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Wellness & Relaxation. The Mind – Body Connection. “It is your mind that creates this world.” – The Buddah. "He that can compose himself, is wiser than he that composes books." Benjamin Franklin. Relaxation, a wellness “activity”?.
Wellness & Relaxation The Mind – Body Connection
“It is your mind that creates this world.” – The Buddah "He that can compose himself, is wiser than he that composes books." Benjamin Franklin
Relaxation, a wellness “activity”? • Often, emphasis of leisure activity for wellness is on the “activity.” • Our culture tends to emphasize doing rather than being. • We tend to think of our minds as separate from our bodies. (Example: We go to work, then go to the gym). • Mind/Body are in reality inseparable.
Mind-Body Views in the East • Whereas Western cultures tend to emphasize intellect and physical conditioning as separate entities, many eastern cultures emphasize integration. • Example: Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditation. • Activity 1: “Keeping One Point” • Activity 2: “Immovable Body”
Western findings on mind-body • Perception is reality. There need not be an actual stressor in your environment to elicit a stress response, “imagined” stressors activate fight/flight response. • Acute stressors (Ex: close call on the freeway) are over quickly and the parasympathetic nervous system can compensate within 3 minutes. • Chronic stressors cause your adrenal glands to secrete corticoids. They inhibit digestion, reproduction, growth, tissue repair, and immune system response.
Training Your Mind • If the mind can cause the stress reaction in your body, it is logical to believe the the mind can reverse it. • Stress reduction techniques focus on preventative measures to inoculate against stress. • Relaxation techniques use the power of your mind to relieve stress in your body.
Time Management Exercise / Diet Assertiveness Skills Communication Skills Cognitive Techniques Meditation Moving Meditation (Yoga, Tai Chi, etc) Rituals (Bubble bath with candles, etc) Self-Hypnosis Guided Imagery Breathing Exercises EMDR Stress Reduction vs. Relxation
Does it really work? • Heartbeat / breathing rates slow down. • Oxygen consumption falls by 20% • Blood lactate levels drop (This level rises with stress and fatigue). • Skin resistance to electrical current, a sign of relaxation, increases X4. • EEG ratings of brain wave patterns indicate increased alpha activity.
Get in touch with your stress … • Think of one moderately stressful events/situations that have happened to you. • If stress was on a scale from 1 (not stressful at all) to 10 (Unbearably stressful)the events should be about a 5 or 6(I feel pretty uncomfortable and pressured). • You will not have to share, just visualize it. Choose a SPECIFIC event you can picture.
Very Basic E.M.D.R. • Sit comfortably in your chair and focus on stressful event (about a 5 or 6). • With eyes open or closed keeping your head still, move your eyes between two points as demonstrated. (25 times) • Re-rate your stress level
The “How To” of Meditation • Establish your posture(Lotus, Tailor, Seisa, or Relaxed Chair) • Grounding • Breathing • Attitude • Choose a style(Mantra, Breath Count, Moving Band)
Make a commitment to change … • “I will (insert behavior) this week, (number) times.” • Behaviors: Meditate, Use progressive relaxation,Try out x number of resources, or make up your own … • One week from today, check in with your partner from the “keep one point” exercise and report how you did.