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Preparazione analisi Global Runs. Esperienza dal “November Global Run” (“GREN”): ~ 2 settimane di data taking [ => running conditions (non sempre stabili con : DT (whole YB0), RPC (baseline: YB0/+1/+2 Sect4/5/10/11), CSC (YE+2, ME2+ME3)
Preparazione analisi Global Runs Esperienza dal “November Global Run” (“GREN”): ~ 2 settimane di data taking [ => running conditions (non sempre stabili con : DT (whole YB0), RPC (baseline: YB0/+1/+2 Sect4/5/10/11), CSC (YE+2, ME2+ME3) HCAL, ECAL DTTF,CSCF trigger & readout ] Preparazione/schedula prossimi Global runs: - ~fine Febbraio (3 wheels? Alcuni moduli del Tracker?) - Aprile (full Tracker?) - Maggio: CMS chiuso, 4 weeks data taking, B on
Next Global Runs Tentative schedule (Acosta/Camporesi, Dec.CMSweek)
“GREN” ~20 M triggers very useful for - syncronization, calibration, alignment - reconstruction optimization: local/global - trigger` studies - correlation between different detectors In generale, e’ stata una ottima “palestra” per le DT Alcuni esempi…
Synchronization: BX id for HH triggers Triggering Sectors: 3,4,5 & 9, 10,11 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 9 Sector 10 Sector 11
Prompt-Offline time calibration (DT+RPC+HCAL triggers) -MB1 -MB2 -MB3 -MB4
Prompt- Local Reconstruction checks: Hit residuals (dominated by uncertainty due to muon time of arrival within the BX window): Run30625 -MB1 -MB2 -MB3 -MB4
Trigger checks: DT vs RPC DT in RPC-triggered Events: [ Run 30333 ;14804 RPC Triggers in Sectors 9,10,11 & 3)
Correlation between DTTF & TDC data position plot shifted for MB2 (understood) MB1 Trigger position No bending angle in MB3 MB2 MB3 MB4 Track position Track angle
Global reconstruction Multiplicity of associated hits to global tracks (linking 2 or more stations): Run 30625
Global reconstruction Run 30514, ~ 107,000 triggers, ~45’ data taking, ~ 40 Hz
Extrapolations to calos ~20% (~8 Hz) Run 30514 ~40% Extrapolation used in HLT streams
DT↔ HCAL correlations Usage of DT info from other detectors Run 30205, 8,000 Hcal mip triggers DT Eta tower prediction DT Phi tower prediction HCAL Phi tower index HCAL Eta tower index “Analysis of HCAL-mip triggers using DT tracks “, P.De Barbaro et al.
GREx- sw documentation GREx documentation (sw, config files, db info…) pages will be regularly linked from the general DT-DPG twiki: https: //twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MuonDPGDT https: //twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/DTanalysisGR ….
Dati: trasferiti e registrati a Legnaro prompt Calib + reco checks here Output to CMS Orcoff (in a non-authomatized way) ~10 h latency Prompt “official” reco @ CAF then Reco, DTEcal/DTHcal streams ect.. to others T1/T2 tiers Dati analizzabili dal cluster lxcmssrvN (N=4,6) di Padova: ‘working example’ su : /raid3/share/GRENanalysis/DTAnalyzer_GREN_YB0_Frontier_LNL.cfg
Preparazione Global Runs futuri • Utilizzo dati di allineamento (survey + allineamenti ‘interni’ • alle camere) • tests sui dati gia’ esistenti del GREN • inserimento in DB ufficiale letto da CMSSW • (analogamente a quanto gia’ fatto per i test pulse di • calibrazione temporale) • Studio sui dati esistenti delle estrapolazioni al tracker • (rates, possibili selezioni di triggers); studio delle • estrapolazioni ‘sopra-sotto’; • Essere pronti a “inglobare” i dati del Tracker nell’ analisi • contatto/collaborazione col gruppo di ricostruzione • del Tracker (Patrizia?/ Boris? / altri…?)
Alignment checks on GREN data Using data produced from Santander Group (P.Martinez et al.) From commissioning & Quality Control Check data http: //cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/MUON/ alignment/DTinternal/main.html [ YB0 Sectors: 3, 9, 10 & 11; not all chambers available at moment ] Some **very** preliminary Results (Alicia, U.G.) (next slides)
“Internal Alignment”: GREN Run 30625 MB2 MB1 MB4 MB3 Nominal position Using alignment DB YB0, Sect 3 MB4: no correction available
Internal alignment YB0, Sect 9
Internal alignment YB0, Sect 10
Internal alignment YB0, Sect 11
Checks of survey data: alignm.between chambers • - Observed • relative mis-alignments • between chambers • w.r.t. nominal geometry • Correlate with survey measurements (to be done) • Insert data in DB; needed for • correct trigger DTTF behaviour as soon as we want to • implement pointing LUT’s (e.g. to Tracker) for next Global Runs (next slides)
Alignment between chambers YB0, all sectors ( GREN Run 30625) : Extrapolations: MB1 MB2 MB1 MB3 MB1 MB4 MB2 MB1
Alignment : YB0 Sect 3,4 & 5 Extrapolations: MB1 MB2 MB1 MB3 MB1 MB4 MB2 MB1
Alignment : YB0 Sect 9, 10 & 11 Extrapolations: MB1 MB2 MB1 MB3 MB1 MB4 MB2 MB1
Confronto dati -MC Ripetere le analisi di MTCC (su tutto il detector!) Muon spectra & mu+/mu- ratio