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The Dictators. Ms. Rebecca RIST 10 SS Rise of the Dictator. Today. We are going to learn about another result of the Great Depression and the end of WWI: The Rise of Dictatorships ☺☻♥. I. What is a dictatorship?. A government that is led by one person who has all of the power.
The Dictators Ms. Rebecca RIST 10 SS Rise of the Dictator
Today • We are going to learn about another result of the Great Depression and the end of WWI: The Rise of Dictatorships ☺☻♥
I. What is a dictatorship? • A government that is led by one person who has all of the power
How might one person gain total control of a nation? • How do you think a leader can take control of a country? Answer in your notebooks!
Why? • Why would an all-powerful leader want to control what was taught in schools? http://www.stormy.org/gifs/mindcont.gif
What happens in a dictatorship • Rise to power • Characteristics of a dictatorship • Overthrowing a dictatorship • Why did the dictators come to power in the 1930s?
A. Rise to power • 1. Revolution • 2. Fair election • 3. Military power
B. Characteristics of a dictatorship • 1. power to make all laws (not to share power) • 2. indefinite time limit • 3. no free press/media (censorship) • 4. secret police
C. Overthrowing a dictatorship • 1.violent protest • 2. peaceful protest • 3. loss of a war
D. Why did the dictators come to power in the 1930s? • 1. fear/hatred of communism (excludes USSR) or old system (in general) • 2. Great Depression • 3. Dictators Promised to fix old problems. • 4. new, weak democracies were not good. Dictators said they could fix government.
E. Which countries had dictators after WWI? • 1. Italy • 2. Germany • 3. Russia • 4. Japan (military dictatorship) • 5. Spain
How did WWI and The Great Depression lead to dictators taking power? • Dictatorspromised to help fix the problems cause by WWI and the Great Depression • Example: Germany had a bad economy after WWI and the Great Depression, Hitler promised to help German businesses and people be more successful.
How dictators rules • They had total control over the country • No free speech • Many dictators jailed or killed anyone who spoke out against them. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ImFnbDQO8Mw/SlNwoQ50gnI/AAAAAAAABgw/QBEE_-TGqFU/s320/NoFreeSpeech.gif
Secret Police • Were used to find people who were saying bad things about the government. http://img.metro.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/SPEEDCAMERA_450X300.jpg
Schools • Dictators also decided what was taught in schools. Students learned to obey the dictator. http://qis.ucf.edu/img/photos/classroom.jpg
News • Dictators also controlled what stories were in the news. That means that people only heard stories the dictator wanted them to hear. http://www.suzannesutton.com/newspaper.gif
Dictator in the Soviet Union • Joseph Stalin: In 1924 two men wanted power over the Soviet Union. Stalin had the other man killed so he would win power. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PPJ8spd0kNE/SKC_rajmz1I/AAAAAAAAARo/j1wiz6DQNGU/s400/trotsky+stalin.jpg
Stalin was a brutal (mean) ruler • Stalin Quote: “The death of a million people is only a number” • What does this quote mean?
Collective Farms • Stalin forced peasants (poor people in the country) to work on farms that were run by the government, They worked very had and were forced to do a certain amount of work each day, no matter what! http://search.marxists.org/archive/newsholme/1933/red-medicine/photos/page-009.jpg
Did Stalin help fix the problems in the Soviet Union after WWI and the Great Depression? • Sort of. He DID build up industry (factories) and by 1939, the Soviet Union was a leading industrial country! http://www.internetvibes.net/wp-content/gallery/stalin-posters/th/poster37_thumb.jpg
Dictator in Italy • WWI left Italy with many problems. • The country was in debt. • People lost their jobs • The democratic government was weak. http://www.lifeinitaly.com/newsfeed/photoM/c50c4a261a2d98c7a50b1f63afa9290b.jpg
New Dictator: Benito Mussolini • Took over. Instead of letting people vote, Mussolini would now make all of the decisions for the country.
Mussolini promised to help Italians • He said he would make Italy as great as it was during the Roman Empire. http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://seeker401.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/13602_fall_of_the_roman_empire_screen_5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://seeker401.wordpress.com/2009/08/11/the-new-roman-empire/&usg=__EiiQkqA6OQBSunonHYRsZvzGEyA=&h=333&w=500&sz=71&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=LyJ6zyq5dvsIrM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRoman%2BEmpire%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
He took more land • To build the Italian Empire, Mussolini ordered solders to invade Ethiopia in 1935. The League of Nations didn’t try to stop him.
Spain • Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was inspired by the success of Mussolini. http://www.pv-tech.org/images/uploads/miscellaneous_solar/map-of-spain2.jpg
Franco • Was an army general and led others who wanted Spain to be a fascist (government with one powerful dictator) http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/80/680-004-A01F5ADF.jpg
Spanish Civil War • There was a civil war in Spain between people who wanted democracy and people who wanted one leader to make all decisions and Franco and the fascists won! Franco became the dictator of Spain.
