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Spinefrontier has design numerous instrumentation and tools used during the LES (Less Exposure Surgery) which has proven to be landmark in the spine surgeries.
Spinefrontier Spinefrontier believe our best innovations come from your expertise. That’s why we’re committed to superior service for surgeons. Because we know that what’s best for you is best for the patient. At SpineFrontier surgeons and engineers work closely to design the instrumentation and products you need.
Spinefrontier Glassdoor • Spinefrontier Glassdoor is the leading provider of the newest form of spine surgery the LES (Less Exposure Surgery) which has proven to be landmark in the spine surgeries.
Spinefrontier CEO SpineFrontier is Keeping It Simple and Sensible (KISS) by designing technology that is simpler for the surgeon and safer for the patient. SpineFrontier CEO is expanding its wings and creating new tools for better results and less time in the recovery of the patient.