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Physics Department. FRM-II. Performance of the new high flux neutron source FRM-II. IGORR10, Gaithersburg, 13. September 2005. Winfried Petry, Technische Universität München. 29. April 1996 1 st nuclear license 1. August 1996 begin of construction 13. October 1997 2 nd nuclear license
Physics Department FRM-II Performance of the new high flux neutron source FRM-II IGORR10, Gaithersburg, 13. September 2005 Winfried Petry, Technische Universität München
29. April 1996 1st nuclear license 1. August 1996 begin of construction 13. October 1997 2nd nuclear license 2.May 2003 3rd nuclear license 2. March 2004 first neutrons 21. October 2004 commissioning finished, 52 full power days of 20 MWatt December 2004 1st Proposal round 29. April 2005 begin routine operation at 20 MWatt August 2005 2nd proposal round today 3rd cycle finished, FRM-II has started its routine operation !
20 MW (8 kg 235U) D2O H2O t concrete Radius FRM-II, the principle
2.5 2.5 118 mm aktive Zone 44.50 130 mm 229 mm 243 mm Fuel element fuel plate channel for fuel element control rod Beryllium zone outer tube of fuel element cooling gap inner tube of fuel element 8 kg 235Uranium 52 days fuel cycle
Unperturbed flux distribution in FRM II • cold-, hot-source, converter, • beam tubes cause • depression • flux depression by 20% • 6.4 –6.5 x 1014 n/cm2s at beam hole positions high [cm] radius [cm]
Cut through the reactor containment ultra cold neutrons thermal positrons thermal neutrons cold neutrons fission products neutron guide fast neutrons tumor therapy radiology hot neutrons
Neutron guide hall atom egg neutron guide hall experimental hall second neutron guide hall in construction
170 120 60 60 50 50 60 60 Neutron guides at SR-1 NL 1 NL 2 NL 3 NL 4 NL 5 NL 6 NL 5a NL 4a NL 3a NL 2a-o NL 6b NL 6b NL 2b NL 3c NL 5b NL 5a NL 4b NL 2a-u NL 3b Schanzer, Borchert
Kasematte SR 8b SR 8a 21 20 2 Tunnel NL 2a 3 NL 1 NL 2c 1 7 NL 2b 4 NL 3a 5 6 NL 3b NL 4a 9 SR 5a NL 4b 8 10 19 12 NL 5b 13 NL 5a SR 2 SR 5b NL 6b 15 11 18 17 NL 6a 16 14 Neutron guide system Instrumente: 1. MatSci-R 5. Mephisto 9. SANS-1 13. Reflektometer 17. PANDA 21. RESI 2. NSE 6. KWS-3 10. PGA 14. RSSM 18. thermisches TOF 3. TOF TOF 7. KWS-2 11. RESEDA 15. DNS 19. TAS-NSRE 4. REFSANS 8. KWS-1 12. NOSPEC 16. MIRA 20. SPODI create guide end positions !!!
Anisotropic power density in FRM-II fuel element 1,8 20 cm above mid plane 1,7 1,6 mid plane 1,5 1,4 Measurement setup power density [relative units] 1,3 140La 487 keV activity 140La 1595 keV activity 132I 667 keV activity collimator detector 1,2 active core region 1,1 20 cm below mid plane 1,0 0,9 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 azimuthal angle [degrees] Comparison of power densities at different heights in the fuel element after two days at about 50 kWatt thermal power, recalculated and by measuring fission product activities some days after operation. Densities are measured and calculated at an outer segment (thickness 13 mm) as function of the azimuthal angle. A dip in the power density (arrow) is clearly visible near to the azimuthal position of the cold source (center at 98°).
control rod position real rod position in very good agreement with 2d-calculation element provides 52 days + maximal 10 extra days
Vertical beam divergence NL1 vertical inhomogenity of cold source Karl Zeitelhack
Twisted Neutron guide NL2b twisted guide element torsion: 2,5° / m twisted guide vacuum tube Karl Zeitelhack
Differential neutron flux at exit of NL2b · positions Fint.= 1,8x109 n/cm2/s extrapolated to 20MW reactor power Karl Zeitelhack
Results Investigation of selected, characteristic neutron guides Measurement of integral and differential neutron flux NL1: Fint. = 9,8 ´109 n/cm2/s (extrapolated to 20MW) ; NL2b: Fint. = 1,8 ´109 n/cm2/s ´´ NL6a: Fint. = 4,9 ´109 n/cm2/s ´´ Horizontal and vertical beam divergence, „effective“ reflectivity results consistent with coatings inhomogenity of cold source masks divergence distributions Simulation Calculations based on MCNP + McStas experimental results in good agreement with simulation ß guides under study have good quality reliable predictions based on simulation calculation feasible twisted guide: phase space turn confirmed, but clearly needs further investigation Karl Zeitelhack
First generation of instruments at FRM II Irradiation facilitiesOperator rapid pneumatic irradiation system ttrans ~ 250 ms TUM chemistry pneumatic rabbit system ttrans ~ 5 - 10 s TUM FRM-II hydraulic rabbit system ttrans > 10 s TUM FRM-II irradiation position in control rod fast TUM FRM-II silicon doping facility 20 cm, length 50 cmTUM FRM-II Clinical tumor therapy MeV neutrons TUM medicine Radio- and tomography with thermal neutrons TUM physics with fast neutrons MeV neutrons TUM chemistry prompt gamma analisys Uni Cologne Diffractometers material diffractometer HMI Berlin powder diffractometer TH Darmstadt/LMU Munich thermal single crystal diffractometer Uni Augsburg/LMU Munich hot single crystal diffractometer RWTH Aachen reflectometer for biology GKSS Geesthacht/LMU Munich reflectometer for hard matter MPG Stuttgart
First generation of instrumentation at FRM II SpectrometerOperator resonance spin-echo spectrometer TUM physics back scattering spectrometer FZ-Jülich cold time-of-flight spectrometer TUM physics cold triple-axis-spectrometer TU Dresden/TUM physics thermal triple-axis-spectrometer Uni Göttingen/TUM physics polarised triple-axis-spectrometer MPG Stuttgart Positron sourceUni German army Fundamental research beam for nuclear physics TUM physics beam for optical experiments TUM physics Under construction & future small angle camera SANS-1 TUM/Uni Göttingen/GKSS 7 instruments from FZ-Jülich FZ-Jülich 3 small angle cameras diffuse scattering spin echo spectrometer high intensity reflectometer thermal inelastic TOF spectrometer bio diffractometer TUM physics Munich accelerator for fission products (MAFF) MLL Munich ultra cold neutrons MLL Munich
4 piston engine driven at 600 rpm time resolution 1 ms Schillinger, Brunner, Calzada, FRM-II
Neutrons have wavelength Bragg equation n = 2d sin d internal stress detector
400 200 0 axial- radial [MPa] -200 -400 8 kN rolling force -600 19 kN rolling force 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 distance from the surface [mm] Optimisation of a crankshaft Mayer, Achmus, Pyzalla, Reimers - HMI, BMW
neutrons in the heart of a university campus