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The state of place: Worcestershire in 2009. Gideon Skinner, Research Director Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute November 2009. What ’ s the national picture?. The economy is seen as the number one issue facing the country.
The state of place: Worcestershire in 2009 Gideon Skinner, Research DirectorIpsos MORI Social Research Institute November 2009
The economy is seen as the number one issue facing the country What would you say is the most important issue facing Britain today? What do you see as other important issues facing Britain today? Top mentions % Economy Crime/law and order Unemployment Race relations/immigration Defence/Foreign Affairs/ Terrorism NHS Education/Schools Morality/individual behaviour Inflation/prices Drug Abuse Base: 978 British adults 18+, 13th – 18th Aug 2009 Source: Ipsos MORI Issues Index
Concern about unemployment is rising – in line with actual unemployment figures Year Source – Ipsos MORI Issues Index and ONS Labour force survey
Despite years of spending increases…… To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about public services in Britain? % Agree % Disagree Too much money is spent on public services We demand a great deal from public services but are not prepared to pay enough taxes to fund them Base: 1,041 online British adults aged 16-64, 4-7 Sept 2009
Public believes in efficiency savings – not cuts to frontline services To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about public services in Britain? % Agree % Disagree Making public services more efficient can save enough money to help cut government spending, without damaging services the public receive There is a real need to cut spending on public services in order to pay off the very high national debt we now have Base: 1,041 online British adults aged 16-64, 4-7 Sept 2009
If you have to tax, don’t tax me! In order to bring the nation’s debts under control, many experts think it is highly likely that the level of taxation will increase in future. If taxes were to rise, which of these, if any, would you be most/least in favour of being increased? Base: 1,041 online British adults aged 16-64, 4-7 Sept 2009
Public split on hard choices: cut services or raise taxes? Government borrowing is now at record levels, and will need to be reduced in future. Which of these statements comes closest to your own view? Government borrowing should be reduced, even if it means spending on key public services is cut Don’t know Spending on public services should be maintained, even if it means increasing the income tax I pay Base: 1,041 online British adults aged 16-64, 4-7 Sept 2009
Lifestyle changes before charges in the NHS If the NHS was to face lower levels of spending, which of these, if any, would you be most/least willing to accept? % Most % Least Requiring patients to change lifestyle before they are allowed treatment (e.g. give up smoking, change diet) Longer waiting lists Charges for visiting your GP Some types of treatment not available in your area, depending on where you live Fees for hospital stays None of these Base: 1,041 online British adults aged 16-64, 4-7 Sept 2009
So what about Worcestershire?Quality of life and the local area…
Over eight in ten residents are satisfied with local area (NI 5) 84% - up from 80% in 06/07 Q Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Very dissatisfied (2%) Fairly dissatisfied Very satisfied Neither/nor Fairly satisfied Base: All valid responses (8191)
Worcestershire sits comfortably in the middle… Q Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? % Satisfied Worcestershire Base: All valid responses
Younger people, BME residents and social renters are more dissatisfied than others Q Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Age 18-34 Dissatisfied 35-44 Proportion who are dissatisfied 45-54 55-64 65+ Gender Male Female Satisfied Ethnicity White BME Tenure Owner occupier Social rented Private rented Base: All dissatisfied (553)
Quality of life: what matters? % Most need improving locally % Important generally Base: All valid responses
Quality of life: what matters? % Most need improving locally % Important generally Base: All valid responses
What is important generally…? % Most need improving locally Clean streets Level of crime Health services Factors that are important for quality of life generally, but not considered local priorities % Important generally Base: All valid responses
What people want to see improved locally… % Most need improving locally Factors that are less important generally, but that people want to see improved locally But this is a rapidly rising local priority Road/pavement maintenance Activitiesfor teenagers Traffic congestion % Important generally Base: All valid responses
But positively, none of the local priorities heavily inhibit quality of life… % Most need improving locally No factors that important generally, and that people want to see improved locally % Important generally Base: All valid responses
A quarter feel unsafe at night Q How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in your local area… % Fairly unsafe % Very unsafe % Very safe % Fairly safe During the day At night Unsafe: 26% Base: All valid responses
Teenagers on streets and rubbish lying around are the biggest problems… Q Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think each of the following are… % A very big problem % A fairly big problem % Not a very big problem % Not a problem at all Teenagers hanging around on streets Rubbish or litter lying around Vandalism, graffiti and otherdeliberate damage Noisy neighbours or loud parties Abandoned or burnt out cars Base: All valid responses
