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Athenian Democracy Definitions

Explore the key components of Athenian democracy, such as archons, boule, and ecclesia, and the reforms by figures like Solon and Kleisthenes. Delve into the socio-political classes, from the Eupatridae to the Zeugites. Uncover the significant events and concepts like Seisactheia and Ostracism that shaped the democratic system.

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Athenian Democracy Definitions

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  1. Athenian Democracy Definitions

  2. Archons • Office-holders, 9 men and a secretary chosen annually by the ekklesia. Eupatridae pre-Solon, Pentacosiomedimni Solon and top two social classes Kleisthenes, one of the 10 gave his name to the yeaar

  3. Areopagus • The hill of Ares. A council made of ex-archons which met there. • Ultimate authority law wise until Solon. • Would supervise the archons pre-Solon but didn't have this role after him.

  4. Basileus Archon • Religious archon, took care of religious law and cases of homicide.

  5. Boule • A council, made of originally 400 members (100 from each of the 4 tribes) until Kleisthenes, where it turned to 500 members (50 from each of the 10 tribes). • Chosen by lot, unpaid office, prepared measures before they were put to the ekklesia.

  6. Deme • Local communities in Athens. Replaced kinship units and became Kleisthenes' basic reform. • Maintained register of citizens over 18 years old. Not geographically or birth based.

  7. Demiourgoi • Craftsmen class pre-Solon. Could vote but not hold archonship. Could become very wealthy.

  8. Ecclesia • Assembly of male citizens summoned as of right. • Meetings usually summoned by the boule, held on the pynx. • Each citizen could vote and speak, show of hands.

  9. Eponymous Archon • Head archon, gave his name to the year.

  10. Eupatridae • Nobles, top class pre-Solon and very much the minority. • Owned all the land and held all the political power.

  11. Georgoi • Small land farmers who found themselves in debt to larger land owners (eupatridae). • Pre-Solon only.

  12. Hippeis • Solon's second census class. 300 measures of corn. • Could afford to provide their own horse and armour. • Could hold public offices except that of archon.

  13. Pentacosionmedimni • Solon's top census class. • 500 measures of corn. • Had to supply the cost of liturgies. • Could hold position of archon and other offices.

  14. Phylae • The tribes. 4 blood based ones before Kleisthenes, 10 random ones after.

  15. Polemarch • One of the archons appointed annually. • Originally military leader until 5th Century BCE.

  16. Prytaneis • Kleisthenes' time, each group of 50 from each tribe would act as president for 1/10th of the year. • Had to organise ekklesia and boule meetings. • Each day one of the prytaneis was chosen to be chairman and to hold the key of Athens per lot.

  17. Seisactheia • "Shaking off of burdens," was the first act of Solon's reforms, cancelling debts and preventing debts ensured by personal freedom.

  18. Thetes • Lowest class of people. • Pre-Solon hired help. • After Solon lowest class, anything less than 200 measures of corn. • Could attend ekklesia and became jurors in helaea.

  19. Zeugites • Pre-Solon, citizens of moderate means (farmers). • Solon's third census class of 200 measures of corn. • Kleisthenes could be archons.

  20. Timocracy • Social class system based on wealth opposed to being based on birth

  21. Oligarchy • Ruling by the powerful few (aristocrats).

  22. Eumonia • Solon's aim, a reign of good order for all, not just one particular class.

  23. Hektemoroi • Indentured Serfs who gave 1/6th of their crop to who they were indebted to. • Solon eradicated this class.

  24. Heliaea • The Ekklesia when in judicial function to act as a court. • Checked on powers of the Council of the Areopagus for appeals.

  25. Men of the Plain • Lead by Lycurgus, wealthy farmers. Wanted oligarchy.

  26. Men of the Coast • Lead by Megacles, middle classes. Didn't like power of the archons.

  27. Men of the Hill • Lead by Peisistratus, poor farmers and urban dwellers. Wanted land and jobs.

  28. 594 BCE • Year of Solon.

  29. 546 BCE • Peisistratus takes power.

  30. 508 BCE • Kleisthenes becomes leader of Athens.

  31. Oikos • Family group, immediate family and smallest tribe unit pre-Kleisthenes.

  32. Genos • Extended family, claimed decent from common ancestor.

  33. Ostracism • The process of temporarily exiling a person in Athens to decapitate powerful factions and to prevent tyranny. • A quorum was needed to be reached for the ostracism to occur. Names were written on ostarkon.

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