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Joint BLM Threshold and LHC Collimation Working Group meeting 2014 August 25

COLLIMATOR LOAD AND BLM RESPONSE. Francesco Cerutti, Anton Lechner , Eleftherios Skordis for the team. proton interaction distribution in the collimators by Roderik Bruce et al. (collimation team). Joint BLM Threshold and LHC Collimation Working Group meeting 2014 August 25.

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Joint BLM Threshold and LHC Collimation Working Group meeting 2014 August 25

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COLLIMATOR LOAD AND BLM RESPONSE Francesco Cerutti, Anton Lechner, EleftheriosSkordis for the team proton interaction distribution in the collimators by Roderik Bruce et al. (collimation team) Joint BLM Threshold and LHC Collimation Working Group meeting 2014 August 25

  2. DIFFERENT SENSITIVITY [I] normalized to 4.58 10-12Gy/p i.e. the BLM_TCP.C response to a 3.5 TeV proton caught in the TCP.C dependence on jaw orientation dominant cross talk energy dependence

  3. DIFFERENT SENSITIVITY [II] normalized to 4.58 10-12Gy/p i.e. the BLM_TCP.C response to a 3.5 TeV proton caught in the TCP.C dependence on jaw material dependence on jaw orientation cross talk, even backwards energy dependence

  4. REFERENCE AND BENCHMARKING E. Skordis’ presentation at the CWG #160 on May 6, 2013

  5. LOSS DEPTH IN THE TCTs 3.5 TeV 2011 TCTH TCTH shifted by 5mm TCTV 7TeV HL-LHC TCTV shifted by 7.5mm

  6. VARIATION OF THE TCT BLM RESPONSE [I] normalized to 4.58 10-12Gy/p i.e. the BLM_TCP.C response to a 3.5 TeV proton caught in the TCP.C

  7. VARIATION OF THE TCT BLM RESPONSE [II] normalized to 4.58 10-12Gy/p i.e. the BLM_TCP.C response to a 3.5 TeV proton caught in the TCP.C

  8. VARIATION OF THE TCT BLM RESPONSE [III] normalized to 4.58 10-12Gy/p i.e. the BLM_TCP.C response to a 3.5 TeV proton caught in the TCP.C

  9. LOAD ON THE TCT JAWS 7TeV HL-LHC TCTH: 2.14 + 2.58 10-7 J per caught proton TCTV: 3.22 + 1.82 10-7 J per caught proton

  10. LOAD ON THE TCP JAWS 3.5 TeV [F. Cerutti’s presentation at the CWG #108 on Nov 9, 2009] here (multiple) ionizing passages of halo protons before interaction not considered TCPC: 1.05 10-8 J (in the whole collimator) per caught proton TCPB: 3.910-8 J (in the whole collimator) per proton caught in the TCPC


  12. CONCLUSIONS • Number of protons lost in a collimator and signal of the respective BLM are not connected by an universal constant. Strong dependence on jaw material, orientation and relative BLM position as well as very important cross talk. • Response matrices (per lost proton) were calculated for primary and tertiary collimators, considering different beam energies and machine configurations. Looking at TCTs, the various spatial distributions of losses in the collimator jaws, varying from one collimator to another and as a function of the halo plane and of optics and collimator settings, with averages values of the order of mm, do not affect significantly the BLM response. Collimator settings may significantly change the number of losses on a collimator and consequently scale up the respective BLM signal, without changing the response matrix. Before writing numbers in stone, a systematic revision is advisable (e.g. to uniform assumptions on jaw density). • Assessment of collimator load limits can be improved based on joint simulations including the thermomechanical stage. • Physics debris collimator thresholds are a special case, not touched here.

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