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Assessment for Learning. Introducing the OARS/INSPECT and SCANOARS tools for developing common Formative Assessments December 8, 2008. Today’s Tasks. Outline a context for Formative Assessment Touch briefly on a the history of OARS Learn how to Login to OARS System
Assessment for Learning Introducing the OARS/INSPECT and SCANOARS tools for developing common Formative Assessments December 8, 2008
Today’s Tasks • Outline a context for Formative Assessment • Touch briefly on a the history of OARS • Learn how to Login to OARS System • Learn how to Build A Quiz using INSPECT • Learn how to download and Install SCANOARS software • Demonstrate how to Scan an INSPECT Quiz • Provide an introduction to OARS Reports • Provide contacts to call for help
Cycle of Teaching Planning of Instruction Planning of Instruction Instructional Strategies Reflection Assessment Analysis
Assessment and Learning • Teaching, learning and assessment are all interrelated • Using assessment can help promote a learning community • Deeper understanding of standards and what they “look like” • Discussions about assessments (developing, results, etc) can help define/refine teaching • Shared understanding of the outcome and discussions about the best approaches for obtaining proficiency
OARS Online Assessment Reporting System • History • Originally set up to be used for Reading First schools (SCOE) • Created by previous classroom teacher • Has grown in use and capability • Speaks to need for more frequent monitoring and increased capability of assessment use • Purpose of adding OARS • Access to INSPECT item bank • Access to reporting features • Some tests for purchase can be scanned in the OARS.SCOE, Theme Skills, INSPECT, etc.
Many assessments to look at • Interim assessments • SCOE • Theme Skills • INSPECT • Etc.
Login to OARSQuick Start Guide • Navigate to http://www.oarsaccess.net/ • Select Fresno USD in the “Select your District” window • Log in. Initial log ins are… • Username: firstname.lastname, using the Sharepoint format • 1st Password: birth month and last 2 digits of birth year… September 1963 would be ‘0963’ • Usernames and passwords also handed out today • This is NOT AiS!!!! The username and password for OARS is different than in AiS • Problems with passwords? Call your school’s OARS Liaison or Bon Vang in REA at 457-3895 • Three “Download Resources” may be helpful for you: “OARS in a Nutshell,” “OARS Users Manual,” and “ScanOARS Download” (when you are ready for scanning)
Login to Oars – Step by Step Go to www.oarsaccess.net, Choose Fresno USD and Click GO to login
Login to Oars – Step by StepAllowing Popups Some users may have to allow popups in order for OARS to work properly. The following slides only apply if you see either or both of the messages seen here. CLICK OK or Close as needed to clear the error messages If you see don’t see either or both of the messages above, SKIP to slide 16 of this guide.
Login to Oars – Step by StepAllowing Popups CLICK Tools Pop-up Blocker Always Allow Pop-ups from This Site… • Notes: • The screen will blink and refresh itself when you do this. • You will probably only need to do this once per computer.
Login to Oars – Step by Step • Type in Username • Enter Password • CLICK Log In
Login to Oars – Step by StepExtra Step – First Login Only Read the Terms and Conditions, then CLICK I am an Authorized User – and – I Accept All Terms and Conditions Above
Login to Oars – Step by StepFirst Time Login and Password Changes Complete the Password, Confirm Password, SecurityQuestion, and Response CLICKUpdate My Account Note: To change your password in the future, you may access this screen by clicking on the MY ACCOUNT tab found on the OARS main page.
Login to Oars – Step by StepFirst Time Login and Password Changes Note: Having changed your password, you will receive a confirmation message. The click here is a little hard to see so it’s highlighted here. CLICK here
Login to Oars You will find the Log Out in the upper right-hand corner. (Not pictured).
Build a Quiz using Inspect Quick Start Guide • To Build a Quiz …. • Select the “INSPECT” tab at the top of the main menu • Select the “Create a new test” button • NEW: An Automatic Build Feature was reactivated Nov, 2008! • Complete the “Test Information” boxes • Select the Course, Strand and Standard Information • Select items for the quiz by choosing the “ADD” button for each item you select. You can see the directions and the distractor rationales for an item by clicking the boxes below each item. • Note: for ELA items, there is an option to look at other items that use the same reading passage. If you are trying to create a “one passage” quiz, you might select this to identify other items associated with the passage. • An Inspect quiz should be short… 5-6 items only
Build a Quiz using Inspect Quick Start Guide - Continued • Review the draft of your quiz • Save the quiz… after you click on save, you can still edit/delete, until you ….. • … Print and Lock (when you do this, a print copy will appear in a new window). • You can also choose to share the quiz, or keep it just for your class • Print the quiz, and you have several print options available for how you’d like the quiz to look… • Bubbles or letters for the answer choices • Answers highlighted or not • Answer key accompanying • Print a copy with distracter rationales
Build a Quiz using Inspect Quick Start Guide - Continued • To Print Answer Sheets …. • Teachers with multiple grade levels, or teaching multiple classes (secondary) will need to select a “section” of their classes for which to print answer sheets. Click on the “Sections” tab on the blue strip at the top of the screen, then • Click on the program menu, and select “Inspect Item Bank” • Click on your name • If you are selecting a subset of all your students to take the test, select them here, otherwise the whole student list will be uploaded • From the “Inspect” tab, select “Print” answer sheets and follow the directions there. • Have students take the quiz!!
