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Analytical Review and Debunking Facts? Warning: The Red Smoothie Detox Factor System is the weight loss program designed for every man and woman. Discover The Real Truth in Red Smoothie Detox Factor Review Until Think To Buy it.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor Review • One of the culprits causing Americans to have problems with their bowels is the average diet of unhealthy processed foods. Some bacteria are good for us and help us to digest food properly. Due to today's modern food processing, microorganisms that we actually need to consume for good digestive health - and that are needed for healthy bowel function -- are wiped out. The digestive process starts with the food that we eat. Food that is eaten moves through the stomach, through the small intestine, and into the large intestine. The small intestine is where the nutrients we need are absorbed, and the large intestine is where excess water is absorbed. The bacteria living in your gut are a combination of both good and bad bacteria. A balance between the good bacteria and bad bacteria is needed to maintain healthy bowel function.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor Book • The good bacteria help us to digest food, maintain a healthy gut, provide us with nutrients and vitamins, and fight off the bad bacteria. Bad bacteria only become a problem when their numbers grow too large compared to the good bacteria. This can create a wide variety of different health problems. Healthy bowels have a combination of good and bad bacteria. But this balance can easily be disturbed. Many things can kill off good bacteria, including ingesting too much sugary food, processed food, alcohol, drugs, and even being under stress. Plus, toxins such as food preservatives, additives, and colorings can make it difficult for the good bacteria to thrive.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF • One of the most common ways that the balance of good and bad bacteria is affected is through the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics do not discriminate when killing bacteria and therefore the good bacteria is often targeted just as much as the bad. When the balance of bacteria tilts toward the bad, the results can be irritation and inflammation, which can cause or further agitate leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the lining of the intestines becomes inflamed and irritated to the point that it becomes compromised and can no longer do its job properly. The intestinal lining starts to "leak." This leaking allows bacteria, fungi, parasites and other toxins, undigested protein, fat, and waste to escape into your bloodstream.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor Download • Red Smoothie Detox Factor Review • Symptoms of leaky gut can include constipation, gas, diarrhea, indigestion, cramping, pain, or heartburn. The presence of harmful toxins in the bloodstream triggers the body to react. Once bacteria leaks into the bloodstream, it can lodge itself in any organ within the body. In order to restore the balance between good and bad bacteria, you can take a probiotic supplement. • http://explorereading.net/red-smoothie-detox-factor-system-review • You can also restore the good bacteria by changing your diet. Bad bacteria like Candida are fine in small amounts and only become a problem when their numbers increase uncontrollably. Healthy bowel function depends on the good bacteria holding the bad bacteria in balance. Once the balance is tipped in the wrong way, the bad bacteria, yeasts, and fungi will grow and multiply, causing all sorts of health problems. • http://www.linkedin.com/pulse/red-smoothie-detox-factor-review-free-pdf-download-james-austin