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Thanks. Sam Aronson (former RHIC user). Impressions. Excellent workshop! High quality talks; substantial, constructive discussions in the parallel sessions Hot QCD Very timely: near the end of an 18-month effort to put together the future RHIC science case EIC2006

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thanks Sam Aronson (former RHIC user)

  2. Impressions • Excellent workshop! • High quality talks; substantial, constructive discussions in the parallel sessions • Hot QCD • Very timely: near the end of an 18-month effort to put together the future RHIC science case • EIC2006 • Very important: bringing together the two pieces of the QCD community

  3. What’s next? • More work in the run-up to the LRP • Luminosity needs vs. physics objectives • Luminosity capabilities of EIC machine designs • Detector concepts, R&D • Town meetings ~ this workshop • LRP objectives • What does the QCD community want in the LRP recommendations?

  4. Organizers A. Deshpande (SBU/RBRC) R. Ent (JLab) J. Harris (Yale) B. Jacak (SBU) L. Merminga (JLab) R. Milner (MIT/Bates) T.Roser (BNL), M. Vanderhaegen (W&M/JLab) R. Venugopalan (BNL) W. Vogelsang (BNL) Sabrina Parrish Pam Esposito Barbara Moebes Marcy Chaloupka Attendees ~150 from ~50 institutions Parallel Session Leaders Accelerator issues for the EIC L. Merminga (Jlab) V. Ptitsyn (BNL) C. Tschaeler (MIT/Bates) The structure of the nucleon E. Sichtermann (LBL) M. Vanderhaeghen (Jlab, W&M) E. Kinney (Colorado) W. Vogelsang (BNL) F. Yuan (BNL) QCD at Zero Temperature A. Bruell (Jlab) C. Gagliardi (TAMU) R. Venugopalan (BNL) C. Weiss (Jlab) QCD at High Temperature  R. Bellwied (Wayne State) A. Frawley (FSU)   S. Mioduszewski (Texas) U. Wiedemann (SBU/RBRC) Detector design and planning group H. Fenker (Jlab) C. Hyde-Wright (ODU) E. Kistenev (BNL) B. Surrow (MIT) Thank you!

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