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This session provides an overview of the criteria and steps for a junior promotion in the Faculty of Medicine. Participants will gain insights into the promotion process and available resources.
Dr Viola Antao, Faculty Development Director, DFCM Marie Leverman, Academic Promotions Coordinator, DFCM REVISED PP: January 31, 2017 Welcome 2017 Junior Promotion Information Session Friday January 27, 2017
Note: We received an overwhelming interest to our inaugural Junior Promotion Information Session! We received great feedback and excellent tips in going forward with future sessions. We have updated the PowerPoint slides (that were originally presented at the January 27, 2017 session) to include more information around the documents required for a junior promotion and the overall promotion process. Thank you.
The meaning of a junior promotion in the Faculty of Medicine:
Objectives of the Information Session At the end of this session participants will: • Have a general overview and knowledge of the criteria in applying for a junior promotion • Understand the steps to apply for a junior promotion • Identify the resources available to you
Why we are here today …. To help you look at the work you are engaged in and evaluate the scholarly potential. Start organizing your work!
Confidentiality • con·fi·den·tial • 1. spoken, written, acted on, etc., in strict privacy or secrecy; secret: a confidential remark • 2. indicating confidence or intimacy; imparting private matters: a confidential tone of voice • 3. having another's trust or confidence; entrusted with secrets or private affairs: a confidential secretary
Please wait for instructions….. Power “ON” your clicker Do you have an iclicker in your hand? (test question) • A – Yes • B – No • C – What is an iclicker? • D – This is fun! • E – I want to win the lottery
iclicker I am currently at the rank of: • A – Lecturer • B – Assistant Professor • C – Associate Professor • D – Professor • E – I am not sure
iclicker I have been a faculty member for: • A – 1 to 2 years • B – 3 to 6 years • C – 7 to 8 years • D – 9 to 10 years • E – More than 10 years
Iclicker This UofT President rode a Harley and was Nicknamed “Dr Wild Thing”. • A – Sir Robert Falconer • B – John McCaul • C – James Loudon • D – George Connell • E – Dean Trevor Young Answer will be given at the end of the session!
WHAT WHY WHO WHEN WHERE Junior Promotion Lecturer to Assistant Professor
What is a junior promotion? What is a Junior Promotion? In the Faculty of Medicine, a junior promotion refers to promotion to the academic ranks of Lecturer to Assistant Professor (clinical academic faculty appointment)
What is a junior promotion at UofT? Promotion is not granted as a reward for long-term service, but rather to recognize those who have excelled in specific aspects of the academic mission. Your academic activities, since the initial date of appointment, should showcase impact, importance and innovation at a local or provincial level.
What is a junior promotion? Lecturer to Assistant Professor (clinical academic faculty appointment) An individual or individuals, licensed to practice medicine in Ontario and holding a Medical-Dental staff appointment on the Active Staff (or equivalent) of a fully-affiliated teaching hospital or community teaching hospital, or an affiliated community practice or, less often, working in a community clinic, industry or in private practice, and appointed as clinical faculty in a Faculty of Medicine clinical department.
What is a junior promotion at UofT? Your Academic Activities Includes: • research • creative professional activity (as defined in University policy • teaching (including provisions of clinical care that may involve supervision of students, residents, or other clinical trainees) • academic administration or work that is deemed by the Faculty of Medicine to be directly in support of University academic work by other clinical faculty
What is a junior promotion at UofT? influence effect impression originality invention improvement advancement standing reputation position
What is a junior promotion at UofT? Ontario • TORONTO • DFCM - Your site – UofT • The GTA
What is required to receive a promotion? Faculty may apply for a junior promotion under the category of Sustained Commitment in ONE of the following categories: • Teaching Effectiveness • Educational or Curriculum Development • Creative Professional Activity (CPA) OR • Advanced Degree • Graduate program - post MD + 2 first authored peer-reviewed publications
What is …. Sustained Commitment • A continuous and long standing commitment • A dedication and responsibility to your discipline • Active commitment to and championing • Demonstrated evidence/leadership/education scholarship within our department and the University community A sustained and successful commitment to, and engagement in, DFCM academic activities and/or professional practice.
