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Common Core State Standards . When? . Who? . What? . Where ? . Why?. How? . CCSS Who ? When do I need to do this? What ? How does this affect me? Where do I find more information? WHY?. WHO? . All K-12 teachers Administrators Students. When? & Where?. Grades K-2: 2011-2012
Common Core State Standards When? Who? What? Where? Why? How?
CCSSWho?When do I need to do this?What? How does this affect me?Where do I find more information?WHY?
WHO? All K-12 teachers Administrators Students
When? & Where? • Grades K-2: 2011-2012 • Grades 3-8: 2012 - 2013 • Grades 9-12: 2013-2014 All Districts in AR
What Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CCSS) Affect all content areas
Baby Steps Howwill I Transition to the CCSS and find accurate information to assist?
Next Step, Reflection! Examine the lesson/unit. What is the topic/theme/time period? How do you begin / set the stage? Assignments? Texts? Activities? Assessment?
Where to locate CCSS information • CCSS site http://www.corestandards.org/ • PARCC Model Content Frameworks http://www.parcconline.org/parcc-content-frameworks • Student Achievement Partners site http://www.achievethecore.org/ • Publisher’s Criteria grades K-2 http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Publishers_Criteria_for_K-2.pdf • Publisher’s Criteria grades 3-12 http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Publishers_Criteria_for_3-12.pdf
The chart is meant to illustrate and provide context for the standards but not replace the standards themselves.
Where to locate CCSS information • AETN IDEAS site http://ideas.aetn.org/commoncore/strategic-plan • ADE CCSS Microsite http://www.commoncorearkansas.org/ • ADE CCSS wiki http://ccssarkansas.pbworks.com
ToDo this year from Sandra Alberti: • Teachers must be aware of CCSS and understand the big shifts • Identify, evaluate, and develop text dependent and text specific questions • Teachers must begin reviewing existing materials to develop these text dependent questions
Clearing Up Confusion • Common Core Curriculum Maps http://commoncore.org/maps/ • Crosswalk – a reverse crosswalk is available for ELA and math. The crosswalk begins with what you are teaching now. http://ccssarkansas.pbworks.com
WHY CCSS? Your zip code should NOT determine the quality of your education
CCSS Implications for Classroom • More nonfiction • Higher text complexity • More teacher collaboration • across grades • across content areas • More research • begins in earlier grades • both short and extended research
“All courses in high school, not just English and social studies but mathematics and science as well, must challenge students to read and understand complex texts.” American College Testing Program (2006)
Text Complexity Reader and Task Quantitative Qualitative is often best measured by
Reading more complex texts requires TIME -- for teachers to model how to comprehend for students to learn how to extract information for students to practice for students to share
Teacher Implications • Everyone a literacy teacher • Reading and writing emphasis • Teaching (modeling) students to read as scientists, historians, economists, mathematicians, geographers … • More sources of information
Student Implications Teachers tell/summarize less and use more scaffolding = More responsibility placed on students for their learning
Shared Responsibility “The Standards insist that instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language be a shared responsibility within the school.” CCSS, page 4
Grade Span Specific Literacy Standards • Reading History/Social Studies (RH) page 61 • Reading Science and Technical Subjects ( RST) page 62
Informational Text “…if students have not developed the skill, concentration and stamina to read complex texts— they will read less in general.” CCSS ELA Appendix A, p. 4
Informational texts/literary nonfiction • Personal essays, opinion pieces, speeches • Essays about art or literature • Biographies and memoirs • Journalism (newspapers in the classroom) • Historical, scientific, technical, or economic accounts written for a broad audience (Nonfiction sources in library) • Digital sources (like EBSCO magazine index) Common Core State Standards, p. 57
Resources for Informational Reading Content Specific • ADE - Curriculum – Educators – Resources for Lesson Plans http://arkansased.org/educators/curriculum/resources.html#social • Check out the 100 Milestone documents, Avalon Project, and LOC just to name a few excellent resources for educators • There are also links for Arkansas History, Science, music, art…
What does it mean to READ? Define the term read – Share your definitions What are some types of reading that you do? Share your definitions How would you define yourself as a reader? Your identity as a reader helps determine how successful you will be when reading in certain content areas Doug Buehl
Reader Identities According to Literacy theorist J.P. Gee (2000) there are 4 categories of identities that help define a person. Identities that: • are part of our nature (little control) • are related to positions (e.g., I am a citizen of the U.S., a school teacher, a resident of AR, a college graduate) • reflect personal traits or characteristics (e.g., I am creative, listen to rock n roll) • We share with others through our associations (e.g., Razorback fan, CS4 member, Bunco player) D. Buehl (2011)
Types of reading required Literary fiction, Math Science - biology, phys. sci., history, social studies, economics, technical subjects, health, fitness, humanities – art, music Doug Buehl (2011) taken from Shanahan and Shanahan (2008)
Building the Foundation Basic Literacy: • Skills that help kids learn to read • Usually early primary grades Doug Buehl, Developing Readers in the Academic Disciplines, 2011.
