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Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators: Questionnaire Responses Analysis

Presentation on data collection and analysis from questionnaire responses at the sustainable development workshop in Addis Ababa. Completed questionnaires from selected African countries discussed, with recommendations for improvement.

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Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators: Questionnaire Responses Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Survey Instrument and Questionnaire responses Presentation at the Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators: Conceptual Framework, Data Collection and Analysis Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 11-13, 2012

  2. Background • A draft questionnaire was developed jointly by FSSDD and ACS of UNECA • The objective was to obtain standardized data • Discussion on the proposed indicators was made with experts from CSA and MoFED of Ethiopia. • Based on the comments received, the questionnaire was revised accordingly • The Questionnaire was sent to 15 countries

  3. List of Pilot Countries • Botswana(Southern Africa) • Burkina Faso(Western Africa) • Cameroon(Central Africa) • Ethiopia(Eastern Africa) • Gabon(Central Africa) • Ghana(Western Africa) • Kenya(Eastern Africa) • Morocco(Northern Africa) • Namibia(Southern Africa) • Nigeria(Western Africa) • Rwanda(Eastern Africa) • Senegal(Western Africa) • South Africa(Southern Africa) • Tunisia(Northern Africa) • Uganda(Eastern Africa)

  4. Completed questionnaires • Completed questionnaires were received from 6 countries out of the 15 countries for which the questionnaire was sent. (completion rate of 40%) • Completion rate here refers to the percentage of countries who completed the questionnaire. • A significant percentage of responses received contained no data for some indicators or data for few years.

  5. Completed Questionnaires contd... Completed questionnaires were received from • Botswana • Burkina Faso • Cameroon • Kenya, • Rwanda • Tunisia Completion rate for demographic statistics is as follows

  6. Completion rate for social statistics

  7. Completion rate for social statistic contd…

  8. Completion rate contd… National accounts and Agricultural Statistics

  9. Energy Statistics

  10. Monetary and Financial Statistics

  11. Foreign trade statistics

  12. Recommendations • Provide technical assistance to countries in the use of international definitions. • Improve the process of consultation by international agencies with countries before publishing their data.

  13. Thank you

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