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 1: Click on INSPECT tab
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step The “Inspect“ Main Screen STEP 2: Click on Create New Test here
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step If you are sharing quizzes, consider what your descriptions will mean to other users. Also, what will they mean to you in 10 months? STEP 3: Select a Subject STEP 4: Type a Description THIS IS REQUIRED STEP 5: CLICK on Choose Individual Items Entering Details is Optional, but consider how you will remember what you were thinking months from now and whether or not the quiz will be shared with others! ALTERNATE STEP 5: Once you have entered the subject and description, the Automatic Build feature is another way to build a test!
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 6: Select the Course STEP 7: Select the Strand STEP 8: Select the Standard After a short delay the items are displayed in this area of the screen. You will have to scroll down to see them all!
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 9: Scroll Down to select items to Add to your assessment (The screen blinks with each item individually selected). ALTERNATE STEP 9: Place a Checkmark by clicking in the box of the upper left-hand corner of each item you want. Then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list and CLICK Add Checked Items.This is faster, because the screen only refreshes (blinks) once! 28 Add Checked Items
Build a Quiz using Inspect Alternatives When Selecting Items The correct answer is highlighted. STEP 2: Click on Create New Test here Some items (esp. ELA and History) are based on a reading passage. This link can be used to find those other items You can click on the +Show links to see Instructions and/or Distractor Rationales 29
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 10: Click on View Test to see what you have created! Need to go back?Follow the “breadcrumb” trail Quarantine This Itemis something to avoid (See Slide 34 for more info.)
STEP 11a (Optional): To change the order of items, you can use the Move To drop-down OR The Arrow UP or Down Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 11b (Optional): You can also choose to Remove the item. The standard associated with each item appears in the lower right corner.
STEP 11c (Optional): You can also choose the checkboxes for each item and scroll to the bottom of the screen to Remove Checked Items Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 11d (Optional): Or you can simply choose to Remove All Items
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 12: Once the test is the way you want, scroll all the way back to the top and CLICK on Save Test.
Build A Quiz Using InspectAdditional Information • Do not quarantine an item • It might lock others out from using it • Or, for some users, the only one locked out is that user • Some items are quarantined at the system level for inclusion on a District-wide test (CAHSEE Diagnostic tests) • Some questions have an extra version created (e.g., with just a small change to an answer choice). The “View Alternate Item” button allows you to see all versions of an item, and pick the one you want to use. • You can now “delete” a quiz using Inspect test managementTechnically the quiz is still there, but if you use the delete option, you will never have to see it again!This can help keep your page of active quizzes well-organized.
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step You may still review and edit a quiz UNTIL you “Print and Lock” it! Once it’s locked, you have to start the process over! STEP 13: Print and Lock your quiz here STEP 14: Click OK 35
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step Once you are ready to print your answer booklet, you will have several printing options.
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 15: Click on Filethen Print to produce the document Opening the print feature actually opens a new window or tab (depending on your version of Internet Explorer) You will need to close the window or tab to return to the OARS.
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 16: ClickonPrintto produce the Answer Sheets You will have some choices for printing. You can print forms for all students in one class, one blank form, or for multiple classes. For this example we will print forms for all students in one class. 38
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step STEP 17: ClickonSectionsto produce the Answer Sheets STEP 18: Select Inspect Item Bank STEP 19: (SECONDARY ONLY) Select your class(es) here
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step You will be given the choice of opening all of the documents for immediate printing, or saving the documents for printing later.
Build a Quiz using Inspect Step-By-Step Answer documents will be created for each student in your class. These documents have basic information already inserted (including Student ID and Test Code). This allows you to scan the document and upload into OARS.
Download & Install ScanOARS This may not be necessary at your school site. To find out whether or not you need to download and install the ScanOARS software, please contact the OARS-INSPECT liaison for your school. The following represent the two most common situations in terms of setup for scanning using ScanOARS • Using a dedicated computer • Your school has set up a computer that stays connected to the scanner all the time • Chances are you don’t need to download the software • Using a docking station • Your school has set up a docking station or USB connection to the scanner • Each teacher can connect their own laptop if the station is available • Chances are you WILL need to download the software to your laptop • Note: You need a PC – this is not recommended for MACs
Entering Student Data into the Online Assessment Reporting System
Entering Data Assessment information can be entered different ways • Scanning Using ScanOARS • Some implementing now • Requires a certain level of technical expertise • Requires a PC connected to an approved scanner • The District has purchased a scanner for every elementary school and two for each secondary school • May be the most efficient way for sites to get data into the OARS • Can get data back within minutes with a variety of reports • Hand Entry Using INSPECT • Scores only; does not allow for response analysis OR • Entering Individual Responses (allows for response analysis) • Administering the Assessment Online • Requires all students to take the test at a computer • Reduces use of paper/printer resources
Entering Data - ScanOARS Once you have given the assessment using the test booklet and answer sheet, you are now ready to scan your answer documents. STEP 1: Start ScanOARS and select Fresno USD STEP 2: CLICKOK
Entering Data - ScanOARS STEP 4: Your username and password are the same ones that you used to login to OARS. Once you have typed these in, CLICK OK STEP 3: Make sure Default proxy is selected then CLICK OK
Entering Data - ScanOARS STEP 5: Put your answer documents on your scanner and click SCAN Brother DCP8060: Face Up – Top Side First STEP 6: Once your documents are scanned, the Send Data to Server button will turn black. CLICK on Send Data to Server to send your data to OARS. TIP:You may want to take a highlighter or copy pencil and mark forms you have already scanned. The machine will not do this for you. STEP 7: Exit ScanOARS
Approving the Scanned Data Although you can wait and approve data later, we recommend doing this as part of the scanning process. Please go to the next slide for more information regarding how to “Approve” your data.