… but these and other areas have seen improvements since 2006/07 % who think the following are a very/ fairly big problem Teenagers hanging around on streets Rubbish or litter lying around People being drunk or rowdy in public places (NI 41) Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage People using or dealing drugs (NI 42) Noisy neighbours or loud parties Abandoned or burnt out cars Base: All valid responses (2008/09)
Declining concerns over ASB reflect national picture, though Worcestershire still better than average Q Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think each of the following are… 7 strand ASB index % with high perceived ASB (NI 17): National average = 20% Worcestershire = 14.4% Source: Ipsos MORI Base: Place Survey 2008/09 (352 local authorities), BVPI 2006 and 2003 (387 local authorities)
Despite the improvement are police and other public services getting the credit…..? Q And how much do you agree or disagree that the police and other public services are successfully dealing with these issues in your local area? % Disagree % Agree Worcestershire Comparative data IM District Average IM Average Base: All valid responses 2008/09 (7,657)
… perhaps because only a quarter feel consulted about it? Q How much would you agree or disagree that the police and other local public services seek people’s views about these issues in your local area? % Disagree % Agree Worcestershire Comparative data IM District Average IM Average Base: All valid responses 2008/09 (7,819)
Three-quarters say community cohesion is good (NI 1)… Q To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together? Trend data % Disagree % Agree Worcestershire 2008/09 31% among 18-34s BVPI 2006/07 Comparative data IM District Average IM Average Base: All valid responses 2008/09 (5,254)
Slightly more feel they belong (NI 2) than the IM average 38% 62% Q How strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood? Very strongly Not at all strongly Not very strongly % who feel they belong: Worcestershire = 62% IM average = 60% Fairly strongly Base: All valid responses (7797)
Only one in four feel they can influence decisions in their area (NI 4) Q Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area? Definitely agree Agree 27% Definitely disagree Tend to agree Net agree score: -45 Tend to disagree Base: All valid responses (6959)
… and perceptions of influence over time have declined, in line with national picture 34 27 Q Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area? Worcestershire Source: Ipsos MORI Base: Place Survey 2008/09 (352 local authorities), BVPI 2006 and 2003 (387 local authorities)
A quarter want more involvement on any issue Q Generally speaking, would you like to be more involved in the decisions that affect your local area? Yes But, only 32% feel informed about how to! No Depends on issue Base: All valid responses (7780)
Information still as important as empowerment.. Q Which of these statements comes closest to your own attitude towards how the Police and Local Council tackle anti-social behavior and crime in this area? Already involved (3%) Want involvement (3%) 16% Want a say 58% Want information 18% Don’t care Base: 1,896 GB adults, 18+. Sept 2008. Source: Ipsos MORI
In the spirit of CAA, Ipsos MORI has produced an ‘Area Challenge Index’ How ‘easy’ or ‘difficult’ is it to achieve satisfaction and influence positive perceptions?
Area Challenge Index - identifies 7 common domains… • 7 common themes identified from Frontiers models (given equal weighting) • These factors are consistently shown to be associated with making satisfaction harder to achieve • When combined, generate a score from 1 to 100 for each LA area, with 1 ‘least challenged’ and 100 ‘most challenged’
… and provides relative score for all local authority areas… The most and least challenged County areas Least challenged Counties Most challenged Counties Cumbria Hertfordshire North Yorkshire Kent Dorset Devon Lancashire Northamptonshire Worcestershire
And in Worcestershire, levels of deprivation vary between Districts Most deprived SOAs tend to be within Worcester, Redditch and Wyre Forest Generally much lower deprivation in Malvern Hills, Wychavon and Bromsgrove Source: Worcestershire County Council; IMD 2004
And we know satisfaction with area is influenced by levels of deprivation Malvern Hills Wychavon Worcester Bromsgrove Redditch Wyre Forest Source: Ipsos MORI Base: All valid responses, 323 local authorities, Place Survey 2008/09
What impacts on satisfaction with area? Positive drivers Negative drivers SENSE OF BELONGING AND COHESION 15% Belong to immediateneighbourhood CLEAN AND GREEN - 6% People not treating each otherwith respect 14% Satisfaction with the way thelocal council runs things 11% Safe to go out during the day Satisfied withlocal area - 6% People using or dealing drugs 8% Satisfied with parks andopen spaces Safe to go out after dark 7% Noisy neighbours or loudparties - 5% Keeping public land clear oflitter and refuse 5% SAFETY AND ASB Vandalism, graffiti and otherdeliberate damage to property Local public services working tomake area cleaner and greener - 4% 5% SATISFACTION WITH COUNCIL AND OTHER PUBLIC SERVICES Satisfied with local police force 5% Rubbish and litter lying around - 4% People fr. different backgroundsget on well together 5% Source: Ipsos MORI 38.7% of variation explained by model