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Unit 10 The Human Body. Ch. 39 Endocrine & Reproductive Systems. The Endocrine System. The endocrine system is made up of glands that release their products into the bloodstream These products deliver messages throughout the body. Hormones.
Unit 10 The Human Body Ch. 39 Endocrine & Reproductive Systems
The Endocrine System • The endocrine system is made up of glands that release their products into the bloodstream • These products deliver messages throughout the body
Hormones • Hormones - chemicals released in 1 part of the body, that travel through the bloodstream, & affect activities of cells in other parts of the body; “chemical messengers” • Target cells (receptor cells) - cells that have receptors for a particular hormone
Glands • A gland is an organ that produces & releases a substance, or secretion • Exocrine glands - release their secretions (hormones) through ducts (tubes), directly to the organs that use them
Glands • Endocrine glands - release their secretions (hormones) directly into the bloodstream
Hormone Action • Steroid hormones: • Because they are lipids, they can cross cell membranes, passing directly into the cytoplasm & the nuclei of target cells
Hormone Action • Nonsteroid hormones: • They generally cannot pass through the cell membrane of their target cells
Prostaglandins • Prostaglandins - modified fatty acids that produce cells, affecting other nearby cells & tissues (“local hormones”) • Ex.) some cause smooth muscle tissue to contract
Control of the Endocrine System • Like most systems of the body, the endocrine system is regulated by feedback mechanisms that function to maintain homeostasis • Ex.) Pancreas releasing insulin: blood sugar level increases after lunch, pancreas releases insulin, blood sugar level decreases, pancreas stops releasing insulin
Human Endocrine Glands • The human endocrine system regulates a wide variety of activities • Any improper functioning of an endocrine gland may result in a disease or disorder
Human Endocrine Glands • The major glands of the endocrine system are: the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands, the adrenal glands, the pancreas, & the reproductive glands
Pituitary Gland • Pituitary gland - divided into 2 parts: anterior & posterior; it secretes 9 hormones that directly regulate many body functions & controls the actions of several other endocrine glands
Hypothalamus • The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the pituitary gland • The close connection between the hypothalamus & the pituitary gland, means that the nervous & endocrine systems can act together to help coordinate body activities
Thyroid Gland • The thyroid gland has the major role in regulating the body’s metabolism • Releases thyroxin which increases metabolism, & cellular respiration
Thyroid Gland • Unable to produce thyroxin produces condition known as cretinism • 2 effects of cretinism are dwarfism & severe mental retardation • Can be prevented by adding small amounts of iodine to table salt
Parathyroid Glands • The 4 parathyroid glands are found on the back surface of the thyroid gland • Hormones from the thyroid gland & the parathyroid glands act to maintain homeostasis of calcium levels in the blood
Adrenal Glands • There are 2 adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys, like little hats • The adrenal glands release hormones that help the body prepare for & deal with stress
Adrenal Glands • The 2 hormones secreted by the adrenal glands are: epinephrine and norepinephrine • The hormones produce the “fight or flight” response to stress
Pancreas • The pancreas has both exocrine & endocrine functions • It is a digestive gland whose enzymes help break down food • However, different cells in the pancreas release hormones into the blood
Pancreas • Insulin & glucagon are released from the pancreas to help keep the blood glucose level stable • Insulin stimulates liver cells to remove sugar from the blood & store it as glycogen • Glucagon stimulates the liver to break down stored glycogen & release sugar back into the blood
Pancreas • Diabetes mellitus - when the pancreas does not produce insulin • There are 2 types of diabetes, Type I and Type II • Type I requires daily injections of insulin, due to the fact that the body produces no insulin
Pancreas • Type II develops in people after the age of 40, produces normal insulin but cells don’t respond properly to the hormone • Usually controlled through diet, exercise, & medication taken orally
Reproductive Glands • The gonads are the body’s reproductive glands • They serve 2 important functions: the production of gametes & the secretion of sex hormones
Reproductive Glands • The female gonads are the ovaries - which produce eggs, & the hormones estrogen & progesterone • The male gonads are the testes - which produce sperm, & the hormone testosterone
The Reproductive System • Reproduction is the formation of new individuals • If any other system of the body failed, the result would be fatal, not the case with the reproductive system • Reproduction is important for continuation of the species, but not for that organism to survive
Sexual Development • For the 1st 6 weeks of development, male & female embryos are identical • During the 7th week, primary reproductive organs begin to develop • Hormones produced by those organs (gonads), will determine whether the embryo develops physically into a male or female
Sexual Development • Neither the testes nor the ovaries are capable of producing active reproductive cells until puberty • Puberty - a period of rapid growth & sexual maturation, when the reproductive system becomes fully functional
The Male Reproductive System • The main function of the male reproductive system is to produce & deliver sperm • Scrotum - external sac that holds the gonads, (external to reduce heat so sperm won’t die) • Seminiferous tubules - tiny tubules tightly coiled where the sperm are produced
The Male Reproductive System • Sperm - male sex cells (gametes)
The Male Reproductive System • Epididymis - structure that sperm move into, to mature & be stored until released • Vas deferens - tube that carries sperm from the epididymis, to the urethra, to be released • Penis - urethra carries sperm out of body through the penis
The Female Reproductive System • The main function of the female reproductive system is to produce ova (eggs) • In addition, the female reproductive system prepares the female’s body to nourish a developing embryo
The Female Reproductive System • Follicles - each ovary contains 400,000 clusters of cells surrounding a single egg, to help it mature • Ovulation - when a follicle has completely matured, its egg is released
The Female Reproductive System • Egg - female sex cells (gametes) • Fallopian tubes - tube from each ovary, that carries the egg to the uterus
The Female Reproductive System • Uterus - location of egg a couple days after ovulation, where embryo develops if fertilization takes place • Cervix - the outer end of the uterus • Vagina - a canal that leads to the outside of the body
The Menstrual Cycle • Menstrual cycle - when an egg develops & is released from an ovary • The menstrual cycle has 4 phases: follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, & menstruation
The Menstrual Cycle • The Follicular Phase • Development of an egg • Ovulation • Lasts 3-4 days, a mature egg is released into 1 of the fallopian tubes
The Menstrual Cycle • Luteal Phase • The remaining ruptured follicle, which continues to release hormones • Menstruation - when the lining of the uterus sheds, lasts about 3-7 days (period)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases • Sexually transmitted diseases - diseases spread from 1 person to another through sexual contact • Common STDs are chlamydia, syphilis, & gonorrhea (caused by a bacteria)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases • Others caused by viruses include: HIV, hepatitis B, genital herpes, & genital warts
Fertilization • When an egg is fertilized, the process of human development begins • In this process, a single cell, the size of a period at the end of a sentence, undergoes cell divisions that results in the formation of a new human being
Fertilization • Fertilization - the process of a sperm joining an egg, usually occurs in the fallopian tube • Zygote - a fertilized egg
Early Development • The stages of early development include: implantation, gastrulation, & neurulation • Implantation - when the blastocyst implants itself in the uterine wall • At this point, cells differentiate - develop into specific types of tissues in the body
Early Development • Gastrulation - the formation of 3 cell layers; the beginning of all of the organs & tissues of the embryo will form from these 3 layers
Early Development • Neurulation - the development of the nervous system, occurs shortly after gastrulation
Early Development • Placenta - connections between mother & developing embryo • The embryo needs a supply of nutrients & oxygen, & a way to get rid of carbon dioxide & wastes • Nutrients & oxygen diffuse from the mother’s blood into the baby’s blood