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PKI Forum Meeting Dublin, 27-29 June 2000

EEMA & ICT Security Frank Jorissen Deputy VP Int’l Operations, Utimaco Vice Chairman EEMA & Chairman ISSE2000 frank.jorissen@utimaco.be. PKI Forum Meeting Dublin, 27-29 June 2000. WHAT IS EEMA?. An independent, non-profit forum Formed 1987 Assist Users, Vendors & Service Providers

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PKI Forum Meeting Dublin, 27-29 June 2000

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  1. EEMA & ICT SecurityFrank JorissenDeputy VP Int’l Operations, UtimacoVice Chairman EEMA & Chairman ISSE2000frank.jorissen@utimaco.be PKI Forum MeetingDublin, 27-29 June 2000

  2. WHAT IS EEMA? • An independent, non-profit forum • Formed 1987 • Assist Users, Vendors & Service Providers • Close to 250 member organisations - Most PTO’s and Service Providers • - Vendors including: IBM, Compaq, Alcatel, Siemens, Microsoft, Lotus, SAP, iD2, Entrust, GlobalSign, VeriSign, Baltimore, Bull, Identrus, Utimaco Safeware • - Users including Unilever, Reuters, Shell, Volvo, BP, Exxon, ING Bank, Glaxo Wellcome, Hoffmann la Roche, AstraZeneca, European Commission, SWIFT, ICC, etc. • - Sister Organisations: USA, Japan, Australia, Pacific, Oceania, Russia • --> A major force in the growth of European E- Business

  3. EEMA Interest Groups “ECAF/Security” --> ECAF Model --> “C2K” (Challenge2000) --> ISSE2000 Conference --> EESSI Steering Group liaison --> PKI Forum liaison ? ... + Other E-business-related Interest Groups: Directories, Unified Messaging, Users, EDI / E-Commerce, Knowledge Management, Events & Marcom, Standards

  4. EEMA Events 2000 • Month Activity Venue • Jan 27/28 IBC Unified Messaging London • Feb 24/25 ECAF Workshop Amsterdam • Mar 28-30 e-business expo Birmingham • April 4-8 EMA Annual Conference Boston • Apr 11-13 Infosec UK London • Apr 10-11 Knowledge Management London • May Infosec Frankfurt • Jun 21-23 EBE200 (Annual Conference) London • Sep 26-29 ISSE2000 Barcelona • Oct 23/24 Directories Workshop Munich • Nov E-commerce & XML London

  5. EEMA Infrastructure • Legal Status • Not for profit, E-Business Association, • Registered in Belgium, owned by the Membership, Executive Office: Managing Director Dave Hobart Executive Director Roger Dean Membership Sales Alison James Interest Group Mger Jane Hebson Events Manager Patricia Doward Marketing Manager Cathie Rolinson Accounts Rosemary Martin Membership Secretary Charmian Gibson Account Management Sharon Cemm Secretariat Fiona Hawkins

  6. WHAT IS “WEMA” ? • World Forum for electronic business • Virtual Composition of all “EMA’s” worldwide: • US • Europe • Australia • Brazil • Japan • Asia/Oceania • Russia

  7. Objective of the “ECAF Model” ECAF wants to help EEMA members in clarifying the necessity of certification services,its relationship with Electronic Businessand how to implement certification services within your Electronic Business

  8. Structure of the ECAF Model • The ECAF Model consists of four subsequent phases for developing an approach to implement a suitable certification solution Strategy Choose Implement Audit

  9. Challenge2000 (“C2K”)

  10. 1. Historic Overview

  11. “Challenges”:a rich WEMA Tradition • Since the early 90’s • On evolving technologies • By “WEMA” organisations worldwide • US + Europe + Australia: PKI interoperability during the period 1999-2001 • EMA Showcase was demonstrated at last EMA Annual Conference (FBCA + BQM) • EEMA/ECAF: adding “the European flavour” !

  12. 2. “Phase 0”:Project Plan & Funding

  13. C2K Objectives: • Enable the further development of e-business through PKI interoperability • At the level of PKI, Certification Service Providers and PKI-enabled applications • To provide an “infrastructure” that will effectively enable such interoperability between many vendors and users

  14. C2K Objectives: • Based on well-established standards, eg the IETF’s PKIX, S/MIMEv3,... • Also based on Europe-specific requirements, as described in the Electronic Signature Directive, and in “EESSI standards” by ETSI and CEN/ISSS • To disseminate, demonstrate & promote results • Liaisons: EESSI, TTT, PKI Forum (,…)

  15. Scope of interoperability in C2K context:

  16. Today’s Status • Project submitted under the “Fifth Framework program” (FP5/IST), under “Accompanying Measures” • Formal acceptance expected very soon (end of June 2000) • ==> Project start round Q4/2000

  17. 3. “Phase 1”: Project Infrastructure & Management

  18. Phase 1: Project Infrastructure & Management • WP1: Project Co-ordination, management & QA • WP2 - produce scope and definition of the criteria for interoperability of PKI products and services • WP3: performing awareness activity & identifying participants, negotiating and contracting with them. • WP4 - producing the detailed plan and specifications for the interoperability tests • WP5 - building the test infrastructure

  19. 4. “Phase 2”: Interoperability Testing

  20. Phase 2: The Interoperability Testing • WP3 (part) - identifying potential participants, negotiating and contracting with them. • WP6 - performing the interoperability tests • WP7 - demonstrating and disseminating the results of WP6 at “ISSE” and “EBE” (Annual EEMA) Conferences • WP8 - writing the final project report

  21. Who participatein “phase 1” ? Baltimore, Belgacom, EEMA, Entegrity, Entrust, GlobalSign, iD2, KPMG, Makra, Security&Standards, UK Post,University of Leuven (“COSIC” & “ICRI” Labs), University of Salford, Utimaco Safeware

  22. Who will be involved in “phase 2” ? • “Active” Participants: • PKI technology vendors • CA Service providers • Users • Universities, research institutes, consultants • “Passive” Participants -----> YOU ??

  23. ISSE2000 Barcelona, 27-29 September

  24. The EU’s ICT Security Industry + CEC Took the Initiative in Dec. ‘98 --> Objective: The organisation of an annual European information security conference, named “Information Security Solutions Europe” (ISSE), user-oriented and industry-driven. ISSE to become Europe’s reference event with a focus on the use of new cryptographic technologies in the Internet society. Background

  25. Three organising partners: EEMA ISSE Owners & Conference/Exhibition organisers TeleTrusT Supporting Organisation and Chair of the Programme Committee European Commission, DG INFSOC Structure

  26. The Conference • Plenary Sessions & 4 Parallel Streams • Technology • Infrastructure • Applications • Legal & Political Issues • The day before ISSE2000: - EESSI Workshop- Educational Session • Exhibition • 800-1000 p. expected

  27. Preliminary Programs will be made available here • 50% discount on travel with Iberia • More info: www.eema.org/isse ---> Don’t miss it !

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