Intermediate Literacy Struggling learners lack extensive vocabularies • reading should become a fluent, streamlined process • brain is multi-tasking in the background—not thinking about reading, frees the frontal lobe for critical thinking
Disciplinary Literacy • Predominates middle school to high school • What does it mean to read, write, and think through a disciplinary lens? • Navigate texts from unrelated & distinct disciplines • math, science, history, geography, music, art
Disciplinary literacy • Specific ways of reading and writing in the disciplines of history, social studies, science and technical subjects • What if I'm expected to behave as a certain kind of thinker? Scientist, historian, mathematician…
Disciplinary Reading Range and Content • Necessitates an understanding of domain-specific words and phrases • Requires an appreciation of norms & conventions of each discipline • Critical to building knowledge in content areas
Disciplinary Reading Range and Content • Calls for an attention to precise details • Demands the capacity to evaluate intricate arguments, synthesize complex information , and follow detailed descriptions of events and concepts
What Do Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Really Mean for Content Area Teachers?
What CC Literacy Standards are NOT • … just having students read and write more • … assigning more vocabulary words to look up and write definitions for • … conducting basic literacy techniques to struggling readers during social studies
What CC Literacy Standards are NOT • … giving students Venn diagrams and sentence diagramming assignments in social studies • …assigning more “What did you do during …” essays
What They Are • Modeling and scaffolding what reading in social studies looks and sounds like • Teaching students what is important/vital information for a historian, geographer, economist, politician
What They Are • Using the text book as a starting place not the definitive source • Reading a wide variety of texts • Maps, charts, tables, graphs, photographs, pictures, cartoons, journals, letters, documents, artifacts
How do we help students think in social studies/science?What types of critical texts are students expected to learn and maneuver in social studies/science?What types of writing are expected in social studies/science?
Close Reading of Complex Text “A significant body of research links the close reading of complex text— regardless if the student is a struggling reader or advanced—to significant gains in reading proficiency, and finds close reading to be a key component of college and career readiness.” PARCC Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy p. 6
Comprehension Strategies All Good Readers Use Pre-reading • Review vocabulary • Make predictions • Review text features (brainstorm, predict, skim, assess prior knowledge)
Comprehension Strategies All Good Readers Use While reading • Monitor for understanding; reread if needed; summarize • Draw a visual representation of the unfolding argument • Ask questions about the main ideas as they unfold; infer • Make note of unfamiliar words, concepts, ideas to research later
Comprehension Strategies All Good Readers Use After reading • Summarize and restate the text’s main points • Compare notes with other students • Discuss what you read • Reread, confirm predictions, reflect, question
Authentic opportunities to learn and practice literacy are important techniques through which we engage students in thinking deeply and critically about social studies, science, economics…
Student Lens to Historian Lens: Student lens Historian lens Notice why’s and how’s Read a variety of texts critically Notice cause/effect relationships and hypotheses Critically examine • Fact collecting • Textbook • Notice who’s, what’s, where’s, and chronology of events • Truth statements
Establishing a Routine for Close Reading • Pre-teach the vocabulary and concepts. • Set a purpose for reading. • Model close reading.
Establishing a Routine for Close Reading • Provide guided practice and check for understanding. • Provide independent practice. • Organize discussions and debates. • Have students write about the text. Adapted from the Consortium on Reaching Excellence in Education, Inc
SCAFFOLDING Definition - a temporary structure put up to allow you to work the text in a way that wouldn't be possible w/o the scaffold. • It is NOT a reading assignment, which treats kids as independent readers.