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Elementary Academic Language: Vocabulary and Beyond

Elementary Academic Language: Vocabulary and Beyond. Debra S. Peterson, University of Minnesota Amy smith, University of St. Thomas Rod Winters, Winona state university Eva boehm , university of minnesota. What is Academic Language?. Academic Language is:

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Elementary Academic Language: Vocabulary and Beyond

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Elementary AcademicLanguage: Vocabulary and Beyond DebraS. Peterson, University of Minnesota Amy smith, University of St. Thomas Rod Winters, Winona state university Eva boehm, university of minnesota

  2. What is Academic Language? • Academic Language is: • the language used in the classroom . • the language of text. • the language of assessments. • the language of power.

  3. Discussion Topics Preparing teacher candidates to teach content specific utility words- Debra Peterson Instructional planning and writing language objectives- Amy Smith Cross-disciplinary co-teaching to support Academic Language- Eva Boehm Authentic audiences and the language of power- Rod Winters

  4. Contact Information Debra Peterson peter328@umn.edu Amy Smith afsmith@stthomas.edu Rod Winters Rwinters@winona.edu Eva Boehm boeh0056@umn.edu

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