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Semalt Dispels 8 Mobile SEO Myths

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Semalt Dispels 8 Mobile SEO Myths

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  1. 23.05.2018 Semalt Dispels 8 Mobile SEO Myths SEO is an important part of website optimization. With more and more people making searches on their smartphones, the mobile web has also exploded. SEO for mobile phones has also become a hot topic, but sadly most of the information you can ?nd about mobile SEO is false. Ross Barber, the expert of Semalt Digital Services, dispels the top 8 SEO myths. Myth 1: What people search for on PC and mobile is the same Truth: People are on the go, so they don't have the luxury of reading extensive reports, long blog posts and research ?ndings on their mobile devices. Usually, they are looking for quick answers. This automatically distinguishes what people are searching for on either device. The best way to check what people are searching for on their mobile devices is to use Google AdWords. You'll be able to get an insightful look into the mobile ratio of keywords typed in by people. Myth 2: Mobile searches and PC searches show the same results https://rankexperience.com/articles/article930.html 1/3

  2. 23.05.2018 Truth: Search engines are working hard to make it easy for people to ?nd what they need when they need it. This means that websites that aren't mobile friendly don't rank high in results. Your website might be optimized for PC, but may rank poorly for mobile searches. Thus, the results of PC searches and mobile searches are totally different. Google's study af?rms this point. In the study, the search engine giant discovered that there was an 86% difference in the way results were displayed according to different interfaces. Myth 3: People will soon stop searching on their phones because they will start searching on their wearable devices Truth: While wearable devices have taken the market by storm, they aren't as sophisticated in their attempts to make reasonable searches. The era for wearable search technology is just the beginning. Siri and Google Goggles have tried to get the revolution going, but even Siri only holds a mere 3% stake in the market, showing that people haven't completely embraced the idea of replacing their mobile device searches for searching on wearable devices. Myth 4: Mobile SEO isn't even a thing! Truth: Many people would like to think that mobile SEO is just a term that is being casually thrown around. It's true that many people don't understand it much, and there are few experts around. There are many people who think wrong about mobile SEO, but that doesn't mean that it's a non-existent concept that needs to be completely ignored. Myth 5: SEO is SEO, and it's all the same Truth: Nope, nope, nope. SEO is not all the same. Local SEO, mobile SEO, and SEO for websites that are optimized for desktop and laptop use are not all the same. The sooner you realize this and correct it for your site, the better rankings and conversions you will receive. Myth 6: Just con?gure SEO to mobile phones and voila – Mobile SEO! Truth: We wish it was this simple but it's not. You can't tailor SEO for websites and change it to suit mobile phones. The approach for mobile SEO is completely different to optimizing websites. Because there are more variations of mobile devices out there, mobile SEO has to be more speci?c and precise than website SEO. Learning about mobile SEO will require time and patience, but when it was done right, it will bring you good results. Myth 7: Build an optimized website and then tailor it for mobile phones https://rankexperience.com/articles/article930.html 2/3

  3. 23.05.2018 Truth: Optimizing your website to be usable on all interfaces may seem like a fantastic idea. However, you also need to consider that people may still not be able to ?nd what they need from your site. In fact, up to 60% of people don't always ?nd what they need on mobile searches. This happens because the mobile functionality is precise and needs to be developed as a separate entity and not lumped into a website's SEO strategy. For instance, BMW and Amazon have spent thousands of dollars working hard to ensure their websites are mobile friendly and that mobile SEO has been correctly applied. Myth 8: It's hard to get links when you use mobile SEO Truth: Nothing could be further from the truth than that! In fact, reputable site owners want to get links from the websites that have good SEO practices. So say hi to getting links from Google, Mashable, and other authoritative sites. We hope that we have helped you to bust some of the mobile SEO myths and shed light on the true matter of thing. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article930.html 3/3

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