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Vitreoretinal Diseases: Anatomy, Detachment & Therapy

Explore vitreoretinal diseases affecting the anatomy of the eye, anterior and posterior segments, including retinal detachment classifications. Learn about symptoms, therapy options like surgical and intraocular procedures, and comparison of outcomes. Discover the distinctions between rhegmatogenous, tractional, and serose retinal detachments, as well as the role of ultrasound in diagnosing conditions like malignant melanoma of the uvea.

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Vitreoretinal Diseases: Anatomy, Detachment & Therapy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vitreoretinal diseases(diseases of vitreous and retina)

  2. Anatomy of the EYE anterior posterior segment

  3. Vitreous anatomy

  4. Retinal anatomy

  5. Retinal histology

  6. Retinal histology

  7. Macular anatomy

  8. Retinal detachment- history • Gonin (1920) – primary role of retinal tear in retinal detachment

  9. rhegmatogenous • tractional • serose Retinal detachment- classification

  10. Rhegmatogenous RD Posterior vitreous detachment

  11. Rhegmatogenous RD Retinal tear=(rhegma)

  12. Rhegmatogenous RD Retinal tear=(rhegma)

  13. Rhegmatogenous RD Pathological posterior vitreous detachment

  14. Rhegmatogenous RD(upper quadrants) quickly progression

  15. Rhegmatogenous RD(lower quadrants) slowly progression

  16. Rhegmatogenous RD(symptoms) • Fotopsia (flashes) • Black spots (black snow) • Scotoma (black spot in peripheral visual field) • Decrease in visual accuity • Metamorfopsia

  17. Rhegmatogenous RD(therapy) • Surgical • Extrabulbar operations (kryopexy,cerclage, plombage) • Intraocular operations (PPV with or without tamponade)

  18. Kryopexy Development of chorioretinal adhesion (scar)

  19. Cerclage

  20. Plombage

  21. Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)

  22. Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) development of chorioretinal adhesion (endolaser) Retinal attachment (PFC)

  23. Internal tamponade • Gas (SF6, C3F8) • Silicon oil Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)

  24. Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) Gas tamponade

  25. Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) Silicon oil tamponade

  26. Tractional forces Comparing of status before OP, after extrabulbar OP and after PPV

  27. Tractional RD • can’t be find any tear • concave surface • can be detected epiretinal and subretinal membranes (diabetic retinopathy, trauma)

  28. Tractional RD rhegmatogenous x tractional

  29. Serose RD • can’t be find any tear • convex surface (high balloons) • free movement of subretinal fluid (tumors, uveitis, chorioidal detachment)

  30. Serose RD Malignant melanoma of uvea Ultrasound of eye with MMU

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