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Varbattle : English debate competition. Organised by : ASCENT department and Pendragons . General Rules 1. There will be a screening round on 2 nd A pril from which 8 teams will be selected and will be given their motions on that day itself.
Varbattle : English debate competition Organised by : ASCENT department and Pendragons
General Rules 1. There will be a screening round on 2ndApril from which 8 teams will be selected and will be given their motions on that day itself. 2. Each team can consist of 2 participants. The teams can have members of different colleges. One participant will speak for the motion and another against the motion. 3.The organizers reserve all rights to disqualify any team for usage of unfair means. 4.In case of any discrepancies, decision of the organizers shall be considered final and binding for all. 5.The participants must maintain decorum and must not pose any personal comments. 6. Change in rules, if any, will be notified to the registered teams. 7. Teams are not allowed to use any kind of electronic gadget or own papers during competition. 8.Violation of this rule may lead to immediate disqualification.
FORMAT • There will be 4 rounds : screening, quarter, semi and final. • 8 teams will be selected after screening round which will be held on 2nd April post lunch. Venue will be notified to the participants. • Screening round : random topics will be given on the spot and 2 min will be given to deliver the speech. Purpose is to choose the best momentary preparedness, confidence, body language and way of delivery. • 8 finalized teams will be notified about their motions/topics same day by mail or call. Rest all the three rounds will be organized on 4th April. • topics:(for quarter and semi only & note that they will be randomly selected for two rounds.) 1.Exodus of Professionals to abroad is creating problems for Industry. 2. Civil Disobedience has lost its value in India. 3. A special tax should be imposed on high-earning sportspersons to fund the development of sports
8 4 2 will be the selection criteria. 2 team will fight for the finals. • 3 min window for every speech and one person will speak at a time. Finalisedtwo teams will be given 5 min window.
Judgment • Matter, Manner, Method:1. Matter (40) - substance of the debate, the arguments and evidence presented, and the logical reasoning and presentation of said arguments.2. Manner (40) - the style of delivery, the persuasion skills, and the conduct of the debaters, fluency.3. Method (20) - the response to the dynamics of the debate, and the observance of the rules of debate.
Prizes • Winners will be decided by the judges and each judge's marks per participant will be for a total of hundred. • Winner and Runner up participantwill be given certificate of merit and a trophy. • Every participating team will be given a participation certificate.
Registration Fee • Rs 100 per team (for Amity students) • Rs 200 per team (for other colleges participants) For further queries, contact/mail at: amidoor@gmail.com or Pallav Kothari Ph.+917597723403 e-mail: pallovekothari@gmail.com SarthakBarakoti Ph.+918094680300 e-mail: sarthakbarakoti@yahoo.in Manish Jain Ph. 09928296600 e-mail : gothi.manish@gmail.com Manan Jain Ph. +919828783739 e-mail : mananjain1993@gmail.com