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The Trifecta of Lung Utilization: OPO, Intensivist , and Transplant Centers

The Trifecta of Lung Utilization: OPO, Intensivist , and Transplant Centers. Ernie Villalon RN, CPTC Procurement Transplant Coordinator And Juan Ramirez, Jr. BS CPTC Manager, Transplant Services. Process Improvement. The Intensivist.

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The Trifecta of Lung Utilization: OPO, Intensivist , and Transplant Centers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Trifecta of Lung Utilization: OPO, Intensivist, andTransplant Centers Ernie Villalon RN, CPTC Procurement Transplant Coordinator And Juan Ramirez, Jr. BS CPTC Manager, Transplant Services

  2. Process Improvement

  3. The Intensivist

  4. Dr. Nader Habashi, MD, FACP, FCCPMedical Director – Clinical Operations • 20+ year history of critical care and donor management • Trained local DSA physicians & those nationally recognized

  5. Training Dr. Habashi and Penny Andrews RN 2013 Training sessions

  6. Consultation process

  7. Case Study

  8. Case Study

  9. A Challenging start

  10. Small Changes. Big Improvement

  11. 24 hours into case

  12. Prior to recovery

  13. In OR

  14. Teamwork Equation Maximizing the gift of donation Optimizing organs for transplantation Ensuring safe and functional organ grafts

  15. Thank you!

  16. The Trifecta of Thoracic Utilization: OPO, Intensivist and Transplant Centers Juan Ramirez, Jr. BS CPTC Manager, Transplant Services

  17. Where we were

  18. Lungs

  19. Hearts

  20. Introduction

  21. Collaborative Meeting

  22. Proposal

  23. Outcome

  24. Shared Success 2013 Utilization Increased 19% 2013 Utilization Increased 24%

  25. Lung Data

  26. Lungs2009-2013 (Jan-Aug)

  27. Heart Data

  28. 2013 Projections

  29. Questions?

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