What is required to receive a promotion? Sustained commitment (3-10 years) in ONE category
What documents are required for a promotion? • Checklist • Letter of Support • CV • Application form • Academic position description • Professional development plan • Internal letters of reference • Time commitment form (full time faculty only) • Dossier (teaching or research or CPA) • Teaching and education supporting documents • Publications (if applicable)
What documents are required for a promotion? The Checklist Guide The checklist guide for a junior promotion describes the documents by which our department and the Department Appointments Committee (DAC) requires to determine if a promotion is “supported” to go forward to HR for approval. • It provides detailed information of the required documents • Identifies who is responsible to complete what form • (Chief or the faculty member or the administrator) • Tips on completing the dossier http://www.dfcm.utoronto.ca/junior-promotion
What should we discuss? • What aspects of my (academic) work am I most proud of? • What do I do with my (academic) time that I’m most passionate about? • What ”products” best illustrate my work? • What motivated me to do this work? • How does it fit with other things I’m doing, and the philosophy I bring to the things I do? • Readiness for promotion
Why? Why apply for a junior promotion? What does a Junior Promotion mean to YOU? • A - acknowledgement of my work • B - progression through the ranks • C - my position requires a certain rank • D - a personal goal • E - important to my mother
Why? Junior Promotion – What has this meant to you?
Who - can assist me? • Meet with your Chief/Director • Faculty that have received a junior promotion • Your Faculty Development Representative • Talk to your peers/colleagues • Hospital Administrators • The DFCM • Attend a WORKSHOP • Candidates have found the workshop to be most valuable and effective in completing a promotion dossier • When attending the workshop, participants will leave with a binder that they can immediately apply to preparing their application In addition, our videos! • Videos (4) of successful candidates
Who? Workshop Thursday February 23 4:00 – 5:30 How Do I Become an Assistant Professor?
The workshop? • This workshop will outline the steps, process and criteria for promotion. • We will assess your body of work around teaching effectiveness, creative professional activity or research in order to match the criteria for promotion. • This workshop will use a combination of methods including interactive lecture, small group discussion, informational videos and individual assessment. • Each participant will leave with a junior promotion binder that they can immediately apply to preparing their own application.
WHEN? When can I start the application process?
When can I apply for a promotion? There may be differences in the timing of promotion because of competing responsibilities and other factors: • On average, a faculty member holding a full time appointment would require a minimum of 3 years • On average, a faculty member holding a part time appointment would require a minimum of 3-5 years • On average, a faculty member holding an adjunct appointment would require approximately 10 years
When can I apply for a promotion? There may be differences in the timing of promotion because of competing responsibilities and other factors: • On average, a faculty member holding a full time appointment would require a minimum of 3 years • On average, a faculty member holding a part time appointment would require a minimum of 3-5 years • On average, a faculty member holding an adjunct appointment would require approximately 10 years
When can I apply for a junior promotion Full Time, Part Time, Adjunct The clinical academic faculty appointment group is based on the time engaged in DFCM academic activities. • Full Time Clinical Appointment: 80% of his/her professional working time • Part Time Clinical Appointment: for less than 79%, but for 20% or more of his/her professional working time • Adjunct Clinical Appointment: for less then 20% of his/her professional working time
When can I apply for a junior promotion? How do I know if I hold an Adjunct – Part Time – Full Time appointment? • Check with your respective Chief/DFCM Director • Review your Letter of Offer • A Letter of Offer is emailed to the appointee and a copy is sent to the Family Physician-In-Chief or approved Program Director as well as the site or program coordinator. • The Letter of Offer is signed and returned to the DFCM by the appointee.
WHERE do I begin? One Step At A Time!
Where do I begin? • CV • Teaching Dossier • Research • Creative Professional Activity • Publications • Letters-Emails • Miscellaneous
Watch the videos! We are pleased to provide four videos of DFCM faculty on How to Become an Assistant Professor. • Junior Promotion - What has this meant to you? • Junior Promotion - Who has helped you? • Junior Promotion - Do you have any advice for others? • Junior Promotion - How to make a junior promotions easier