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APPLICATION OF NURSING MODELS. OBJECTIVES. Outline the components of nursing models Review the Roper,Logan and Tierney model of living Review Orems self care model Outline the paradigms of nursing Through a case study consider the application of a model for a client. INTRODUCTION.
OBJECTIVES • Outline the components of nursing models • Review the Roper,Logan and Tierney model of living • Review Orems self care model • Outline the paradigms of nursing • Through a case study consider the application of a model for a client
INTRODUCTION • Riehl and Roy 1980 provide a useful definition of a nursing model; • “a systematically constructed,scientifically based and logically related set of concepts which identify the essential components of nursing practice,together with the theoretical basis of these concepts and the value required for their use by the practitioner”
MODELS • Fawcett 1984 considered that models consist of; • the main concepts which identify the essential components of the discipline • show the relationship between concepts • introduce established theories from other disciplines which are applicable to nursing
Models provide a “framework” for what the nurse does and how she does it. • What do models have in common?
Activities of living lifespan dependence/ independence continuum factors influencing the activities of living Individuality in living A MODEL OF LIVING
ASSESSMENT • Questions to consider:How often and when does the individual eliminate urine/faeces? • What factors influence the way the individual carries out the AL of eliminating? • What does the individual know about eliminating urine/faeces?
What is the individuals attitude to eliminating? • Has the individual any long standing problems with eliminating urine/faeces,if so,how have these been coped with? • What problems if any does the individual have at present?
OREMS MODEL • Self care framework is classified as a developmental model. • Six central or core components and one peripheral • self care,self care agency,therapeutic self care demand,self care deficit,nursing agency,nursing system • peripheral ;age,gender,lifestyle,family etc
SELF CARE • Self care requisites; • Universal self care deficits • Developmental self care requisites • Health deviation self care requisites
UNIVERSAL SELF CARE • Maintenance of sufficient intake of air • Maintenance of sufficient intake of water • Maintenance of sufficient intake of food • Provision of care associated with elimination processes and excrements • Maintenance of a balance between activity and rest
Maintenance of a balance between solitude and social interaction • Promotion of human life,human functioning and human wellbeing • Promotion of human functioning and development within social groups.normalcy
DEVELOPMENTAL • Maintaining conditions that support life processes and promote development • Provision of care associated with effects of conditions that can adversely affect human development
HEALTH DEVIATION • Seeking and securing appropriate medical assistance • Being aware of and attending to the effects and results of pathological conditions • Carrying out medically prescribed measures • Caring for or regulating uncomfortable effects of prescribed medical measures
Accepting self in relation to state of health • Altering ones life style to promote personal development while living with the effect of pathology and medical measures
Nursing systems • Focus upon; • The specific roles and responsibilities of the patient and the nurse in the nurse patient relationship • Specific helping methods to attain self care goals;acting for,guiding,supporting,teaching other,providing an environment to promote development
SYSTEMS • Wholly compensatory;patient has no active role in care.The nurse helps by acting for and doing for the patient • Partly compensatory; nurse and patient perform care measures. • Supportive-educative; person is able to perform required self care,but cant do without assistance
ASSESSMENT • What is the patients therapeutic care demand?now?At some future time? • Does the patient have a deficit for engaging in self care to meet the therapeutic self care demand? • If so, what is the nature and the reasons for its existence?
Should the patient be helped to refrain from engagement in self care? • What is the patients potential for engaging in self care? • The nurse needs to assess the individuals self care requisites and ability to provide self care.
Benefits of nursing models • Nursing models provide a knowledge base for nurses to practice in an informed way • Provide explicit frames of reference for professional nursing practice by ; identifying who the care recipient is,what the relevant environment is,what aspects of health are to be considered,what steps and substance of the nursing process are.
Specify innovative goals for nursing practice,new ideas to improve practice and co ordinate care • Provide a nursing knowledge base that has a positive effect on practice • Assist in communicating what nurses do and why they do it • consider the holistic needs of clients/patients