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Country report: Peru. Present situation and perspectives of energy use in Peru (update) Manfred Horn Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Lima, Peru mhorn@uni.edu.pe. Initial version presented at Energy Project Workshop Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 6-7, 2010. 24%. 69%. 7%. Hidroenergía
Country report: Peru Present situation and perspectives of energy use in Peru (update) Manfred Horn Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Lima, Peru mhorn@uni.edu.pe Initial version presented at Energy Project Workshop Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 6-7, 2010
24% 69% 7% • Hidroenergía • Biocombustibles • Energía no Convencionales The official Government policy 2020 Change of energy matrix Objetivo 2010 al 2008 2000 Antes de Camisea % Percentage of commercial energy http://www.minem.gob.pe/
412 MW renewable electricity generation The Peruvian government has signed contracts in 2010 with a number of companies for 26 green energy projects which will see a combined investment of US$1bn. The contracts are the result of the first renewable energy auction in Peru, which took place in February 2010. The 26 energy projects will generate a combined 412 megawatts (MW) in green energy, including 162MW of hydropower, 142MW of wind power, 80MW of solar power and 27MW of biomass. The projects are required to enter operation by December 31 2012 and to provide electricity for 20 years. The contracts include clauses for the electricity generators to sell the power produced to Peru's electricity distributors.
Master Plan for Rural Electrification by enewable Energy 280 000 households are planned for renewable energy electrification, mostly with PV
Six IANAS project priority areas: • Meeting the energy needs of the poorest people • Improving energy efficiency from energy sources to end uses • Building the necessary human, educational and institutional capacity • Raising the consciousness of the need for a sustainable future • Expanding the contribution of renewable energy • Drafting a balanced bioenergy roadmap that includes advanced technologies Priority areas in Peru where the science community can give a mayor contribution
Activities of the Peruvian Academy of Sciences, in the area of energy 2009: seminar on wind energy 2010: seminar on efficient energy use 2011 (July 1):seminar on solar energy
Workshop on energy efficiency Six research proposals:
Necessity: Coordination with other institutions www.elecsolrural.org http://fc.uni.edu.pe/riasef
Example: Pico Photovoltaics Electricity consumed per household (kWh/month) 2008 1.26 Millones usuarios 262 kWh/month 12 kWh/month 1.61 Millones usuarios 1.36 Millones usuarios 61 kWh/month National monthly mean: 123 kWh/month Fuente: Anuarios OSINERGMIN 2007 -2008
2nd Symposium Small PV-Applications,Ulm, Germany, June 6 -7, 2011 Pico PV in Peru Laboratory tests of LED lamps for Pico PV Systems Manfred Horn National Engineering University, Lima, Peru mhorn@uni.edu.pe http://fc.uni.edu-pe/mhorn
Why Pico PV in Peru? • Laboratory tests • Conclusions Some general data: Peru Area 1,3 x 10 6 km2 (60% jungle) Population 29 x 10 6 (30% poor) GDP/capita $ 5000 Electrification 80 % Electricity consumption 1000 kWh/cap year
Electricity consumption (referential) in rural regions for the group with a monthly mean consumption of 12 kWh. Main use is the illumination with incandescent lamps (10 lm/W) 50 W X 4 hours x 30 days = 6 kWh 50 W X 3 hours x 30 days = 4.5 kWh 10 W X 5 hours x 30 days = 1.5 kWh TOTAL = 12 kWh/month
Pico – Photovoltaic systems • Tecnology (june. 2011) • PV panels of 1 – 5 W • Li- Ion batteries incorporated ( ~ 10 Wh) • LED lamps (50000 h;100 - 130 lm/W); • other uses: radio, celular phone charger, etc. • Cost < 100 $ • > 5 - 10 h light per day
With incandescent light bulbs (11 lm/W) and 10 kWh/month of electricity, one gets a luminous energy of 110 klmh/month. Using good LEDs (110 lm/W), one gets the same luminous energy with 1 kWh/month of electricity, produced with a5 – 10 Wp PV panel. Therefore, a Pico PV system can produce practically the same benefits that have people in rural areas connected to the grid, but at a much lower cost. Based on these arguments, the Peruvian Government started in 2010 a pilot project with the goal to install 50 000 Pico PV systems. As the first step , and with the support of GIZ, 11 different LED lamps were tested in the laboratory, with the results shown next. As a next step, a field test with 100 – 200 families will be made using the lamps with the best laboratory results, before, finally, implementing the main project.
Barriers • There exist few “experts” in solar energy in Peru (one year postgraduate trainig program SEPES at UNI, since 1980) • The responsible people at the government , municipalities, etc. have little technical knowledge about PV • Missing quality control (Solar Lab – UNI) Conclusion: we need more training programs and more quality control
Other example for research and technology development - Bioclimatic houses Urgent: Improvement of the rural houses in the high Andes region (very low temperatures) • Good examples: • Espinar, Cusco • (Missioners Belén-Immensee) • Raymina, Vilcashuamán, • Ayacucho ( CER-UNI)
Objective • To improve the quality of life of the members of the community, implementing production lines, using their native products and clean technologies with renewable energies, mainly solar energy. • Cheese production • Ecological tourism • Improved stoves • Green houses • etc.
Results • Se cuenta con 15000 plantones de pino y eucalipto en etapa de crecimiento dentro de 3 invernaderos tipo túnel construidos. • Masa crítica de comuneros con mayor y mejor conocimiento del desarrollo de los procesos productivos de los principales recursos de su comunidad. • Respuesta positiva y opiniones favorables de las 15 personas, entre nacionales y extranjeros, que fungieron de turistas. Dieron muestra de grata impresión por la organización comunal y los atractivos naturales. • Participación comunal e integración en tres núcleos productivos con responsabilidades específicas. • Autoselección de 10 familias como primeros beneficiarios de los fogones mejorados, sobre la base de criterios establecidos en reunión comunal. Lecciones aprendidas • Innovar procedimientos de transferencia de información conceptual o tecnológica que permitan vencer barreras culturales y comunicativas (efecto de lengua materna diferente). • Necesidad de identificar compatibilidad del concepto de recursos renovables con la cosmovisión tradicional andina a través de la construcción y fortalecimiento de relaciones paritariasEquipo - Comunidad.
Challenges • Armonizar costumbres, visiones y culturas bajo un marco de mutuo respeto. • Generar la participación voluntaria, interesada y firmemente comprometida con objetivos grupales y comunales. • Dotar de sostenibilidad a todas las actividades productivas implantadas . Principales Obstáculos: Muchas gracias por su atención ……..