 (about 10 months) • Permanent ccTLD Secretariat - 31st Dec., 2000: RFP on website (3 yrs and extendable) - 31st Jan., 2001: Submitted the proposal - 9th Mar., 2001: Presented the proposal in Melbourne - 21st Mar., 2001: Final version of the proposal - 9th – 25th Apr., 2001: Endorsement - 3rd May, 2001: Approved by AdCom - Officially started on 4th May, 2001
Staff Members Official Staffs: Byung-Kyu Kim, Executive Director Abhisak Chulya, Deputy Executive Director Seung Yeon Yoo, Administrative Staff Voluntary Staff: Jeonghye Choi from IAK
Work Plan • Maintaining and updating the ccTLD web site • Maintaining, archiving, and publishing mailing lists • Publicizing, promoting, and encouraging developmental activities • Providing overall organization services for ccTLD meetings • Performing bookkeeping and accounting services • Election and Voting • Content (Document) Preparation • General Support - Help Desk
1. ccTLD website (http://www.wwtld.org) • Keeping the web site alive and all related ccTLD information • Updating the website with latest information • Linking to other appropriate websites • Providing translation of important Web pages and documents into other languages. Action:Web site has been now transferred to Korea and is under restructured for a new look. Person in Charge:Byung-Kyu Kim
2. ccTLD mailing-lists and web archives • The following lists will continue to provide the forum for all ccTLD managers and their representatives: cctld-discuss list, cctld-adcom list, and cctld-contacts list, cctld-nc list, cctld-lex list, cctld-sec list. Action:Mailing lists are transferred to Korea. Person in Charge:BK Kim and SY Yoo
3. Publicizing, promoting, and encouraging developmental activities • The ccTLD Secretariat will encourage each regional organization to work with those ccTLDs who have not yet participated in our activities by visiting them as well as setting up Internet Seminar in those countries. The target countries will be decided by an ad-hoc committee consisted of AdCom members and Chairs of each regional Outreach Program. • Action:ccTLD Sec. has participated in AFNOG meeting on 12 May 2001 and organized AFTLD meeting on 15th May 2001 in Accra, Ghana. ccTLD Sec. has conducted the outreach seminar in Shanghai, China on 19th May, 2001 with APTLD. • Person in Charge:Byung-Kyu Kim is in charge with Abhisak Chulya helping outreach activities in Africa.
4. Providing overall organization services for ccTLD meetings • Details of work include notifications, meeting room bookings, sponsors arrangement and audio visual equipment setups. The Secretariat will provide scribe services and minutes of all the meetings and teleconferences. • Action: Montevideo ccTLD meeting is being organized with sponsors. • Person in Charge: Abhisak Chulya and SY Yoo
5. Performing bookkeeping and accounting services • Details of work include opening and managing a ccTLD bank account. Posting on the website the Cash Flow of all related income, expenses, disbursements, payment of bills, and membership fees. • Action: A staff hired • Person in Charge: Seung Yeon Yoo
6. Election and Voting • ccTLD Sec. will organize the voting processes of all ccTLD related elections with ccTLD AdCom approval. • Action: Conduct an informal voting to accept Best Practice Guideline document and ccSO formation • Person in Charge: Abhisak Chulya
7. Content Preparation • Editing and preparing the various official documents of the ccTLD Constituency for publication. • Action: A content manager or a helping organization will be appointed. • Person in Charge: Not yet been assigned.
8. General Supports – Help Desk • ccTLD will provide a "Help Desk" via e-mail and telephone with quick responses and actions for all requests and questions from ccTLD members including general supports to the ccTLD AdCom as needed or requested. • Action: Will start “help Desk” • Person in Charge: Seung Yeon Yoo • Time Frame: completed
Budget Plan of FY01-FY02 • Basic/Minimal Expenses: $87,000/yr These should be contributed by ccTLD members. - ccTLD Staffs $45,600/yr - Technical/Translation Service $15,600/yr - Communication cost (telephone, internet..) $8,400/yr - Cost for electoral voting ballot $1,000/yr - Traveling cost for ICANN/Other meetings $11,400/yr - Equipment $5,000/yr • Including Outreach Activities: $120,000/yr All cases are not included cost meeting rooms.
ccTLD Stockholm Meeting 31 May- 1 June 2001 • 130 participants (40 ccTLD managers) • Approved the secretariat’s workplan • Discussed the terms of reference and funding issues • Best practices and bylaws amended • Decided to form a ccSO
At the gate (Stockholm meeting) $2,232 .nz $5,000 .kr $10,000 .dk $3,000 .vi $3,000 .uk $5,000 .cn $2,000 .ky $250 Donations • Vector $1,300 • .ae $250 • .lt $500 • .nc $500 • .es $500 • .at $1,000 • .no $3,000 • .cl $500 Total $32,800
Sponsors1. Stockholm meeting I-dns $5,000 Netpia.com $5,000 Register.com $2,500 RealNames.corp $5,000 Basic Fusions $2,500 Total $20,000 Montevideo meeting Register.com $3,000 RealNames.corp $5,000 NicChile coffee breaks/meeting room 2 other possible sponsors
Expenses • Africa Outreach $2,521.65 • Stockholm meeting $6,725.51 • Staff Salary $13,400 • Materials $5,000 Total $27,647.16
On-going Activities • ccSO - create ccso-discuss list - preparing documents • Montevideo meeting preparation - Invite DNSO Constituencies, ICANN Board and Staffs, GAC, ALSC to the Montevideo meeting
ccSO • Face to face voting (Stockholm meeting, June): conducted a vote to drop out of the DNSO and form a new ccSO Results: 31 ccTLD managers all in favor • On-line voting (29 June- 8 July): to formalize the face to face vote, the secretariat conducted an on-line vote to adopt the ccSO formation statement. Results: 30 in favor, 1 opposed, 3 abstained
ccSO (con’t) • Additional supporters(24 July~ ): to get a stronger consensus, the secretariat is accepting additional supporters for a new ccSO. Results: 17 additional supporters and still being accepted • ccSO-discuss mailing list: it was made for those who are interested in forming a new SO and to strictly discuss the formation of the ccSO
Activities in the near future Formation of a ccSO Montevideo meeting, 6-7 September -discussions on ccSO -discussions on bylaws Reconstruction of the website: www.wwtld.org