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Integrated Architectural and Engineering Solutions in Costa Rica

DBIO offers sustainable architectural, engineering, and real estate solutions with a focus on quality, sustainability, and profitability in Costa Rica. Our experienced team provides a range of services from design to project management.

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Integrated Architectural and Engineering Solutions in Costa Rica

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Background: DESARROLLOS BIOCLIMATICOS DE COSTA RICA S.A. (DBIO) is a specialized interdisciplinary group, which provides architectural and engineering solutions for land developments and real estate transactions within three main axes: quality, environmental sustainability and profitability. Dedicated to locating and selling all types of property throughout the country, as well as for the investment and development of client projects in Costa Rica. We rely on the aid of consultants in the real estate field to facilitate the best professional service available in the industry.

  2. Our mission: To provide versatility along with complete and dynamic solutions through the intersection of our three executive branches: environmental, urban and financial consulting.

  3. Our vision: To become the leading company in providing our clients with successful integrated solutions through the synergy of our selected team of professionals, and within the framework of professionalism and ethics.

  4. Achieving succeed: • We have put together an experienced and knowledge group of professionals whose main target is to maximize returns and eliminate or minimize any obstacle in the middle. • We Know how important is for your corporation to meet your goals and succeed and that’s exactly why we do all the necessary studies, projections, reports and implementing new strategies. • Our corporation provides an excellent group of lawyers, architects, builders, engineers, consultants, etc.

  5. Our services: Architecture Preliminary Design Master Plan Architectural Plans Landscaping Design Engineering Preliminary Studies Structural Design Electrical & Mechanical Design Project Administration Construction Topography Soiled Studies Plans Contour line studies Infrastructure Environmental Legal Legal Advice in Real Estate Notary Services Land Transfers Title Search & Closing Escrow & Title services General Legal Advice Sales & Marketing Marketing Plans & set up organizations. Web site design Market Studies POP & Advertising Hydrology Geological Studies Hydro Geological Studies Geophysical Surveys. Logistic & Study Contour Pre-Construction Permits Project Planning & Design. Financing Banking Assistance Mortgage & Loan Programs Credit Report Studies Evaluation & Preliminary Studies Financing Performance of Projects Local Tax & IRA.

  6. Our experience: Engineering & Cadastre/Topography & Architecture Inspection & Supervision/Project Management

  7. Our experience: Master plan: Jardin del Sol Location:

  8. Our experience: Playa Hermosa House Location: Playa Hermosa, Jaco , Puntarenas , Costa Rica.

  9. Our experience: MST project. Location: Tibas, San Jose, Costa Rica.

  10. Our experience: IRCAVE condominium. Location: San Ramon, Tres Rios, San Jose, Costa Rica.

  11. Our experience: IRCAVE condominium. Location: San Ramon, Tres Rios, San Jose, Costa Rica.

  12. Our experience: DAT project Location: Zarcero. Costa Rica.

  13. Our experience: Coffe Shop DOS project. Location: San Pedro, San Jose, Costa Rica.

  14. Our experience: PS interior design Location: Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

  15. Our experience: JB-1 condominium. Location: Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

  16. Our experience: JB-1 condominium. Location: Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

  17. Our experience: JB-1 condominium. Location: Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

  18. Our experience: JB-1 condominium. Location: Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

  19. Our experience: JB-1 condominium. Location: Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

  20. Our experience: Projects: •Pacific Dawn – Marbella. •San Juanillo Hills – San Juanillo. •Jardines de Marbella – Marbella. •Ballena Bay – Ballena Osa. • Peack South Plaza – Uvita. • Finca 5 – Balzar Osa. • Finca 6 – Balzar Osa. •MST Project – San Jose. •DAT Project – Zarcero. • PS Project – Jaco. • JB-1 Project – Jaco. • IRCAVE condominium – San Jose. •Playa Hermosa House – Playa Hermosa.

  21. Our team: General Manager: Antonio Marvez. Civil Engineer: Ing. Luis Chaverri. Architects: Arch. Diego Alfaro. Arch. Juan Carlos Olivas. Topographer: Ing. Andres Hernandez. Mechanical Electrical & Plumbing engineering: Ing. Jorge Cabezas. Environmental Consultant: Adolfo Echeverría. María Gómez. Legal: Deborah Feinzaig (San José). Álvaro Guevara (Guanacaste).

  22. Contact us: Address: Plaza Colonial Escazu, Office:2-17B San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel:(506) 2588-0664 / 0665 / 0067 Fax: 2588-0690 www.dbiocostarica.com antonio.marvez@gmail.com

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