Dictator in Germany • After WWI, Germany was hurt very badly.
They started with a democracy after the war…. • It was called the Weimar Republic, but it didn’t last very long. People were hurting economically so they wanted a change in government.
Other political groups • Tried to gain power but no one could get the support of the majority of the population. http://serenitythruhaiku.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/obama-inauguration-fan.jpg
Why? • People didn’t think any of the parties could fix the problems Germany faced after WWI. http://www.gbiputera.org/uploads/dirimg_gbr/Hopeless.jpg
Nazi Party • One of the political parties after WWI was the Nazi Party. They wanted a man named Adolf Hitler to be the leader of Germany. http://library.usu.edu/Specol/digitalexhibits/masaryk/images/swastika.jpg
Hitler • In 1923 Hitler tried to overthrow the republic (German government). He failed and went to jail. http://www.hitler.org/writings/prison/prison-large.jpg
While in jail • He had a lot of time to think and he even wrote a book called: Mein Kampf (My Struggle). http://truereligiondebate.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/meinkampf.jpg
When Hitler got out of prison • He convinced Germans to worry about a Communist Revolution • He promised to help protect Germany from communism if he was the ruler. http://rlv.zcache.com/communism_is_bad_for_the_human_spirit_communi_bumper_sticker-p128748910666832597tmn6_210.jpg
Strong leader • Hitler seemed like a strong leader. People wanted a strong leader to help them fix the problems of WWI and the Great Depression.
Election? • In 1933, Hitler won and election to be the dictator of Germany! http://wpcontent.answers.com/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/7d/Adolf_Hitler_cph_3a48970.jpg/180px-Adolf_Hitler_cph_3a48970.jpg
Promises • He promised to return Germany to greatness and that he would get back the land Germany had lost in the Treaty of Versailles. http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.earthstation1.com/WWIIPics/Germany/Hitler/HitlerAddressesRallyAtDortmund1933.jpg&imgrefurl=http://staticfix.blogspot.com/2008/09/germanys-jeremiah-bonhoeffer.html&usg=__HLp8efTkoYxHMIR_4QNe107dFkw=&h=877&w=1303&sz=210&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=XOMhxB5wii_oeM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHitler%2Bpromises%2Bto%2Bfix%2BGermany%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
Powerful Rulers in Japan • Japan was different from Italy, Spain, and Germany • It didn’t have one dictator. It was controlled by a group of military leaders. http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.usshadley.com/japs.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.usshadley.com/Enemy.htm&usg=__0009UxyTpJs8JnoaW2GT9RsKyyw=&h=446&w=600&sz=34&hl=en&start=11&tbnid=F4CLz2BzCqj3lM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJapanese%2BMilitary%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
The most famous military leader • Hideki Tojo http://www.solarnavigator.net/history/explorers_history/Hideki_Tojo.jpg
The Great Depression • Really hurt Japan.
Why? • Japan is a group of islands and it really depends on trade from other countries because it can’t get everything on the islands. Also they make money from trade with other countries.
When world trade slowed during the Great Depression • The military said that Japanese trade was bad because of the weak democratic government.
The Military took over! http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.usshadley.com/japs.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.usshadley.com/Enemy.htm&usg=__0009UxyTpJs8JnoaW2GT9RsKyyw=&h=446&w=600&sz=34&hl=en&start=10&sig2=3HvV8sxP-b75-j2usM_VdQ&um=1&tbnid=F4CLz2BzCqj3lM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJapanese%2BMilitary%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=cD_lSt7MMtSHkQX4md2eAQ
How did the military change Japan? • Japan used to trade for raw materials from other countries but under the military dictatorsthey just TOOK what they wanted. http://japansconspiracy.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Z02/daily3.jpg
Manchuria • In 1931, Japan invaded Manchiria. • The Chinese province of Manchura was rich in coal, and iron. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/images/hist_ma1.gif
Japan wanted to get stronger • Leaders like Hideki Tojo looked for more and more land to take over to strengthen the Japanese empire.☺
Let’s learn more about dictators! • Partner Reading! • Be sure that both of you understand the section “The Rise of Dictators” on pages 435-439 in your book • There will be a quiz on what you read!
What made it possible for each of these dictators to take power? And how did they change history? • Let’s Find out! • Group Project! • Group 1: Russia-Joseph Stalin: Mile, Mim, Lynn • Group 2: Italy-Benito Mussolini: • Ghing, Lek, SuJeong • Group 3: Germany-Adolf Hitler: • New, Nut, Arms • Group 4: Japan-Hideki Tojo: • Kazu, Taka, Shogo
Resources you can use: • Your textbook • Your powerpoint notes • Other encyclopedias and books • Websites like: • 1. http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au • 2. http://kids.yahoo.com • 3. or do a google search of specific questions like: “What were some bad things that Hideki Tojo did?”